11 research outputs found

    Demographic and social aspects of induced abortion

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    Nаmеrni prеkid trudnоćе је istоriјskа kаtеgоriја. U Srbiјi bеz pоkrајinа оn је dugi niz gоdinа biо dоminаntаn mеtоd kоntrоlе rаđаnjа. Kао i u vеćini drugih zеmаlја trаnziciја fеrtilitеtа bilа bi nеоstvаrivа bеz оvоg grubоg vidа čоvеkоvе intеrvеnciје. Меđutim, i pоrеd tоgа štо је mоdеrnа nаukа pružilа nоvе mеtоdе i srеdstvа kоntrоlе rаđаnjа, kоја su sа zdrаvstvеnоg i ličnоg stаnоvištа prihvаtlјiviја, brој nаmеrnih prеkidа trudnоćе је u Srbiјi vеliki i dаnаs, i tо u tој mеri dа sе mоžе gоvоriti о еpidеmiоlоškim rаzmеrаmа njеgоvе rаsprоstrаnjеnоsti. U оvоm rаdu аutоr је rаzmоtriо dеmоgrаfskа i sоciјаlnа pitаnjа, sа pоsеbnim nаglаskоm nа istrаživаnjа njеgоvih dеtеrminаnаtа. U tоm smislu оbuhvаćеnа su tеоriјskа znаnjа о nаmеrnоm prеkidu trudnоćе, prаvni аspеkt i pоlitikа, tеndеnciје i оsоbinе аbоrtusа u Srbiјi bеz pоkrајinа i rеzultаti dubinskе аnkеtе о аbоrtusu sprоvеdеnе zа pоtrеbе оvоg rаdа. Nаlаzi оvоg rаdа оtkrili su bitnе еlеmеntе slоžеnе оsnоvе vеlikоg brоја аbоrtusа u Srbiјi bеz pоkrајinа. То su nеdоvоlјnо znаnjе žеnа о fiziоlоgiјi prоkrеаciје, rizicimа nаmеrnоg prеkidа trudnоćе i оsоbinаmа kоntrаcеpciје, nizаk оpšti, zdrаvstvеni i sеksоlоški kulturni nivо оbа pаrtnеrа, psihоlоškе bаriјеrе upоtrеbi kоntrаcеpciје, nеzаdоvоlјаvајući stаv muškаrcа prеmа kоntrоli rаđаnjа i nеdоstаtаk instituciоnаlizоvаnоg, sаvrеmеnоg kоncеptа plаnirаnjа pоrоdicе.Induced abortion is a historical categoty. Abortion has been a prevailing method of birth control in Serbia Proper for a long period. Like elcewhere, the fertility transition could not have occured without use of abortion as a crude mean of intervention. Although today other family planning means are available, which are more acceptable from the health and individual point of view, the number of induced abortion in Serbia is so large that we can speak of its epidemiological magnitude. In this work the author has considered demographic and social aspects of induced abortion in order to establish its determinants. In this sense, theorethical knowledge about induced abortion, legal aspect and policy, trends and characteristics of induced abortions in Serbia Proper, as well as the results of profound survey were discused. The findings of this work point out the main causes for abortion prevalence in Serbia Proper. There are insuficient knowledge about physiology of procreation, the risks of induced abortion and characteristics of contraception, low level of health, sex and general culture of both partners, phychological barriers, unsatisfactory male attitude toward contraception and lack of institutionalized family planning services which would include modern concepts and operational programs


