9,379 research outputs found

    The century of the incomplete revolution: searching for general relativistic quantum field theory

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    In fundamental physics, this has been the century of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It has also been the century of the long search for a conceptual framework capable of embracing the astonishing features of the world that have been revealed by these two ``first pieces of a conceptual revolution''. I discuss the general requirements on the mathematics and some specific developments towards the construction of such a framework. Examples of covariant constructions of (simple) generally relativistic quantum field theories have been obtained as topological quantum field theories, in nonperturbative zero-dimensional string theory and its higher dimensional generalizations, and as spin foam models. A canonical construction of a general relativistic quantum field theory is provided by loop quantum gravity. Remarkably, all these diverse approaches have turn out to be related, suggesting an intriguing general picture of general relativistic quantum physics.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics 2000 Special Issu

    Physics with nonperturbative quantum gravity: radiation from a quantum black hole

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    We study quantum gravitational effects on black hole radiation, using loop quantum gravity. Bekenstein and Mukhanov have recently considered the modifications caused by quantum gravity on Hawking's thermal black-hole radiation. Using a simple ansatz for the eigenstates the area, they have obtained the intriguing result that the quantum properties of geometry affect the radiation considerably, yielding a definitely non-thermal spectrum. Here, we replace the simple ansatz employed by Bekenstein and Mukhanov with the actual eigenstates of the area, computed using the loop representation of quantum gravity. We derive the emission spectra, using a classic result in number theory by Hardy and Ramanujan. Disappointingly, we do not recover the Bekenstein-Mukhanov spectrum, but --effectively-- a Hawking's thermal spectrum. The Bekenstein-Mukhanov result is therefore likely to be an artefact of the naive ansatz, rather than a robust result. The result is an example of concrete (although somewhat disappointing) application of nonperturbative quantum gravity.Comment: 4 pages, latex-revtex, no figure


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    We study a tentative generally covariant quantum field theory, denoted the T-Theory, as a tool to investigate the consistency of quantum general relativity. The theory describes the gravitational field and a minimally coupled scalar field; it is based on the loop representation, and on a certain number of quantization choices. Four-dimensional diffeomorphism-invariant quantum transition probabilities can be computed from the theory. We present the explicit calculation of the transition probability between two volume eigenstates as an example. We discuss the choices on which the T-theory relies, and the possibilities of modifying them.Comment: Latex file, 33 page

    SL(2,R) model with two Hamiltonian constraints

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    We describe a simple dynamical model characterized by the presence of two noncommuting Hamiltonian constraints. This feature mimics the constraint structure of general relativity, where there is one Hamiltonian constraint associated with each space point. We solve the classical and quantum dynamics of the model, which turns out to be governed by an SL(2,R) gauge symmetry, local in time. In classical theory, we solve the equations of motion, find a SO(2,2) algebra of Dirac observables, find the gauge transformations for the Lagrangian and canonical variables and for the Lagrange multipliers. In quantum theory, we find the physical states, the quantum observables, and the physical inner product, which is determined by the reality conditions. In addition, we construct the classical and quantum evolving constants of the system. The model illustrates how to describe physical gauge-invariant relative evolution when coordinate time evolution is a gauge.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Towards the graviton from spinfoams: the 3d toy model

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    Recently, a proposal has appeared for the extraction of the 2-point function of linearised quantum gravity, within the spinfoam formalism. This relies on the use of a boundary state, which introduces a semi-classical flat geometry on the boundary. In this paper, we investigate this proposal considering a toy model in the (Riemannian) 3d case, where the semi-classical limit is better understood. We show that in this limit the propagation kernel of the model is the one for the harmonic oscillator. This is at the origin of the expected 1/L behaviour of the 2-point function. Furthermore, we numerically study the short scales regime, where deviations from this behaviour occur.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; v3 revised versio

    A semiclassical tetrahedron

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    We construct a macroscopic semiclassical state state for a quantum tetrahedron. The expectation values of the geometrical operators representing the volume, areas and dihedral angles are peaked around assigned classical values, with vanishing relative uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages; v2 revised versio

    The complete LQG propagator: I. Difficulties with the Barrett-Crane vertex

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    Some components of the graviton two-point function have been recently computed in the context of loop quantum gravity, using the spinfoam Barrett-Crane vertex. We complete the calculation of the remaining components. We find that, under our assumptions, the Barrett-Crane vertex does not yield the correct long distance limit. We argue that the problem is general and can be traced to the intertwiner-independence of the Barrett-Crane vertex, and therefore to the well-known mismatch between the Barrett-Crane formalism and the standard canonical spin networks. In a companion paper we illustrate the asymptotic behavior of a vertex amplitude that can correct this difficulty.Comment: 31 page

    Yang-Mills analogues of the Immirzi ambiguity

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    We draw parallels between the recently introduced ``Immirzi ambiguity'' of the Ashtekar-like formulation of canonical quantum gravity and other ambiguities that appear in Yang-Mills theories, like the θ\theta ambiguity. We also discuss ambiguities in the Maxwell case, and implication for the loop quantization of these theories.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, no figure

    Causality in Spin Foam Models

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    We compute Teitelboim's causal propagator in the context of canonical loop quantum gravity. For the Lorentzian signature, we find that the resultant power series can be expressed as a sum over branched, colored two-surfaces with an intrinsic causal structure. This leads us to define a general structure which we call a ``causal spin foam''. We also demonstrate that the causal evolution models for spin networks fall in the general class of causal spin foams.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, many eps figure
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