1,452 research outputs found

    Winnerless competition between sensory neurons generates chaos: A possible mechanism for molluscan hunting behavior

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    © 2002 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.In the presence of prey, the marine mollusk Clione limacina exhibits search behavior, i.e., circular motions whose plane and radius change in a chaotic-like manner. We have formulated a dynamical model of the chaotic hunting behavior of Clione based on physiological in vivo and in vitroexperiments. The model includes a description of the action of the cerebral hunting interneuron on the receptor neurons of the gravity sensory organ, the statocyst. A network of six receptor model neurons with Lotka–Volterra-type dynamics and nonsymmetric inhibitory interactions has no simple static attractors that correspond to winner take all phenomena. Instead, the winnerless competition induced by the hunting neuron displays hyperchaos with two positive Lyapunov exponents. The origin of the chaos is related to the interaction of two clusters of receptor neurons that are described with two heteroclinic loops in phase space. We hypothesize that the chaotic activity of the receptor neurons can drive the complex behavior of Clione observed during hunting.Support for this work came from NIH Grant No. 2R01 NS38022- 05A1. P.V. acknowledges support from MCT BFI2000-0157. M.R. acknowledges support from U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG03-96ER14592

    Interface-Induced Plasmon Nonhomogeneity in Nanostructured Metal-Dielectric Planar Metamaterial

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    Transformations of the electronic structure in thin silver layers in metal-dielectric (TiAlN/Ag) multilayer nanocomposite were investigated by a set of electron spectroscopy techniques. Localization of the electronic states in the valence band and reduction of electron concentration in the conduction band was observed. This led to decreasing metallic properties of silver in the thin films. A critical layer thickness of 23.5 nm associated with the development of quantum effects was determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Scanning Auger electron microscopy of characteristic energy losses provided images of plasmon localization in the Ag layers. The nonuniformity of plasmon intensities distribution near the metal-nitride interfaces was assessed experimentally

    Penta-hepta defect chaos in a model for rotating hexagonal convection

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    In a model for rotating non-Boussinesq convection with mean flow we identify a regime of spatio-temporal chaos that is based on a hexagonal planform and is sustained by the {\it induced nucleation} of dislocations by penta-hepta defects. The probability distribution function for the number of defects deviates substantially from the usually observed Poisson-type distribution. It implies strong correlations between the defects inthe form of density-dependent creation and annihilation rates of defects. We extract these rates from the distribution function and also directly from the defect dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Robustness and Enhancement of Neural Synchronization by Activity-Dependent Coupling

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    We study the synchronization of two model neurons coupled through a synapse having an activity-dependent strength. Our synapse follows the rules of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). We show that this plasticity of the coupling between neurons produces enlarged frequency locking zones and results in synchronization that is more rapid and much more robust against noise than classical synchronization arising from connections with constant strength. We also present a simple discrete map model that demonstrates the generality of the phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Essential spectra of difference operators on \sZ^n-periodic graphs

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    Let (\cX, \rho) be a discrete metric space. We suppose that the group \sZ^n acts freely on XX and that the number of orbits of XX with respect to this action is finite. Then we call XX a \sZ^n-periodic discrete metric space. We examine the Fredholm property and essential spectra of band-dominated operators on lp(X)l^p(X) where XX is a \sZ^n-periodic discrete metric space. Our approach is based on the theory of band-dominated operators on \sZ^n and their limit operators. In case XX is the set of vertices of a combinatorial graph, the graph structure defines a Schr\"{o}dinger operator on lp(X)l^p(X) in a natural way. We illustrate our approach by determining the essential spectra of Schr\"{o}dinger operators with slowly oscillating potential both on zig-zag and on hexagonal graphs, the latter being related to nano-structures

    Turbulence near cyclic fold bifurcations in birhythmic media

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    We show that at the onset of a cyclic fold bifurcation, a birhythmic medium composed of glycolytic oscillators displays turbulent dynamics. By computing the largest Lyapunov exponent, the spatial correlation function, and the average transient lifetime, we classify it as a weak turbulence with transient nature. Virtual heterogeneities generating unstable fast oscillations are the mechanism of the transient turbulence. In the presence of wavenumber instability, unstable oscillations can be reinjected leading to stationary turbulence. We also find similar turbulence in a cell cycle model. These findings suggest that weak turbulence may be universal in biochemical birhythmic media exhibiting cyclic fold bifurcations.Comment: 14 pages 10 figure

    Synchronous Behavior of Two Coupled Electronic Neurons

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    We report on experimental studies of synchronization phenomena in a pair of analog electronic neurons (ENs). The ENs were designed to reproduce the observed membrane voltage oscillations of isolated biological neurons from the stomatogastric ganglion of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. The ENs are simple analog circuits which integrate four dimensional differential equations representing fast and slow subcellular mechanisms that produce the characteristic regular/chaotic spiking-bursting behavior of these cells. In this paper we study their dynamical behavior as we couple them in the same configurations as we have done for their counterpart biological neurons. The interconnections we use for these neural oscillators are both direct electrical connections and excitatory and inhibitory chemical connections: each realized by analog circuitry and suggested by biological examples. We provide here quantitative evidence that the ENs and the biological neurons behave similarly when coupled in the same manner. They each display well defined bifurcations in their mutual synchronization and regularization. We report briefly on an experiment on coupled biological neurons and four dimensional ENs which provides further ground for testing the validity of our numerical and electronic models of individual neural behavior. Our experiments as a whole present interesting new examples of regularization and synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Intermittent accreting millisecond pulsars: light houses with broken lamps?

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    Intermittent accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars are an exciting new type of sources. Their pulsations appear and disappear either on timescales of hundreds of seconds or on timescales of days. The study of these sources add new observational constraints to present models that explain the presence or not of pulsations in neutron star LMXBs. In this paper we present preliminary results on spectral and aperiodic variability studies of all intermittent AMSPs, with a particular focus on the comparison between pulsating and non pulsating periods.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "A Decade of Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsars", Amsterdam, April 2008, eds. R. Wijnands et al. (AIP Conf. Proc.