142 research outputs found
Rekreativna tjelovježba i mogući zdravstveni rizici (Recreational Physical Activity and Potential Health Risks)
Tjelesna aktivnost nameće se kao svakodnevna potreba i u tom smislu nema alternative. Rekreacija kao masovni vid tjelesne aktivnosti, uključuje ljude različite dobi, pri čemu gornja granica nije naznačena. Treba težiti da tjelesna aktivnost bude kontinuirana, od mladosti pa do starosti, a vrste opterećenja i intenzitet tjelovježbi podređen funkcionalnim sposobnostima organizma respektirajući dob. Općenito, utjecaj tjelovježbe smanjuje djelovanje čimbenika rizika na bolesti civilizacije. Rekreativne tjelovježbe karakterizirane su masovnošću i različitom dobi, a moraju biti individualno prilagođene zdravstvenom stanju pojedinca. Za razliku od sportske aktivnosti, rekreativna tjelovježba se odlikuje malim rizikom od ozljeđivanja. Odavno su poznati povoljni učinci tjelovježbe u očuvanju zdravlja, podizanju imune i psihofizičke sposobnosti , liječenju, kao i rehabilitaciji mnogih bolesti
Fizičkom aktivnošću do zdravlja (With Physical Activity to Good Health)
Osnovni smisao rekreacije jest razonoda i zabava putem koje težimo ostvarenju zadanog cilja baveći se aktivnostima organiziranim po vlastitoj želji i izboru. Sadržajem rekreacije mogu biti različite aktivnosti iz područja umjetnosti, tehničkih znanosti, društveno zabavnih aktivnosti, fizičke kulture, itd. Prema osobnom sudjelovanju naš odnos prema rekreaciji može biti: a) aktivanb) pasivan Govorimo o aktivnom odnosu prema rekreaciji, kada osobno sudjelujemo u odabranoj aktivnosti, kao npr. vježbanju, igranju loptom, pjevanju, crtanju, itd. Pasivan odnos prema rekreaciji podrazumijeva da smo samo promatrači, ili slušaoci nekog događanja, bez našeg osobnog aktivnog sudjelovanja, kao npr. gledatelji neke sportske priredbe, slušatelji glazbe, slično. Važno je istaknuti da, kada je god to moguće, prednost treba dati aktivnom sudjelovanju jer time potičemo osobnu angažiranost i kreativnost
Eurocurriculum I, eurocurriculum II ili nešto treće
The Division Analytical Chemistry of the Federation of European Chemical Societies (DAC-FECS) recommends the Eurocurriculum II for Analytical Chemistry as a guideline for teaching Analytical Chemistry at universities. The recommendations are based on the established Eurocurriculum I and proposals of the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) for harmonization of chemistry curricula throughout Europe (Bologna process). As a part of system Eurocurriculum II should be recognized for international comparison and equivalence. Taking into consideration difficult material situation in our country and respecting diversities in the current curricula at our universities, time consuming process with applying the proposed recommendations should be expected On the other hand continuous efforts to remove barriers and to develop a framework for teaching and learning will help us to enhance mobility and closer cooperation
Is a Lead Isotope Ratios in Wine Good Marker for Origin Assessment?