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    The paper analyses the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the lawsuit of Qatar against the United Arab Emirates on the application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and its contribution to the development of anti-discrimination law. The motives and procedural actions of the parties, the reasoning of the Court, and the consequences of the judgment are analysed, using legal, social, and philosophical methodologies. The research results in findings that the Court did not take into account the practice of human rights monitoring bodies. Instead, the Court teleologically interpreted the Convention and found that the substantive scope of the Convention does not cover nationality as a protected ground. This judgment does not give rise to optimism regarding further articulation and systematization of anti­discrimination law. Parochialism will certainly continue to prevail in the definition of the concept, protected grounds and relations, and purposes of protection against discrimination. Nevertheless, this judgment is useful in a few aspects: for the assessment of procedural prospects in the future similar proceedings, for understanding the scope of the Convention, and, in particular, for the understanding of various meanings of the notion of nationality within different contexts.Predmet ovog rada su presuda Međunarodnog suda pravde po tužbi Katara protiv Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata o primeni Međunarodne konvencije o ukidanju svih oblika rasne diskriminacije od 4. 2. 2021. godine i njen doprinos razvoju antidiskriminacionog prava. Primenom metoda pravne dogmatike, sociologije i filozofije analiziraju se motivi i procesne radnje stranaka, rezonovanje Suda i posledice presude. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da Sud nije uvažio praksu međunarodnih tela za nadzor ljudskih prava nego je usko i teleološki tumačio Konvenciju i utvrdio da se materijalni domašaj Konvencije ne odnosi na državljanstvo kao osnov diskriminacije. Ova presuda ne daje razloga za optimizam u pogledu dalje artikulacije i sistematizacije antidiskriminacionog prava, u kome će izvesno i dalje preovladavati parohijalizam po pitanju definisanja zaštićenih osnova i odnosa i svrha zaštite. S druge strane, ona je korisna za procenu procesnih izgleda u budućim istovrsnim postupcima, za razumevanje domašaja Konvencije, a posebno za razumevanje pojmova nacionalnosti i državljanstva u različitim kontekstima

    The media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska

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    Докторска теза под називом „Медијска писменост у Републици Српској“ инспирисана је појавом медијске свеприсутности у свакодневном животу и изложености медијском садржају скоро сваког појединца. Медијска писменост се нуди као рјешење за правилан приступ медијима, њиховом садржају, правилно анализирање, тумачење и вредновање свих облика медијског садржаја. У овом раду, медијска писменост подразумијева управо компетенције приступа, анализе, тумачења и вредновања медијског садржаја. Она се односи, прије свега, на вјештине приступа жељеним информацијама, њихово критичко тумањење и разумијевање, као и комуницирање и учествовање у јавном друштвеном дјеловању помоћу медија. С обзиром на појаву свакодневног увећавања броја информација којима су појединци изложени, на развој медијских техника и технологија, појаву друштвених медија и различитих медијских платформи, савременог начина комуницирања и друштвене укључености, стиче се утисак да је медијско образовање потребно свим грађанима, без обзира на животну доб. Управо је то био водећи мотив овог рада: покретање процеса медијског образовања у Републици Српској. Хипотеза рада била је да је ниво медијске писмености грађана Републике Српске на ниском нивоу због непостојања медијског образовања унутар образовног система, а један од циљева рада био је мјерење и представљање нивоа медијске писмености грађана Републике Српске...A doctoral thesis entitled „The media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska“ has been inspired by the fact of its omnipresence in everyday life and exposure to the media-related contents of almost every individual. The mediarelated literacy is offered as a solution for an appropriate approach to the media and their contents, for precise analysis, interpretation and evaluation of all forms of the media-related contents. In this paper, the media-related literacy exactly means the competence of approach, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the media-related contents. It refers, primarily, to the skills of approaching the desired information, its critical interpretation and understanding, as well as communication and participation in public social activities by means of the media. In view of the phenomenon of daily increase in the number of pieces of information, to which the individuals are exposed, of the development of the media techniques and technologies, the appearance of the social media and various media platforms and the contemporary ways of communication and social involvement, there is an impression that the media-related education is necessary for all the citizens, regardless of their age. This was exactly a life motif of this thesis: initiating the process of the media-related education in the Republic of Srpska. The hypothesis of this paper was that the level of the media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska is at a low level, due to a lack of the media-related education within the educational system, and one of the aims of this paper was measuring and presenting the level of the media-related literacy of the citizens in the Republic of Srpska..

