8 research outputs found

    Sucesi贸n microbiana, productos de fermentaci贸n y estabilidad aer贸bica de yerba guinea ensilada con un aditivo conteniendo inoculo de bacterias y enzimas fibrol铆ticas.

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of three application rates (0,1 and 2 times the recommended rate) of a commercial additive containing a lactic acid-producing bacterial inoculant as well as plant cell walldegrading enzymes, on the microbial succession, fermentation end-products, and aerobic stability of guinea grass (Panicum maximum var. Jacq.) silage. Vegetative material was harvested at 30% dry matter (DM) and chopped into 2.5-cm pieces. At ensiling, three treatments were imposed: no additive (control), additive applied at recommended rate, and at 2x the recommended rate. Three silos per treatment were opened after 0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, and 56 d of fermentation, and siiage was analyzed for pH, microbial succession, chemical composition, fermentation end-products and aerobic stability. For aerobic stability determination, three silos per treatment were opened at the end of the fermentation period, and silage (400 g) was exposed to air for three days in Styrofoam containers lined with plastic. After 0 , 1 , and 3 d of aerobic exposure, silage was analyzed for pH, microbial populations (total bacteria, yeast and molds), water soluble carbohydrate content, fermentation end-products and in vitro dry matter degradability (IVDMD). Temperature was monitored daily and dry matter recovery (DMR) was calculated after 1 and 3 d of aerobic exposure. The addition of the commercial additive, applied one or two times the recommended rate, increased (P < 0.05) the lactic acid producing bacterial population and decreased (P < 0.05) conforms during early stages of the fermentation process, but did not influence the yeast and mold populations or the chemical composition of the resulting silage. Use of the inoculant-enzyme mixture also resulted in siiage with higher lactic acid content 56 days post ensiling. The silage additive did not inffuence pH, temperature, microbial populations, soluble carbohydrate content, IVDMD or DMR of guinea grass silage after exposure to air. In summary, use of the commercial additive applied at the recommended rate partially improved the fermentation characteristics of guinea grass silage, but did not enhance its aerobic stability. Increasing the application rate to twice the recommended rate did not result in better fermentation.Se evalu贸 el efecto de la aplicaci贸n de un aditivo comercial que contiene bacterias productoras de 谩cido l谩ctico y enzimas que degradan la pared celular, a raz贸n de cero, uno o dos veces la dosis recomendada, sobre las sucesi贸n microbiana, composici贸n qu铆mica, productos de fermentaci贸n y estabilidad aer贸bica de yerba guinea (Panicum maximum var. Jacq), El forraje se cosech贸 a 30% de materia seca (MS) y se troz贸 en pedazos de 2.5 cm antes de ensilarse. El material vegetativo se asign贸 a uno de tres tratamientos: sin aditivo (control) y el aditivo aplicado a la dosis recomendada y a dosis dos veces mayor. Se abrieron tres silos por tratamiento despu茅s de 0,2, 4, 7,14, 28, y 56 d de fermentaci贸n y se determin贸 el pH, poblaciones microbianas y productos de fermentaci贸n del ensilaje. Para evaluar la estabilidad aer贸bica, se abrieron tres silos por tratamiento y 400 g del ensilaje se expuso al medio ambiente durante 0,1 y 3 d en envases de 隆sopor cubiertos con pl谩stico. Despu茅s de cada per铆odo de exposici贸n aer贸bica, el ensilaje se analiz贸 para determinar pH, contenido de carbohidratos solubles en agua (CSA), poblaciones de bacterias totales, hongos y levaduras, productos de fermentaci贸n y degradabilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS). La temperatura se tom贸 dos veces al d铆a durante los tres d铆as de exposici贸n aer贸bica utilizando term贸metros situados en ta masa del ensilaje; la recuperaci贸n de la materia seca (RMS) se calcul贸 despu茅s de 1 y 3 d de exposici贸n aer贸bica. El uso del aditivo, aplicado a una o dos veces la dosis recomendada, aument贸 la poblaci贸n de bacterias productoras de 谩cido l谩ctico y disminuy贸 la poblaci贸n de coliformes durante las etapas iniciales de la fermentaci贸n, pero no afect贸 la poblaci贸n de hongos y levaduras ni la composici贸n qu铆mica de! ensilaje resultante. La yerba guinea tratada con el complejo bacterial-enzim谩tico tambi茅n result贸 en ensilajes con un mayor contenido de 谩cido l谩ctico despu茅s de 56 d铆as de fermentaci贸n. La utilizaci贸n del complejo bacterial-enzim谩tico no afect贸 (P > 0.05) el pH, la temperatura, el contenido de CSA, los microorganismos enumerados, la DIVMS, nila RMS del ensilaje de yerba guinea expuesto al aire durante tres d铆as. En resumen, la utilizaci贸n de! aditivo conteniendo bacterias y enzimas, aplicado a la dosis recomendada, mejor贸 parcialmente las caracter铆sticas fermentativas en ensilaje de yerba guinea pero no favoreci贸 la estabilidad aer贸bica. No se observ贸 ning煤n beneficio ai aumentar la dosis del aditivo al doble de io recomendado

