119 research outputs found

    Improved inter-scanner MS lesion segmentation by adversarial training on longitudinal data

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    The evaluation of white matter lesion progression is an important biomarker in the follow-up of MS patients and plays a crucial role when deciding the course of treatment. Current automated lesion segmentation algorithms are susceptible to variability in image characteristics related to MRI scanner or protocol differences. We propose a model that improves the consistency of MS lesion segmentations in inter-scanner studies. First, we train a CNN base model to approximate the performance of icobrain, an FDA-approved clinically available lesion segmentation software. A discriminator model is then trained to predict if two lesion segmentations are based on scans acquired using the same scanner type or not, achieving a 78% accuracy in this task. Finally, the base model and the discriminator are trained adversarially on multi-scanner longitudinal data to improve the inter-scanner consistency of the base model. The performance of the models is evaluated on an unseen dataset containing manual delineations. The inter-scanner variability is evaluated on test-retest data, where the adversarial network produces improved results over the base model and the FDA-approved solution.Comment: MICCAI BrainLes 2019 Worksho

    Spermatogonial Stem Cells (SSCs) in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Testis

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    BACKGROUND: Water buffalo is an economically important livestock species and about half of its total world population exists in India. Development of stem cell technology in buffalo can find application in targeted genetic modification of this species. Testis has emerged as a source of pluripotent stem cells in mice and human; however, not much information is available in buffalo. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: Pou5f1 (Oct 3/4) is a transcription factor expressed by pluripotent stem cells. Therefore, in the present study, expression of POU5F1 transcript and protein was examined in testes of both young and adult buffaloes by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemical analysis. Further, using the testis transplantation assay, a functional assay for spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), stem cell potential of gonocytes/spermatogonia isolated from prepubertal buffalo testis was also determined. RESULTS: Expression of POU5F1 transcript and protein was detected in prepubertal and adult buffalo testes. Western blot analysis revealed that the POU5F1 protein in the buffalo testis exists in two isoforms; large (∼47 kDa) and small (∼21 kDa). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that POU5F1 expression in prepubertal buffalo testis was present in gonocytes/spermatogonia and absent from somatic cells. In the adult testis, POU5F1 expression was present primarily in post-meiotic germ cells such as round spermatids, weakly in spermatogonia and spermatocytes, and absent from elongated spermatids. POU5F1 protein expression was seen both in cytoplasm and nuclei of the stained germ cells. Stem cell potential of prepubertal buffalo gonocytes/spermatogonia was confirmed by the presence of colonized DBA-stained cells in the basal membrane of seminiferous tubules of xenotransplanted mice testis. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings strongly indicate that gonocytes/spermatogonia, isolated for prepubertal buffalo testis can be a potential target for establishing a germ stem cell line that would enable genetic modification of buffaloes

    A novel finding of a low-molecular-weight compound, SMTP-7, having thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory effects in cerebral infarction of mice

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    Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) has a short therapeutic time window for administration (3Β h) and carries a risk of promoting intracerebral hemorrhage. The aim of the present study was to investigate a therapeutic time window and frequency of hemorrhagic region by treatment with Stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol-7 (SMTP-7). Thrombotic occlusion was induced by transfer of acetic acid-induced thrombus at the right common carotid artery into the brain of mice. Infarction area, neurological score, edema percentage, and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) were determined as the index of the efficacy of SMTP-7. In order to evaluate the mechanism of SMTP-7, plasmin activities and the expressions of interleukin (IL)-1Ξ², tumor necrosis factor-Ξ± (TNF-Ξ±), and IL-6 mRNA were examined. SMTP-7 (0.1, 1, 10Β mg/kg) dose dependently reduced infarction area, neurological score, and edema percentage. Additionally, its therapeutic time window was longer than that of t-PA, a high-molecular-weight compound. In addition, little hemorrhagic region was induced by treatment with SMTP-7. SMTP-7 showed plasmin activity in vivo and caused a decreased CBF to recover. Furthermore, the expressions of inflammatory cytokine mRNA (IL-1Ξ², TNF-Ξ±, IL-6) were increased by t-PA treatment 3Β h after ischemia but were not induced by SMTP-7 treatment. These results indicate that SMTP-7 shows potential thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory effects as well as a wide therapeutic time window and little hemorrhagic region compared with that of t-PA. Therefore, this novel low-molecular-weight compound may represent a novel approach for the treatment of cerebral infarction

    Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 6 modulates the radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma

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    Increasing the sensitivity of glioblastoma cells to radiation is a promising approach to improve survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). This study aims to determine if serine/threonine phosphatase (protein phosphatase 6 (PP6)) is a molecular target for GBM radiosensitization treatment. The GBM orthotopic xenograft mice model was used in this study. Our data demonstrated that the protein level of PP6 catalytic subunit (PP6c) was upregulated in the GBM tissue from about 50% patients compared with the surrounding tissue or control tissue. Both the in vitro survival fraction of GBM cells and the patient survival time were highly correlated or inversely correlated with PP6c expression (R2=0.755 and βˆ’0.707, respectively). We also found that siRNA knockdown of PP6c reduced DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) activity in three different GBM cell lines, increasing their sensitivity to radiation. In the orthotopic mice model, the overexpression of PP6c in GBM U87 cells attenuated the effect of radiation treatment, and reduced the survival time of mice compared with the control mice, while the PP6c knocking-down improved the effect of radiation treatment, and increased the survival time of mice. These findings demonstrate that PP6 regulates the sensitivity of GBM cells to radiation, and suggest small molecules disrupting or inhibiting PP6 association with DNA-PK is a potential radiosensitizer for GBM

    Characterization of Parameters Required for Effective Use of Tamoxifen-Regulated Recombination

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    Conditional gene targeting using the Cre-loxp system is a well established technique in numerous in vitro and in vivo systems. Ligand regulated forms of Cre have been increasingly used in these applications in order to gain temporal and spatial control over conditional targeting. The tamoxifen-regulated Cre variant mer-Cre-mer (mCrem) is widely utilized because of its reputation for tight regulation in the absence of its tamoxifen ligand. In the DT40 chicken B cell line, we generated an mCrem-based reversible switch for conditional regulation of a transgene, and in contrast with previous work, observed significant constitutive activity of mCrem. This prompted us to use our system for analysis of the parameters governing tamoxifen-regulated mCrem recombination of a genomic target. We find that robust mCrem expression correlates with a high level of tamoxifen-independent Cre activity, while clones expressing mCrem at the limit of western blot detection exhibit extremely tight regulation. We also observe time and dose-dependent effects on mCrem activity which suggest limitations on the use of conditional targeting approaches for applications which require tight temporal coordination of Cre action within a cell population

    A New Cationic Porphyrin Derivative (TMPipEOPP) with Large Side Arm Substituents: A Highly Selective G-Quadruplex Optical Probe

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    The discovery of uncommon DNA structures and speculation about their potential functions in genes has brought attention to specific DNA structure recognition. G-quadruplexes are four-stranded nucleic acid structures formed by G-rich DNA (or RNA) sequences. G-rich sequences with a high potential to form G-quadruplexes have been found in many important genomic regions. Porphyrin derivatives with cationic side arm substituents are important G-quadruplex-binding ligands. For example, 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (TMPyP4), interacts strongly with G-quadruplexes, but has poor selectivity for G-quadruplex versus duplex DNA. To increase the G-quadruplex recognition specificity, a new cationic porphyrin derivative, 5,10,15,20-tetra-{4-[2-(1-methyl-1- piperidinyl)ethoxy]phenyl} porphyrin (TMPipEOPP), with large side arm substituents was synthesized, and the interactions between TMPipEOPP and different DNA structures were compared. The results show that G-quadruplexes cause large changes in the UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence spectra of TMPipEOPP, but duplex and single-stranded DNAs do not, indicating that TMPipEOPP can be developed as a highly specific optical probe for discriminating G-quadruplex from duplex and single-stranded DNA. Visual discrimination is also possible. Job plot and Scatchard analysis suggest that a complicated binding interaction occurs between TMPipEOPP and G-quadruplexes. At a low [G-quadruplex]/[TMPipEOPP] ratio, one G-quadruplex binds two TMPipEOPP molecules by end-stacking and outside binding modes. At a high [G-quadruplex]/[TMPipEOPP] ratio, two G-quadruplexes bind to one TMPipEOPP molecule in a sandwich-like end-stacking mode