    The politics of performance: transnationalism and its limits in former Yugoslav popular music, 1999–2004

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    This paper examines transnational relations between the Yugoslav successor states from the point of view of popular music, and demonstrates how transnational musical figures (such as Djordje Balaševi?, Mom?ilo Bajagi?-Bajaga and Ceca Ražnatovi?) are interpreted as symbolic reference points in national ethnopolitical discourse in the process of identity construction. Another symbolic function is served by Serbian turbofolk artists, who in Croatia serve as a cultural resource to distance oneself from a musical genre associated by many urban Croats with the ruralization (and Herzegovinization) of Croatian city space. In addition, value judgements associated with both Serbian and Croatian newly composed folk music provide an insight into the transnational negotiation of conflicting identities in the ex-Yugoslav context. Ultimately the paper shows how the ethnonational boundaries established by nationalizing ideologies created separate cultural spaces which themselves have been transnationalized after Yugoslavia's disintegration

    The media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska

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    Докторска теза под називом „Медијска писменост у Републици Српској“ инспирисана је појавом медијске свеприсутности у свакодневном животу и изложености медијском садржају скоро сваког појединца. Медијска писменост се нуди као рјешење за правилан приступ медијима, њиховом садржају, правилно анализирање, тумачење и вредновање свих облика медијског садржаја. У овом раду, медијска писменост подразумијева управо компетенције приступа, анализе, тумачења и вредновања медијског садржаја. Она се односи, прије свега, на вјештине приступа жељеним информацијама, њихово критичко тумањење и разумијевање, као и комуницирање и учествовање у јавном друштвеном дјеловању помоћу медија. С обзиром на појаву свакодневног увећавања броја информација којима су појединци изложени, на развој медијских техника и технологија, појаву друштвених медија и различитих медијских платформи, савременог начина комуницирања и друштвене укључености, стиче се утисак да је медијско образовање потребно свим грађанима, без обзира на животну доб. Управо је то био водећи мотив овог рада: покретање процеса медијског образовања у Републици Српској. Хипотеза рада била је да је ниво медијске писмености грађана Републике Српске на ниском нивоу због непостојања медијског образовања унутар образовног система, а један од циљева рада био је мјерење и представљање нивоа медијске писмености грађана Републике Српске...A doctoral thesis entitled „The media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska“ has been inspired by the fact of its omnipresence in everyday life and exposure to the media-related contents of almost every individual. The mediarelated literacy is offered as a solution for an appropriate approach to the media and their contents, for precise analysis, interpretation and evaluation of all forms of the media-related contents. In this paper, the media-related literacy exactly means the competence of approach, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the media-related contents. It refers, primarily, to the skills of approaching the desired information, its critical interpretation and understanding, as well as communication and participation in public social activities by means of the media. In view of the phenomenon of daily increase in the number of pieces of information, to which the individuals are exposed, of the development of the media techniques and technologies, the appearance of the social media and various media platforms and the contemporary ways of communication and social involvement, there is an impression that the media-related education is necessary for all the citizens, regardless of their age. This was exactly a life motif of this thesis: initiating the process of the media-related education in the Republic of Srpska. The hypothesis of this paper was that the level of the media-related literacy in the Republic of Srpska is at a low level, due to a lack of the media-related education within the educational system, and one of the aims of this paper was measuring and presenting the level of the media-related literacy of the citizens in the Republic of Srpska..

    Voluntary sterilization in Serbia: Unmet need?

