12 research outputs found

    Multimodal material identification through recursive tactile sensing

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    Tactile sensing has recently been used in robotics for object identification, grasping, and material identification. Although human tactile sensing is multimodal, existing material recognition approaches use vibration information only. Moreover, material identification through tactile sensing can be solved as an continuous process, yet state of the art approaches use a batch approach where readings are taken for at least one second. This work proposes a recursive multimodal (vibration and thermal) tactile material identification approach. Using the frequency response of the vibration induced by the material and a set of thermal features, we show that it is possible to accurately identify materials in less than half a second. We conducted an exhaustive comparison of our approach with commonly used vibration descriptors and machine learning algorithms for material identification such as k-Nearest Neighbour, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machines. Experimental results show that our approach identifies materials faster than existing techniques and increase the classification accuracy when multiple sensor modalities are used

    SORGIN: A Software Framework For Behavior Control Implementation

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    This paper describes the software framework that has been developed and that it is being used to build a control architecture for the navigation of a B21 mobile robot. The subsumption architecture and the multi-agent based controller architectures are analyzed and a software framework named SORGIN is presented as a structured programming tool that allows to deal with the complexity of mobile robotic systems. We show how a task that performs safe wandering with a privileged compass orientation has been defined using di#erent behavior bricks in the SORGIN framework

    Natural Landmark Based Navigation

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    The work described in this paper presents a goal oriented navigation system in a behavior-based manner. The main contributions are, in first place the in-depth study of local navigation strategies and, on the other hand, the use of natural landmarks, namely corridors and emergency exit panels. Eliminating the centralized control of modules the system performs the task as a result of the combination of many relatively simple and light weight behaviors that run concurrently

    Electroacupuntura en un caso de neuralgia postherp茅tica con afectaci贸n de la rama oft谩lmica del V par craneal

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    Postherpetic neuralgia consists of chronic neuropathic pain that appears as a complication of varicella-zoster virus infection and is characterized by intense and episodic pain. The treatment of choice is pharmacological but adequate therapeutic response is not always achieved, either due to drug intolerance or to inadequate pain control. We report the case of a woman with postherpetic neuralgia affecting the left ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, in whom distinct drug treatments failed to achieve adequate pain control. Given this situation, electroacupuncture sessions were started, combined with pharmacological therapy. The frequency and intensity of the pain exacerbations progressively diminished, allowing drug treatment to be discontinued. Electroacupuncture can constitute a therapeutic alternative in patients with drug intolerance or inadequate control of neuropathic pain with pharmacological treatment.Neuralgia postherp茅tica: cuadro de dolor neurop谩tico cr贸nico que aparece como complicaci贸n de una infecci贸n por el virus de la varicela z贸ster. La cl铆nica se caracteriza por un dolor intenso y epis贸dico. El tratamiento de elecci贸n es farmacol贸gico, pero en un porcentaje de pacientes no se consigue una adecuada respuesta terap茅utica, bien por intolerancia a los f谩rmacos bien por inadecuado control del dolor. Se presenta el caso cl铆nico de una paciente con una neuralgia postherp茅tica que afecta a la rama oft谩lmica izquierda del V par craneal, en la cual no conseguimos un adecuado manejo del cuadro doloroso tras probar diferentes pautas farmacol贸gicas. Ante esta situaci贸n, se inici贸 sesiones de electroacupuntura combinadas con f谩rmacos. Se obtuvo una mejor铆a progresiva de las crisis dolorosas en intensidad y frecuencia, lo que permiti贸 la supresi贸n del tratamiento farmacol贸gico. Alternativa terap茅utica a pacientes que no toleran los tratamientos farmacol贸gicos para su dolor neurop谩tico o cuando 茅stos son ineficaces