53 research outputs found

    The effect of cartilage and bone density of mushroom-shaped, photooxidized, osteochondral transplants: an experimental study on graft performance in sheep using transplants originating from different species

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    BACKGROUND: Differences in overall performance of osteochondral photooxidized grafts were studied in accordance of their species origin and a new, more rigorous cleansing procedure using alcohol during preparation. METHODS: Photooxidized mushroom-shaped grafts of bovine, ovine, human and equine origin were implanted in the femoral condyles of 32 sheep (condyles: n = 64). No viable chondrocytes were present at the time of implantation. Grafts were evaluated at 6 months using plastic embedded sections of non-decalcified bone and cartilage specimens. Graft incorporation, the formation of cyst-like lesions at the base of the cartilage junction as well as cartilage morphology was studied qualitatively, semi-quantitatively using a score system and quantitatively by performing histomorphometrical measurements of percentage of bone and fibrous tissue of the original defects. For statistical analysis a factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA- test) was applied. RESULTS: Differences of graft performance were found according to species origin and cleansing process during graft preparation. According to the score system cartilage surface integrity was best for equine grafts, as well as dislocation or mechanical stability. The equine grafts showed the highest percentage for bone and lowest for fibrous tissue, resp. cystic lesions. The new, more rigorous cleansing process decreased cartilage persistence and overall graft performance. CONCLUSION: Performance of grafts from equine origin was better compared to bovine, ovine and human grafts. The exact reason for this difference was not proven in the current study, but could be related to differences in density of cartilage and subchondral bone between species

    Ablation of the Pro-Apoptotic Protein Bax Protects Mice from Glucocorticoid-Induced Bone Growth Impairment

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    Dexamethasone (Dexa) is a widely used glucocorticoid to treat inflammatory diseases; however, a multitude of undesired effects have been reported to arise from this treatment including osteoporosis, obesity, and in children decreased longitudinal bone growth. We and others have previously shown that glucocorticoids induce apoptosis in growth plate chondrocytes. Here, we hypothesized that Bax, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, plays a key role in Dexa-induced chondrocyte apoptosis and bone growth impairment. Indeed, experiments in the human HCS-2/8 chondrocytic cell line demonstrated that silencing of Bax expression using small-interfering (si) RNA efficiently blocked Dexa-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, ablation of Bax in female mice protected against Dexa-induced bone growth impairment. Finally, Bax activation by Dexa was confirmed in human growth plate cartilage specimens cultured ex vivo. Our findings could therefore open the door for new therapeutic approaches to prevent glucocorticoid-induced bone growth impairment through specific targeting of Bax

    Increased classical endoplasmic reticulum stress is sufficient to reduce chondrocyte proliferation rate in the growth plate and decrease bone growth

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    Copyright: © 2015 Kung et al. Mutations in genes encoding cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and matrilin-3 cause a spectrum of chondrodysplasias called multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) and pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH). The majority of these diseases feature classical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) as a result of misfolding of the mutant protein. However, the importance and the pathological contribution of ER stress in the disease pathogenesis are unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the generic role of ER stress and the UPR in the pathogenesis of these diseases. A transgenic mouse line (ColIITgcog) was generated using the collagen II promoter to drive expression of an ER stress-inducing protein (Tgcog) in chondrocytes. The skeletal and histological phenotypes of these ColIITgcog mice were characterised. The expression and intracellular retention of Tgcog induced ER stress and activated the UPR as characterised by increased BiP expression, phosphorylation of eIF2á and spliced Xbp1. ColIITgcog mice exhibited decreased long bone growth and decreased chondrocyte proliferation rate. However, there was no disruption of chondrocyte morphology or growth plate architecture and perturbations in apoptosis were not apparent. Our data demonstrate that the targeted induction of ER stress in chondrocytes was sufficient to reduce the rate of bone growth, a key clinical feature associated with MED and PSACH, in the absence of any growth plate dysplasia. This study establishes that classical ER stress is a pathogenic factor that contributes to the disease mechanism of MED and PSACH. However, not all the pathological features of MED and PSACH were recapitulated, suggesting that a combination of intra- and extra-cellular factors are likely to be responsible for the disease pathology as a whole

    Vitamin A derivatives in the prevention and treatment of human cancer.