    Desmoglein 3, via an Interaction with E-cadherin, Is Associated with Activation of Src

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    Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3), a desmosomal adhesion protein, is expressed in basal and immediate suprabasal layers of skin and across the entire stratified squamous epithelium of oral mucosa. However, increasing evidence suggests that the role of Dsg3 may involve more than just cell-cell adhesion.To determine possible additional roles of Dsg3 during epithelial cell adhesion we used overexpression of full-length human Dsg3 cDNA, and RNAi-mediated knockdown of this molecule in various epithelial cell types. Overexpression of Dsg3 resulted in a reduced level of E-cadherin but a colocalisation with the E-cadherin-catenin complex of the adherens junctions. Concomitantly these transfected cells exhibited marked migratory capacity and the formation of filopodial protrusions. These latter events are consistent with Src activation and, indeed, Src-specific inhibition reversed these phenotypes. Moreover Dsg3 knockdown, which also reversed the decreased level of E-cadherin, partially blocked Src phosphorylation.Our data are consistent with the possibility that Dsg3, as an up-stream regulator of Src activity, helps regulate adherens junction formation

    A Distinct Expression Pattern in Mammalian Testes Indicates a Conserved Role for NANOG in Spermatogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: NANOG is a key player in pluripotency and its expression is restricted to pluripotent cells of the inner cell mass, the epiblast and to primordial germ cells. Spermatogenesis is closely associated with pluripotency, because through this process highly specialized sperm cells are produced that contribute to the formation of totipotent zygotes. Nevertheless, it is unknown if NANOG plays a role in this process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the current study, NANOG expression was examined in testes of various mammals, including mouse and human. Nanog mRNA and NANOG protein were detected by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and western blotting. Furthermore, eGFP expression was detected in the testis of a transgenic Nanog eGFP-reporter mouse. Surprisingly, although NANOG expression has previously been associated with undifferentiated cells with stem cell potential, expression in the testis was observed in pachytene spermatocytes and in the first steps of haploid germ cell maturation (spermiogenesis). Weak expression in type A spermatogonia was also observed. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the current study strongly suggest a conserved role for NANOG in meiotic and post-meiotic stages of male germ cell developmen

    Separation of Recombination and SOS Response in Escherichia coli RecA Suggests LexA Interaction Sites

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    RecA plays a key role in homologous recombination, the induction of the DNA damage response through LexA cleavage and the activity of error-prone polymerase in Escherichia coli. RecA interacts with multiple partners to achieve this pleiotropic role, but the structural location and sequence determinants involved in these multiple interactions remain mostly unknown. Here, in a first application to prokaryotes, Evolutionary Trace (ET) analysis identifies clusters of evolutionarily important surface amino acids involved in RecA functions. Some of these clusters match the known ATP binding, DNA binding, and RecA-RecA homo-dimerization sites, but others are novel. Mutation analysis at these sites disrupted either recombination or LexA cleavage. This highlights distinct functional sites specific for recombination and DNA damage response induction. Finally, our analysis reveals a composite site for LexA binding and cleavage, which is formed only on the active RecA filament. These new sites can provide new drug targets to modulate one or more RecA functions, with the potential to address the problem of evolution of antibiotic resistance at its root

    Endothelial dysfunction and diabetes: roles of hyperglycemia, impaired insulin signaling and obesity

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