    Caracter铆sticas fermentativas y estabilidad aer贸bica de sorgo gran铆fero (Sorghum bicolor) ensilado en Puerto Rico bajo varias dosis de in贸culo comercial

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercial lactic acid-producing bacteria! inoculant (LAPBI) applied at 0, 1, and 2 times the recommended rate to improve the fermentation characteristics and aerobic stability of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var Jupiter) ensiled in a tropical environment.The sorghum was harvested at 90 d of growth and chopped into 2.5-cm pieces. At ensiling, three treatments were imposed: no additive (control), and LAPBI applied at the recommended (5.477 cfu/g of fresh forage) or higher rate (5.788 cfu/g of fresh forage). Three silos per treatment were opened after 0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, and 56 d of fermentation, and silage was analyzed for pH, chemical composition and fermentation end-products. Addition of the LAPBI did not markedly influence the chemical composition of the silages at either rate. It did increase the acidity and acetic acid content during early stages of fermentation, and the lactic acid content at 56 d post-ensiling, but did not reduce the deterioration of silage after exposure to air. It is concluded that use of the LAPBI, applied at the recommended rate, partially improved the fermentation characteristics of the grain sorghum silage, but did not enhance its aerobic stability. Doubling the application did not produce beneficial effects.Se evalu贸 el efecto de la aplicaci贸n de un inoculo comercial que conten铆a bacterias productoras de acido l谩ctico (IBPAL) a raz贸n de 0, 1 贸 2 veces la dosis recomendada, sobre las caracter铆sticas fermentativas y estabilidad aer贸bica de sorgo gran铆fero (Sorghum bicolor var. J煤piter) cosechado a 90 d de crecimiento y picado en pedazos de 2.5 cm. Al ensilarse, el forraje se asign贸 a uno de tres tratamientos: sin aditivo (control) e IBPAL aplicado a la dosis recomendada y a mayor dosis (5.477 y 5.788 cfu/g de forraje fresco, respectivamente). Se abrieron tres silos por tratamiento despu茅s d茅 0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, y 56 d铆as de fermentaci贸n y se evalu贸 el ensilaje en t茅rminos de pH, composici贸n qu铆mica y productos de fermentaci贸n. El uso de IBPAL, independientemente de la dosis de aplicaci贸n, no tuvo mayor efecto sobre la composici贸n qu铆mica de los ensilajes, pero aument贸 la acidez y el contenido de 谩cido ac茅tico durante las etapas iniciales de ia fermentaci贸n, y la concentraci贸n de 谩cido l谩tico despu茅s de 56 d铆as de ensilamiento. Sin embargo, no evit贸 el deterioro de los ensilajes al ser expuestos al aire. Se concluye que la aplicaci贸n del in贸culo comercial a la dosis recomendada mejor贸 ciertas caracter铆sticas fermentativas del ensilaje de sorgo gran铆fero, pero no favoreci贸 la estabilidad aer贸bica. No se observ贸 ning煤n beneficio al aumentar la dosis del aditivo al doble de lo recomendado

    Review: computer vision applied to the inspection and quality control of fruits and vegetables

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    This is a review of the current existing literature concerning the inspection of fruits and vegetables with the application of computer vision, where the techniques most used to estimate various properties related to quality are analyzed. The objectives of the typical applications of such systems include the classification, quality estimation according to the internal and external characteristics, supervision of fruit processes during storage or the evaluation of experimental treatments. In general, computer vision systems do not only replace manual inspection, but can also improve their skills. In conclusion, computer vision systems are powerful tools for the automatic inspection of fruits and vegetables. In addition, the development of such systems adapted to the food industry is fundamental to achieve competitive advantages