8 research outputs found

    The Use Of Fish In Ilhabela (são Paulo/brazil): Preferences, Food Taboos And Medicinal Indications [o Uso De Peixes Em Ilhabela (são Paulo, Brasil): Preferências, Tabus Alimentares E Indicações Medicinais]

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    This study was conducted in three communities of artisanal fishermen from Ilhabela, located on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective was to analyze the preferences, taboos and medicinal indications of fish and thus representing one of the interactions of fishermen with fish stocks. Data collection was conducted through interviews with the aid of semi-structured questionnaires. We interviewed 25 families, 29 residents in three communities studied during our fieldwork for data collection. Five interviews were done in Jabaquara Beach, 6 in Fome Beach and 14 Serraria Beach. During the interviews, 18 species were cited as preferred for consumption, 11 species considered to be taboo (food prohibited), 5 species were cited as avoided as food, and 4 species indicated in case of illness. The families of fishermen prefer to consume finfish and do not consume puffer fish, the latter probably due to its toxic characteristic. Fish such as little tunny, largehead hairtail, shark, serra mackerel and king mackerel are avoided by unhealthy people and in cases of wounds, inflammation, pregnancy and postpartum. Other fish, such as sea chubs, silver porgy, bluefish and grouper are reported as medicinal in these situations. Aspects related to fish consumption are part of the knowledge of fishermen and their families and provide a wealth of information that combined to biological information is useful for the conservation of fishery resources. Data such as those presented in this study, regarding the use of aquatic animals for treatment of diseases, could serve as a basis for future studies on substances that contain active elements in curing diseases.1212129Alves, R.R.N., Alves, H.N., The faunal drugstore: Animal-based remedies used in tradicional medicines in Latin America (2011) J. Ethnobiol. AndEthnomed, 7, p. 9. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-7-9, PMid:21385357. 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    Artisanal Fishing And Fishermen Of Ilhabela - São Paulo State - Brazil [a Pesca E Os Pescadores Artesanais De Ilhabela (sp), Brasil]

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    This work was developed in Ilhabela, northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective was to characterize artisanal fisheries in fishing communities of Jabaquara Beach, Serraria Beach, Fome Beach and Bonete Beach. Fishing methods, strategies and equipment used by fishers, as well as, local forms of marketing and exploited fishery resources are approached in this study. The data were collected through interviews using semi-structured questionnaires. Information such as general aspects of fishing, socioeconomic data, time of fishing technology and fishing strategies in use was obtained. This research included 20 fishermen from Serraria beach, six from Jabaquara beach, 10 from Fome beach and 18 from Bonete Beach, totaling 54 interviews. In general, the artisanal fishery is still the main economic activity; however, develop other activities, such as activities related to tourism. Forty five fishing points were cited. The main gear used by fishers in the fishing points, along with fishing techniques are the rede de espera (set gillnet) and the main type of vessel is the batera. The ichthyofauna was characterized with 76 identified species belonging to 65 genera and 38 biological families. The aspects related to fishing activities are part of the knowledge of fishermen on the environment and constitute a comprehensive collection of information that, together with biological information can be useful to deepen the knowledge of fish ecology and management of local fisheries resources. The information available from this study is important as a baseline to allow temporal comparison of the fishing and fish in this region.383231246Araújo, M.E., Teixeira, J.M.C., Oliveira, A.M.E., (2004) Peixes Estuarinos Marinhos do Nordeste Brasileiro: (Guia ilustrado), p. 260. , Pernambuco: Editora da UFCBegossi, A., Fishing spots and sea tenure in Atlantic Forest Coastal communities: Incipient forms of local management (1995) Human Ecology, 23 (3), pp. 387-406Begossi, A., (1998) Resilience and neo-tradicional populations: The caiçaras (Atlantic Forest) and cablocos (Amazon, Brazil), , In: BERKES, F. e FOLKE, C. Linking Ecological and Social Systems for Resilience and Sustainability. Londres: Cambridge University Press. p.129-157Begossi, A., (2004) Áreas, pontos de pesca, pesqueiros e territórios na pesca artesanal, p. 332. , In: BEGOSSI, A. Ecologia de Pescadores da Mata Atlântica e da Amazônia. 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    Sexual dimorphism based on body proportions and ontogenetic changes in the Brazilian electric ray Narcine brasiliensis (von Olfers, 1831) (Chondrichthyes: Narcinidae)

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    Sexual dimorphism in the Brazilian electric ray Narcine brasiliensis from the south-western Atlantic coast was evaluated based on body proportions and ontogenetic changes. All regions of the body were found to have differences in body proportions between the sexes, except the spiracles. The nature of allometric and isometric relationships differed mainly in terms of the six largest body dimensions. Some of these differences can be supported by the species’ life history. Principal components analysis (PCA) and analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) distinguished the adults’ body proportions by sex. Similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER) selected six variables that best discriminated between the sexes with a cumulative difference up to 70% (tail width, disc width, length between snout and first dorsal fin, pelvic fin width, length between snout and the widest part of the disc, and disc length). It was possible to select seven stable dimensions, both ontogenetic and sexual, that are recommended for use in taxonomic studies. These dimensions were interspiracular distance, spiracle length and width, upper and lower tooth band width, pelvic fin length, and length of posterior lobe of the pelvic fin. It is important to consider the differences in body proportions within a species in order to properly characterise the population and estimate its most reliable parameters.Keywords: Elasmobranchii, morphometry, relative growth, Torpediniforme

    Fish species caught by shrimp trawlers off the coast of Sergipe, in north-eastern Brazil, and their length–weight relations

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    The objective of this study was to report all fish species caught by shrimp trawlers based in Pirambu, in the state of Sergipe, Brazil and estimate the length–weight relation (LWR) for the most abundant species in the samples. Four samples were collected monthly from four shrimp trawlers. A total of 8522 fishes were caught (89 species; 38 families). LWRs were estimated for 18 species having the parameter b within the range of 2.5–3.5: Cathorops spixii (Agassiz, 1829); Stellifer brasiliensis (Schultz, 1945); Pellona harroweri (Fowler, 1917); Odontognathus mucronatus Lacepède, 1800; Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1875); Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889); Isopisthus parvipinnis (Cuvier, 1830); Selene brownii (Cuvier, 1816); Anchoa spinifer (Valenciennes, 1848); Trinectes paulistanus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1915); Symphurus plagusia (Bloch et Schneider, 1801); Chirocentrodon bleekerianus (Poey, 1867); Stellifer stellifer (Bloch, 1790); Citharichthys spilopterus Günther, 1862; Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus (Metzelaar, 1919); Anchoviella lepidentostole (Fowler, 1911); Peprilus crenulatus Cuvier, 1829; Genyatremus cavifrons (Cuvier, 1830). Five new maximum size records were reported in this study for Trinectes paulistanus, Citharichthys spilopterus, Anchoviella lepidentostole, Chirocentrodon bleekerianus, and Stellifer brasiliensis. Fifty-four new maximum weight records were also registered. LWR estimated here are the first for Genyatremus cavifrons and Peprilus crenulatus

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