2,016 research outputs found

    Fourier multiplier theorems involving type and cotype

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    In this paper we develop the theory of Fourier multiplier operators Tm:Lp(Rd;X)→Lq(Rd;Y)T_{m}:L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{d};X)\to L^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{d};Y), for Banach spaces XX and YY, 1≤p≤q≤∞1\leq p\leq q\leq \infty and m:Rd→L(X,Y)m:\mathbb{R}^d\to \mathcal{L}(X,Y) an operator-valued symbol. The case p=qp=q has been studied extensively since the 1980's, but far less is known for p<qp<q. In the scalar setting one can deduce results for p<qp<q from the case p=qp=q. However, in the vector-valued setting this leads to restrictions both on the smoothness of the multiplier and on the class of Banach spaces. For example, one often needs that XX and YY are UMD spaces and that mm satisfies a smoothness condition. We show that for p<qp<q other geometric conditions on XX and YY, such as the notions of type and cotype, can be used to study Fourier multipliers. Moreover, we obtain boundedness results for TmT_m without any smoothness properties of mm. Under smoothness conditions the boundedness results can be extrapolated to other values of pp and qq as long as 1p−1q\tfrac{1}{p}-\tfrac{1}{q} remains constant.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. 31 pages. The results on Besov spaces and the proof of the extrapolation result have been moved to arXiv:1606.0327

    Variable-Sweep Transition Flight Experiment (VSTFE): Stability code development and clean-up glove data analysis

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    The primary objective of the Variable Sweep Transition Flight Experiment (VSTFE) was to establish an improved swept wing transition criterion. The development of the Unified Stability System gave a way of quickly examining disturbance growth for a wide variety of laminar boundary layers. The disturbance growth traces shown are too scattered to define a transition criteria to replace the F-111 data band, which has been used successfully to design NLF gloves. Still, a careful review of the clean-up glove data may yield cases for which the transition location is known more accurately. Liquid crystal photographs of the clean-up glove show much spanwise variation in the transition front for some conditions, and this further complicates the analyses. Several high quality cases are needed in which the transition front is well defined and at a relatively constant chordwise station

    Disintegration of positive isometric group representations on Lp\mathrm{L}^p-spaces

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    Let GG be a Polish locally compact group acting on a Polish space XX with a GG-invariant probability measure μ\mu. We factorize the integral with respect to μ\mu in terms of the integrals with respect to the ergodic measures on XX, and show that Lp(X,μ)\mathrm{L}^p(X,\mu) (1≤p<∞1\leq p<\infty) is GG-equivariantly isometrically lattice isomorphic to an Lp\mathrm{L}^p-direct integral of the spaces Lp(X,λ)\mathrm{L}^{p}(X,\lambda), where λ\lambda ranges over the ergodic measures on XX. This yields a disintegration of the canonical representation of GG as isometric lattice automorphisms of Lp(X,μ)\mathrm{L}^p(X,\mu) as an Lp\mathrm{L}^p-direct integral of order indecomposable representations. If (X′,μ′)(X^\prime,\mu^\prime) is a probability space, and, for some 1≤q<∞1\leq q<\infty, GG acts in a strongly continuous manner on Lq(X′,μ′)\mathrm{L}^q(X^\prime,\mu^\prime) as isometric lattice automorphisms that leave the constants fixed, then GG acts on Lp(X′,μ′)\mathrm{L}^{p}(X^{\prime},\mu^{\prime}) in a similar fashion for all 1≤p<∞1\leq p<\infty. Moreover, there exists an alternative model in which these representations originate from a continuous action of GG on a compact Hausdorff space. If (X′,μ′)(X^\prime,\mu^\prime) is separable, the representation of GG on Lp(X′,μ′)\mathrm{L}^p(X^\prime,\mu^\prime) can then be disintegrated into order indecomposable representations. The notions of Lp\mathrm{L}^p-direct integrals of Banach spaces and representations that are developed extend those in the literature.Comment: Section on future perspectives added. 35 pages. To appear in Positivit

    Operator Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces

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    Let XX, YY be Banach spaces and let L(X,Y)\mathcal{L}(X,Y) be the space of bounded linear operators from XX to YY. We develop the theory of double operator integrals on L(X,Y)\mathcal{L}(X,Y) and apply this theory to obtain commutator estimates of the form ∥f(B)S−Sf(A)∥L(X,Y)≤const∥BS−SA∥L(X,Y)\|f(B)S-Sf(A)\|_{\mathcal{L}(X,Y)}\leq \textrm{const} \|BS-SA\|_{\mathcal{L}(X,Y)} for a large class of functions ff, where A∈L(X)A\in\mathcal{L}(X), B∈L(Y)B\in \mathcal{L}(Y) are scalar type operators and S∈L(X,Y)S\in \mathcal{L}(X,Y). In particular, we establish this estimate for f(t):=∣t∣f(t):=|t| and for diagonalizable operators on X=ℓpX=\ell_{p} and Y=ℓqY=\ell_{q}, for p<qp<q and p=q=1p=q=1, and for X=Y=c0X=Y=\mathrm{c}_{0}. We also obtain results for p≥qp\geq q. We also study the estimate above in the setting of Banach ideals in L(X,Y)\mathcal{L}(X,Y). The commutator estimates we derive hold for diagonalizable matrices with a constant independent of the size of the matrix.Comment: Final version published in Studia Mathematica, with some minor change
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