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    Is voluntary sterilization as a birth control method accepted in Serbia? This is certainly a question that is being imposed for research, regardless of the fact that voluntary sterilization is neither accessible nor promoted. Most importantly because there is no understanding in the social nor political sphere for legalization of voluntary sterilization as a form of birth control, apart from the clear necessity for this, first, step. They are: the recognition that voluntary sterilization is an efficient and safe birth control method, respectability of basic human as well as sexual and reproductive rights, spreading of sterilization as a form of birth control among population of both developed and developing countries and an epidemic diffusion of repeated induced abortions in Serbia. Thus individual recognition of the advantages of relying on voluntary sterilization, in a non-encouraging atmosphere, certainly represents one more argument to enable couples to prevent conception by sterilization. Since it was impossible to carry out a representative research among the population of men and women who are at risk for conception, an attempt was made to obtain a reply to the set question among women who decided to induce abortion. It was done out of at least two reasons. The first being that women with induced abortion in their reproductive history were the target group for voluntary sterilization. The second reason was based on the assumption that bringing a decision on induced abortion is preceded by the reconsideration of an earlier adopted strategy regarding children, giving birth and contraception and thus its rational component is revealed more and therefore more easily measurable. The research was carried out in the University Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology 'Narodni front' in Belgrade from January 21st o March 1st 2002, and included 296 women. By comparing the social and demographic characteristics of the female respondents, as well as important events in their reproductive history with structural traits of the total population of women of same age and parity who induce abortion, the representativeness of samples was confirmed and thus generalization of results. The results indicate that a target group is clearly distinct which would decide on sterilization as a contraceptive method. Not only do more than half of the surveyed women who induce abortion believe that voluntary sterilization as a method of contraception should be available in Serbia, but also a large number of surveyed women, almost a half, would subject themselves to voluntary sterilization after having given birth to the desired number of children and when they would be convinced that sterilization does not influence health, sex potency, nor quality of sex life. Younger women, respondents with secondary education, those who gave birth to the desired number of children, as well as those who have a good relationship with their partner, and confronted themselves with a large number of induced abortions, namely those who wish to use contraception in future, are more open to voluntary sterilization. The reasons for individual non acceptance, namely undetermined standpoint towards sterilization as a contraception method, indicate that many of the registered ambivalent or negative opinions could be changed by knowledge spreading on the characteristics of voluntary sterilization

    The transformation of reproductive pattern at Kosovo and Metohia

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    Razmatranje procesa transformacije reproduktivnog modela na Kosovu i Metohiji u kontekstu teorije modernizacije i sa fokusom na položaj žene, bazirano je na podacima empirijskog istraživanja. Reč je o probnom anketnom istraživanju na uzorku od 116 žena, spovedenog februara 1998. u tri porodilišta na Kosovu i Metohiji. Analiza rezultata ukazuje na dominaciju, ali i proces transformacije tradicionalnog reproduktivnog modela. S jedne strane, značajan je stepen inertnog i pasivnog prepuštanja zadatim životnim okolnostima, pre svega, iskazan u ispitivanim iskustvenim stavovima i ponašanju. S druge strane, na nivou vrednosnih stavova i poželjnih situacija primetan je veći nivo modifikacije i cepanja tradicionalnih okvira. Stavovi ispitanica obeleženi su ambivalentnošću tipičnom za tranzicione situacije, što se odražava i na protivrečnosti u domenu ponašanja. Ipak, rezultati ukazuju na proces formiranja pozitivne receptorne osnove za sprovođenje programa planiranja porodice koji bi, s jedne strane, olakšao realizaciju već formiranih potreba žena, a sa druge strane, ubrzao proces njihove transformacije u oblasti reproduktivnog ponašanja i položaja žene.The transformation of reproductive pattern is considered within the context of theory of modernization, focused on the status of women. Paper presents the results of pilot survey, based on questionnaire, conducted at Kosovo and Metohia on February, 1998. 116 women have been interviewed in three hospitals, a day after delivery. Results show that traditional reproductive pattern is still predominant although in the process of transformation. On one hand, the self perception of family status is overweight with inertia and passive acceptance of prescribed living circumstances. On the other hand, throughout the examined values and preferences the modification of traditional reproductive pattern is easier to recognize despite the significant level of ambiguity that is specific to the period of reproductive transition. Nevertheless, results are confirming that the receptor base for family planning programs have been establishing, whose implementation should help the fulfillment of already developed women needs so as the acceleration of theirs transformation

    Recent demographic situation and immediate future of Belgrade

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    The subjects of this article are picture of Belgrade population in nineties assumptions regarding demographic development of Belgrade in nearby future and demographic consequences of adopted scenario. Such a broad approach was necessary in order to review contemporary demographic processes and fully understand demographic development of Belgrade, above all, regularity in tendencies and determining factors and its near and more distant environment in order to establish hypothesis on the trends in fertility, mortality, and migrations of population in future and understanding of macro-consequences regarding population factor