17 research outputs found


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    La cultura es una mediación, un filtro a través del cual percibimos la vida. La conciencia y percepción del ser humano están condicionadas por la cultura en la que habita, los hombres y mujeres no son resultado de la realidad natural, sino el resultado de una producción histórica y cultural basada en el proceso de simbolización (Lamas, 2002). El rol de género se configura con normas y prescripciones que dicta una sociedad y la cultura sobre el comportamiento femenino/masculino. Datos estadísticos indican una fuerte prevalencia de ansiedad y depresión a nivel global y de igual forma arrojan mayor presencia de estos trastornos en mujeres que varones, ambas patologías son de causas multifactoriales, una de ellas se refiere al factor psicosocial, y es precisamente lo que queremos analizar, si el aspecto del rol masculino/femenino influye en el desarrollo de estos trastornos, tomando en cuenta que el género es un constructo social que plantea expectativas para cada sexo.Los trastornos de ansiedad y depresión están cada vez más presentes en las ciencias de la salud, del comportamiento y en las sociales, ya que se han convertido en un problema de gran impacto debido a que ambas enfermedades disfuncionan fuertemente al individuo que las padece, afectando no sólo su esfera familiar, sino también económica, laboral y social. La presente investigación tiene como propósito detectar síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes de Estados Unidos y México con la finalidad de determinar si las diferencias culturales de la estructuración de sus roles femeninos y masculinos en ellos arroja resultados diferentes con relación a la sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, para observar, si hay una mayor predisposición en hombres o en mujeres. Se realizará acorde a un análisis comparativo de los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del instrumento denominado: inventario de depresión y síntomas de Ansiedad (IDAS) aplicado a hombres y mujeres de la Universidad del Norte de Texas y la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


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    Le dislipidemie rappresentano uno dei più importanti fattori causali della arteriosclerosi e delle sue complicanze d’organo, come l’infarto del miocardico, l’ictus e la vasculopatia periferica. Il loro appropriato trattamento rappresenta la base degli interventi di prevenzione primaria delle malattie cardiovascolari su base ischemica. In generale, per dislipidemia si intende una condizione clinica nella quale sono presenti alterazioni qualitative e/o quantitative dei lipidi e delle lipoproteine plasmatiche


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    La cultura es una mediación, un filtro a través del cual percibimos la vida. La conciencia y percepción del ser humano están condicionadas por la cultura en la que habita, los hombres y mujeres no son resultado de la realidad natural, sino el resultado de una producción histórica y cultural basada en el proceso de simbolización (Lamas, 2002). El rol de género se configura con normas y prescripciones que dicta una sociedad y la cultura sobre el comportamiento femenino/masculino. Datos estadísticos indican una fuerte prevalencia de ansiedad y depresión a nivel global y de igual forma arrojan mayor presencia de estos trastornos en mujeres que varones, ambas patologías son de causas multifactoriales, una de ellas se refiere al factor psicosocial, y es precisamente lo que queremos analizar, si el aspecto del rol masculino/femenino influye en el desarrollo de estos trastornos, tomando en cuenta que el género es un constructo social que plantea expectativas para cada sexo.Los trastornos de ansiedad y depresión están cada vez más presentes en las ciencias de la salud, del comportamiento y en las sociales, ya que se han convertido en un problema de gran impacto debido a que ambas enfermedades disfuncionan fuertemente al individuo que las padece, afectando no sólo su esfera familiar, sino también económica, laboral y social. La presente investigación tiene como propósito detectar síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes de Estados Unidos y México con la finalidad de determinar si las diferencias culturales de la estructuración de sus roles femeninos y masculinos en ellos arroja resultados diferentes con relación a la sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, para observar, si hay una mayor predisposición en hombres o en mujeres. Se realizará acorde a un análisis comparativo de los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del instrumento denominado: inventario de depresión y síntomas de Ansiedad (IDAS) aplicado a hombres y mujeres de la Universidad del Norte de Texas y la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

    Segregation into domains observed in liquid crystal phases: comparison of experimental and theoretical data

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    The phase diagram of an amidic surfactant, sodium N-dodecanoylprolinate, was investigated by experimental means such as optical microscopy, multinuclear NMR, and SAXS experiments, and by dissipative particle dynamics and all-atoms molecular dynamics simulations. The organization in domains based on the stereochemical information of the surfactant (E and Z), as well as being observed previously under micellar aggregating conditions, was also observed in the liquid crystal phases. The combination of the different experimental techniques and of the theoretical investigation allowed us to clarify the nature of the domains and some of the involved interactions in their segregation and organization