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    Vitamin A is essential for normal cellular growth and differentiation. A vast amount of laboratory data have clearly demonstrated the potent antiproliferative and differentiation-inducing effects of vitamin A and the synthetic analogues (retinoids). Recent in-vitro work has led to the exciting proposal that protein kinase-C may be centrally involved in many of retinoids' anticancer actions including the effects on ornithine decarboxylase induction, intracellular polyamine levels, and epidermal growth factor receptor number. Several intervention trials have clearly indicated that natural vitamin A at clinically tolerable doses has only limited activity against human neoplastic processes. Therefore, clinical work has focused on the synthetic derivatives with higher therapeutic indexes. In human cancer prevention, retinoids have been most effective for skin diseases, including actinic keratosis, keratoacanthoma, epidermodysplasia verruciformis, dysplastic nevus syndrome, and basal cell carcinoma. Several noncutaneous premaligancies, however, are currently receiving more attention in retinoid trials. Definite retinoid activity has been documented in oral leukoplakia, laryngeal papillomatosis, superficial bladder carcinoma, cervical dysplasia, bronchial metaplasia, and preleukemia. Significant therapeutic advances are also occurring with this class of drugs in some drug-resistant malignancies and several others that have become refractory, including advanced basal cell cancer, mycosis fungoides, melanoma, acute promyelocytic leukemia, and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and of the head and neck. This report comprehensively presents the clinical data using retinoids as anticancer agents in human premalignant disorders and outlines the ongoing and planned studies with retinoids in combination and adjuvant therapy

    pH dependence of the partitioning of triphenyltin and tributyltin between phosphatidylcholine liposomes and water

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    Triorganotin compounds are very toxic contaminants. The site of their basic mechanism of action of acute toxicity is the biomembrane. Liposome-water distribution ratios of triphenyltin and tributyltin were determined between pH 3 and pH 8 with the equilibrium dialysis method in the micromolar concentration range, which is the concentration range where acute toxicity is observed. In addition, biomembrane. Liposome-water distribution ratios of tributyltin were determined with chromatophores of Rhodobacter sphaeroides that contain approximately 70% protein intercalated in the lipid bilayer. The liposome-water distribution of both compounds showed only weak pH dependence. For tributyltin, the apparent distribution ratio decreased from 4100 at low pH to 2000 at high pH, while this ratio decreased from 70 000 to 22 000 for TPT. The distribution ratio of the triorganotin cation exceeded that of the neutral hydroxo complex by a factor of 2. The distribution ratio of both the cation and the hydroxo complex of triphenyltin exceeded that of tributyltin by a factor of 10. It is postulated that the sorption of the cation is governed by complex formation with ligands in the phospholipids, presumably the phosphate group. The biomembrane-water distribution ratio of tributyltin was found to be lower than the liposome-water distribution ratio at high pH. The hydroxo complex appears to partition only to the lipid fraction of the biomembrane. Yet, at low pH the biomembrane-water distribution ratio exceeded the liposome-water distribution ratio, which is attributed to complex formation of the cationic species with ligands of the protein fraction

    Effects of cadmium on non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal Norway spruce seedlings [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and its ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata (Scop, ex Fr.) Bk. & Br.: Sulphate reduction, thiols and distribution of the heavy metal

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    The effect of cadmium on assimilatory sulphate reduction and thiol content was studied in non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies) and its ectomycorrhtzal fungus Laccaria laccata. The distribution of cadmium was also investigated. Isotope dilution experiments indicated that the fungus reduced sulphate via adenosine 3′-phosphate 5′-phosphosulphate sulphotransferase, whereas Norway spruce seedlings assimilated sulphate via adenosine 5′-phosphosulphate sulphotransferase in both roots and needles. In mycorrhizal roots only the plant sulphotransferase activity could be measured. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots and the mycelium of Laccaria laccata contained increased activities of sulphotransferase and more acid-soluble thiols when cultivated with cadmium. The increase in acid-soluble thiols was due to phytochelatins in roots and to glutathione in Laccaria laccata, where neither phytochelatins nor metallothioneins could be detected. Even though the cadmium content of mycorrhizal roots was slightly higher than that of non-mycorrhizal roots, concentrations of phytochelatin were only half as high as in non-mycorrhizal roots. Cadmium content of needles of mycorrhizal plants was significantly lower than that of non-mycorrhizal plants. Most of the cadmium in Laccaria laccata was associated with the cell walls and could be exchanged with Ni2+
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