Lead isotope ratio pattern (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/206Pb, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb) was analyzed in 59 samples of Serbian wine, from four geographical regions. By utilization of powerful inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-QMS), lead isotope ratios were used as unique “fingerprint”, when combined with multivariate methods of analysis (Principal Component Analysis), provided information on the geographical origin of wine. In validation of ICP- QMS method and quantitative analysis, the certified reference material NIST SRM 981 was employed to test the mass-bias correction and thallium isotopes 203Tl and 205Tl (NIST SRM 997) as an internal standard. The obtained results were discussed in correlation with the corresponding values of LIRs of different European and Australian wines. In addition, the impact of anthropogenic Pb from different sources on the total Pb isotopic composition in Serbian wines was analyzed too. On the other side, the obtained values of Pb content were compared with the applicable health safety standards, according to the International Code of Oenological Practices
Trace and minor elements determination in some herbal drugs by faas
In this paper trace (Cu and Zn) and minor (Mn and Fe) elements in some herbal drugs originating from the plants of the family Asteracae were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Chamomillae flos, Milefolii herba and Absinthii herba were analyzed taking into account their importance in phytotherapy in different diseases and disorders and the essentiality of mentioned elementsfor plantslife cycle. Validation of proposed method was performed by using CRM, NIST 1573a.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200
Analiza sadržaja tokoferola u jestivom ulju pre i posle termičkog tretmana
Vegetable oils have high vitamin E content. Depending on their production and consumption vitamin E can be preserved or diminished. There is an increasing number of vegetable oils offered in domestic market declared with tocopherol content; daily requirements in vitamin E are easily met to the significant extent with oil consumption. The purpose of the study was to determine tocopherol content in sunflower and olive oil from our market before and after their thermal treatment, using HPLC method. Retailed vegetable sunflower and olive oils of various origins and the way of production (the total of 16) were analyzed before and after temperature treatment for 20 minutes. For an accurate and reliable determination of vitamin E content in food of complex composition it is necessary to perform multiple sample purification, but for determination in vegetable oils a liquid/liquid extraction is recommended. The n-hexane extraction was applied after alkaline hydrolysis, extract vaporisation and reconstitution in methanol using membrane filtration. Separation was performed by using RP-HPLC method with fluorescent detector with changeable wavelengths. For tocopherol detection 95% ethanol was applied as mobile phase, with 1,2 ml/min of flow rate and measuring at λ = 295 nm wavelength for excitation and λ = 330 μm for emission. Fluorescence detector selectivity and sensitivity enabled detection of α-, β+γ and δ-tocopherols in analyzed oil samples. Tocopherol content determined in oil before the treatment corresponded to the values specified in legislative, with significant differences depending on origin and declared production modality. Thermal treatment of sample significantly affected vitamin E content.Biljna ulja karakteriše visok sadržaj vitamina E. U zavisnosti od načina proizvodnje, obrade i upotrebe ta količina može biti očuvana ili umanjena. Na našem tržištu postoji sve raznovrsnija ponuda jestivih biljnih ulja. Pravilnom upotrebom ove namirnice moguće je u znatnoj meri zadovoljiti dnevne potrebe za vitaminom E. Cilj ovog rada bio je da primenom visoko efikasne tečne hroamtografije (HPLC ) odredimo sadržaj tokoferola u jestivom biljnom ulju suncokreta i masline, pre i posle termičkog tretmana. Analizirana su jestiva biljna ulja iz maloprodaje, različitog porekla i načina proizvodnje (ukupno 16), pre i nakon izlaganja temperaturi ključanja u trajanju od 20 minuta. Za tačno i pouzdano određivanje sadržaja vitamina E u namirnicama složenog sastava neophodno je višestruko prečišćavanje uzorka, dok se za određivanje u biljnom ulju preporučuje tečno/tečna ekstrakcija. Primenjena je ekstrakcija n-heksanom, nakon alkalne hidrolize, uparavanje ekstrakta i rekonstituisanje u metanolu uz membransku filtraciju. Razdvajanje je urađeno RP-HPLC metodom uz fluorescentni detektor sa promenljivim talasnim dužinama. Za detekciju tokoferola primenjen je 95%-ni metanol kao mobilna faza, sa protokom od 1,0 mL/min i talasnim dužinama: 295 nm za ekscitaciju i 330 nm za emisiju. Selektivnost i osetljivost fluorescentnog detektora omogućila je detekciju α, ß+γ i δ tokoferola u analiziranim uzorcima ulja. Određen sadržaj tokoferola u uljima pre tretmana je odgovarao zahtevu regulative, uz značajne međusobne razlike u zavisnosti od porekla i deklarisanog načina proizvodnje. Termički tretman uzoraka značajno je uticao na smanjenje početnog sadržaja vitamina E
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