22 research outputs found

    Effect of iodide on Fas, Fas-ligand and Bcl-w mRNA expression in thyroid of NOD mice pretreated with methimazole

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    Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and a derived strain, NOD.H.2h4, have been used as a model for experimental spontaneous thyroiditis and thyroiditis induced by iodide excess after a goiter-inducing period. Some authors have proposed that iodide, given after methimazole or propylthiouracil, is capable of inducing apoptosis in thyroid cells and that anti-thyroid drugs can modulate the expression of apoptosis components such as Fas and its ligand (Fas-L). Here we evaluated the effect of potassium iodide (20 µg/animal for 4 days, ip) given to NOD mice at the 10th week of life after exposure to methimazole (1 mg/ml) in drinking water from the 4th to the 10th week of life. Fas, Fas-L and Bcl-w expression were analyzed semiquantitatively by RT-PCR immediately after potassium iodide administration (group MI44D) or at week 32 (MI32S). Control groups were added at 10 (C10) and 32 weeks (C32), as well as a group that received only methimazole (CM10). An increase in the expression of Fas-L and Bcl-w (P<0.01, ANOVA) was observed in animals of group MI44D, while Fas was expressed at higher levels (P = 0.02) in group C32 (72.89 ± 47.09 arbitrary units) when compared to group C10 (10.8 ± 8.55 arbitrary units). Thus, the analysis of Fas-L and Bcl-w expression in the MI44D group and Fas in group C32 allowed us to detect two different patterns of expression of these apoptosis components in thyroid tissue of NOD mice

    The Scientific Foundation for Personal Genomics: Recommendations from a National Institutes of Health-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Multidisciplinary Workshop

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    The increasing availability of personal genomic tests has led to discussions about the validity and utility of such tests and the balance of benefits and harms. A multidisciplinary workshop was convened by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review the scientific foundation for using personal genomics in risk assessment and disease prevention and to develop recommendations for targeted research. The clinical validity and utility of personal genomics is a moving target with rapidly developing discoveries but little translation research to close the gap between discoveries and health impact. Workshop participants made recommendations in five domains: (1) developing and applying scientific standards for assessing personal genomic tests; (2) developing and applying a multidisciplinary research agenda, including observational studies and clinical trials to fill knowledge gaps in clinical validity and utility; (3) enhancing credible knowledge synthesis and information dissemination to clinicians and consumers; (4) linking scientific findings to evidence-based recommendations for use of personal genomics; and (5) assessing how the concept of personal utility can affect health benefits, costs, and risks by developing appropriate metrics for evaluation. To fulfill the promise of personal genomics, a rigorous multidisciplinary research agenda is needed. Genet Med 2009:11(8):559-567

    Thyroglobulin as an autoantigen: what can we learn about immunopathogenicity from the correlation of antigenic properties with protein structure?

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    Autoantibodies against human thyroglobulin are a hallmark of autoimmune thyroid disease in humans, and are often found in normal subjects. Their pathogenic significance is debated. Several B-cell epitope-bearing peptides have been identified in thyroglobulin. They are generally located away from the cysteine-rich regions of tandem sequence repetition. It is possible that our current epitopic map is incomplete because of the difficulty that proteolytic and recombinant approaches have in restituting conformational epitopes based upon proper pairing between numerous cysteinyl residues. Furthermore, the homology of cysteine-rich repeats with a motif occurring in several proteins, endowed with antiprotease activity, suggests that these regions may normally escape processing and presentation to the immune system, and brings attention to the mechanisms, such as oxidative cleavage, by which such cryptic epitopes may be exposed. A number of T-cell epitope-bearing peptides, endowed with thyroiditogenic power in susceptible mice, were also identified. None of them was dominant, as none was able to prime in vivo lymph node cells that would proliferate or transfer autoimmune thyroiditis to syngeneic hosts, upon stimulation with intact thyroglobulin in vitro. More than half of them are located within the acetylcholinesterase-homologous domain of thyroglobulin, and overlap B-cell epitopes associated with autoimmune thyroid disease, while the others are located within cysteine-rich repeats. The immunopathogenic, non-dominant character of these epitopes also favours the view that the development of autoimmune thyroid disease may involve the unmasking of cryptic epitopes, whose exposure may cause the breaking of peripheral tolerance to thyroglobulin. Further research in this direction seems warranted