57 research outputs found
Possibilities of 3D machining of materials by abrasive water jets
Machining of materials through classical way, i.e. using conventional tools for turning, drilling,
milling, grinding and polishing, has some limits that can be overcome applying an abrasive water jet
(AWJ). Therefore, some possibilities of 3D machining by AWJ placed on 6 axes robot have been tested.
Programming of traverse speeds and tilting angles of cutting head was based on Hlaváč’s theoretical
model. Low pressure pump has been used for tests. Because of very low pumping pressure, a selfdesigned
and manufactured special mixing chamber was used in the experiments. The article deals with
preliminary results and points at the direction of further research
Advanced Imaging Methods in Geoscience and Mountain Tourism
Cílem diplomové práce bylo představení možností pokročilých zobrazovacích metod v geovědní a montánní turistice a návrhu využití jednotlivých pokročilých metod, kam patří UAV, virtuální realita a 3D tisk. Další část práce je zaměřena na rešerši dané problematiky, představení různých zobrazovacích metod a popisu vybrané lokality. Následně v práci představuji použité programy a nástroje, se kterými jsem pracoval při tvorbě výsledného tisknutého 3D modelu a modelu zobrazeného ve virtuální realitě. V neposlední řadě uvádím možnosti využití pokročilých zobrazovacích metod v geoturismu, kterými jsou např. bezpečnost a ochrana přírody, inovace a výhody pro vědecký výzkum a průmysl.The aim of the diploma thesis was to present the possibilities of advanced imaging methods in geoscientific and mountain tourism and to propose the use of individual advanced methods, which include UAV, virtual reality and 3D printing. The next part of the work is focused on the research of the given issue, presentation of various imaging methods and description of the selected locality. Then I present the used programs and tools that I worked with when creating the resulting 3D model and the model displayed in virtual reality. Last but not least, I present the possibilities of using advanced imaging methods in geotourism, which are, for example, safety and nature protection, innovation and benefits for scientific research and industry.541 - Katedra geologického inženýrstvídobř
Function of metathoracic scent glands in terrestrial Heteroptera
Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Structure-Dependent Effects of Phthalates on Intercellular and Intracellular Communication in Liver Oval Cells
Humans are exposed to phthalates released from plastics, cosmetics, or food on a daily basis. Phthalates have low acute liver toxicity, but their chronic exposures could induce molecular and cellular effects linked to adverse health outcomes, such as liver tumor promotion or chronic liver diseases. The alternation of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and MAPK-Erk1/2 pathways in liver progenitor or oval cells can disrupt liver tissue homeostatic mechanisms and affect the development and severity of these adverse outcomes. Our study with 20 different phthalates revealed their structurally dependent effects on liver GJIC and MAPK-Erk1/2 signaling in rat liver WB-F344 cell line with characteristics of liver oval cells. The phthalates with a medium-length side chain (3-6 C) were the most potent dysregulators of GJIC and activators of MAPK-Erk1/2. The effects occurred rapidly, suggesting the activation of non-genomic (non-transcriptional) mechanisms directly by the parental compounds. Short-chain phthalates (1-2 C) did not dysregulate GJIC even after longer exposures and did not activate MAPK-Erk1/2. Longer chain (>= 7 C) phthalates, such as DEHP or DINP, moderately activated MAPK-Erk1/2, but inhibited GJIC only after prolonged exposures (>12 h), suggesting that GJIC dysregulation occurs via genomic mechanisms, or (bio)transformation. Overall, medium-chain phthalates rapidly affected the key tissue homeostatic mechanisms in the liver oval cell population via non-genomic pathways, which might contribute to the development of chronic liver toxicity and diseases
Investigation of significant parameters during abrasive waterjet turning
This paper presents an investigation of abrasive waterjet turning (AWJT). The purpose of the article was to investigate significant parameters of the turning process and to evaluate their impact on the turning product. The influence of the traverse speed, the rotational speed, and the relative position of the jet to the specimen (lateral jet shift) were investigated. Based on the previous research done in this field, the multi-pass tangential turning method was selected. Rotational speed does not seem to have a significant impact on the AWJ turning process. However, the relative position of the jet is a key parameter for improving the efficiency of the process. Increasing the lateral jet shift causes the volume of the material removed to increase until the optimal impact angle is reached. These findings need to be extended in order to adjust AWJT. Without these improvements, a comparison of jet to traditional technologies is inappropriate.Web of Science1416art. no. 438
Managing floodplains using nature‐based solutions to support multiple ecosystem functions and services
Floodplains include unique environments shaped over a long time horizon along rivers and smaller streams and formed by alluvial sediments. As floodplains are flat, often with highly fertile and well-accessible land, they have become the intrinsic focus of human society—while providing a variety of goods and ecosystem services. Intensive land use of floodplains is
degrading their natural values and significantly reducing their ecosystem functions and services. A significant part of these key services is related with the ability of floodplains to retain water and nutrients, which can be understood as a flood control and a water-retention function. Although these ecosystems serve a number of other basic functions, the importance of floodplains as a place for water retention during extreme discharges caused by intense rainfall or snowmelt and the supply of water in times of drought are essential under conditions of global change. In order to increase the ability of floodplains to perform these functions, it is increasingly required to preserve the connectivity of rivers with surrounding floodplains and adapt human activities to maintain and restore river ecosystems.
This article reviews the recent understanding of floodplain delineation, the most common causes of disturbance, the ecosystem functions being performed, discussing in turn the measures being considered to mitigate the frequency and magnitude of hydrologic extremes resulting from ongoing environmental changes
Verification and numerical simulation of advanced composite inlet in compliance of airworthiness impact requirements
Bird or hail stone strikes are an important phenomenon which must be considered during aircraft design. Most of major bird or hail strike incidents result from engine ingestion. As engines are the sole thrust providing mechanisms of an aircraft, it is critical to investigate and mitigate the effects of bird or hail strikes on engine inlets and systems to the greatest extent possible. The article presents application of test verified numerical simulation for design and full-scale test verification of advanced composite air inlet for new generation of jet trainer aircraft from point of view of high speed impact resistance. The physical bird and hail impact tests were performed at the Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLÚ) according to airworthiness requirements. The measurement during impact test were performed by high-speed camera, Fiber Bragg Grating (FGB) sensors and strain gauges in cooperation with Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. The results from full-scale bird and hail strike tests were compared with numerical simulation
Network analysis for uncovering the relationship between host response and clinical factors to virus pathogen: Lessons from SARS-CoV-2
Analysing complex datasets while maintaining the interpretability and explainability of outcomes for clinicians and patients is challenging, not only in viral infections. These datasets often include a variety of heterogeneous clinical, demographic, laboratory, and personal data, and it is not a single factor but a combination of multiple factors that contribute to patient characterisation and host response. Therefore, multivariate approaches are needed to analyse these complex patient datasets, which are impossible to analyse with univariate comparisons (e.g., one immune cell subset versus one clinical factor). Using a SARS-CoV-2 infection as an example, we employed a patient similarity network (PSN) approach to assess the relationship between host immune factors and the clinical course of infection and performed visualisation and data interpretation. A PSN analysis of similar to 85 immunological (cellular and humoral) and similar to 70 clinical factors in 250 recruited patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) who were sampled four to eight weeks after a PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection identified a minimal immune signature, as well as clinical and laboratory factors strongly associated with disease severity. Our study demonstrates the benefits of implementing multivariate network approaches to identify relevant factors and visualise their relationships in a SARS-CoV-2 infection, but the model is generally applicable to any complex dataset.Web of Science1411art. no. 242
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