    Esomeprazole immediate release tablets: Gastric mucosa ex vivo permeation, absorption and antisecretory activity in conscious rats

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    The aim of this work was to study the esomeprazole activity on the control of gastric secretion after administration of a novel immediate release tablet. The ex vivo permeation of esomeprazole across porcine gastric mucosa from immediate release tablets, containing sodium carbonate or magnesium oxide as alkalinizing agents, was firstly assessed. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies in conscious rats following the administration of immediate release tablets with sodium carbonate, in comparison with delayed-release tablets having the same formula, were also conducted. The results showed an important effect of sodium carbonate and magnesium oxide on the drug release, on the ex vivo trans-mucosal transport and the stability in acid environment. In particular, the presence of sodium carbonate in esomeprazole tablet formulation provided the maximum increase of the drug in vitro transport across the mucosa. Then, the absorption and the antisecretory activity of this proton pump inhibitor orally administered in rats as immediate release tablets containing Na2CO3, was superior but not significantly different compared to delayed-release tablets having the same formula. In the adopted animal model, an activity of esomeprazole from immediate release alkaline formulation was seen also in presence of partial gastric absorption allowing inhibition of proton pumps reached via systemic circulation. This esomeprazole immediate release formulation could be used for the on-demand treatment of acid-related disorders such as gastro-esophageal reflux disease


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    Le dislipidemie rappresentano uno dei più importanti fattori causali della arteriosclerosi e delle sue complicanze d’organo, come l’infarto del miocardico, l’ictus e la vasculopatia periferica. Il loro appropriato trattamento rappresenta la base degli interventi di prevenzione primaria delle malattie cardiovascolari su base ischemica. In generale, per dislipidemia si intende una condizione clinica nella quale sono presenti alterazioni qualitative e/o quantitative dei lipidi e delle lipoproteine plasmatiche

    La traducción del teatro áureo en Italia, desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Constantes y variables en la formación de un canon

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    This essay aims to provide an over view of the Italian translations of Spanish Golden Age theatre from the 19th centur y to the present, identifying above all the differ-ences in the approach to Spanish texts compared to previous centuries and the distinc-tive features of each historical-cultural period within this long span of time. Romantic translations (a period marked by the great collections of theatrical texts by Monti and La Cecilia) were characterised by their marked preference for religious and honour-based dramas and for the works of Calderón; while the 20th centur y saw a general reworking of the corpus of translated texts, with a stable presence of Calderón and the recover y of the dramas on peasant honour by Lope de Vega. The emergence and affirmation of the poetic translation is highlighted, from the early experiments of the 1920s to the general acceptance of our days, and the role hispanists and writers played in this choice. An analysis of the corpus of translation collections in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as of the many individual translations, also shows how the canon of the Spanish Golden Age theatre has changed both on the academic and editorial side

    Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial

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    BackgroundTocilizumab blocks pro-inflammatory activity of interleukin-6 (IL-6), involved in pathogenesis of pneumonia the most frequent cause of death in COVID-19 patients.MethodsA multicenter, single-arm, hypothesis-driven trial was planned, according to a phase 2 design, to study the effect of tocilizumab on lethality rates at 14 and 30 days (co-primary endpoints, a priori expected rates being 20 and 35%, respectively). A further prospective cohort of patients, consecutively enrolled after the first cohort was accomplished, was used as a secondary validation dataset. The two cohorts were evaluated jointly in an exploratory multivariable logistic regression model to assess prognostic variables on survival.ResultsIn the primary intention-to-treat (ITT) phase 2 population, 180/301 (59.8%) subjects received tocilizumab, and 67 deaths were observed overall. Lethality rates were equal to 18.4% (97.5% CI: 13.6-24.0, P=0.52) and 22.4% (97.5% CI: 17.2-28.3, P<0.001) at 14 and 30 days, respectively. Lethality rates were lower in the validation dataset, that included 920 patients. No signal of specific drug toxicity was reported. In the exploratory multivariable logistic regression analysis, older age and lower PaO2/FiO2 ratio negatively affected survival, while the concurrent use of steroids was associated with greater survival. A statistically significant interaction was found between tocilizumab and respiratory support, suggesting that tocilizumab might be more effective in patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.ConclusionsTocilizumab reduced lethality rate at 30 days compared with null hypothesis, without significant toxicity. Possibly, this effect could be limited to patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.Registration EudraCT (2020-001110-38); clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04317092)