734 research outputs found

    Corrosion behavior of dental implants immersed into human saliva: Preliminary results of an in vitro study

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    Over the years, dif- ferent implant surfaces have been used to try to maximize bone to implant contact. The aim of this study was to compare levels of metallic ions and particles dissolution collected from two dif- ferent dental implants surfaces immersed into human saliva. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 60 den- tal implants were tested. Group A: sanded with aluminium oxide medium grade particles and ac- id-etched; Group B: micro-sanded with calcium phosphate powders and acid-etched. Forty im- plants were immersed in 20 ml of human saliva, twenty, as a control, in sterile saline solution. ICP-MS was performed to detect any metallic ions released from dental implants at T0, on day 1 (T1), on day 3 (T2), after one week (T3), on day 14 (T4), after 3 months (T5) and after 6 months (T6). RESULTS: Dissolution of metallic particles of titanium and nickel, absent in human saliva (T0), were found after one week (T3) for Group B and after 3 months (T5) for Group A. Vanadium was already detected in small concentrations in either group after 1 day, with an exponential growth for Group B. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary results reported signi cant values of Ti, Ni and V released by Group B, showing for the rst time statistically signi cant values of vanadium

    Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of mandibular bone tissue regeneration

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    The purpose of the study was to perform an immunohistochemical and histological evaluation of samples taken from different bone regeneration procedures in atrophic human mandible. 30 patients (15 men and 15 women, age range of 35-60 years), non-smokers, with good general and oral health were recruited in this study and divided into three groups. The first group included patients who were treated with blood Concentration Growth Factors (bCGF), the second group included patients who were treated with a mixture of bCGF and autologous bone, while the third group of patients was treated with bCGF and tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (TCP-HA). Six months after the regenerative procedures, all patients undergone implant surgery, and a bone biopsy was carried out in the site of implant insertion. Each sample was histologically and immunohistochemically examined. Histological evaluation showed a complete bone formation for group II, partial ossification for group I, and moderate ossification for group III. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the three groups, and the best clinical result was obtained with a mixture of bCGF and autologous bone

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kondisi Osteoatritis Knee bilateral di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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    Background : osteoarthritis is a joint symptome that cause decreased of cartilage of joint, and then appears bump of bone in surface of joint (osteofit),which is characterized by an increase in pain, limitation of motion and functional limitation. Modalities are given to this condition are Infra Read (IR) and Transcuteneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Objective : To know the benefits of modalities IR, TENS for reducing pain, increasing range of motions, and increasing functional activities in bilateral osteoatritis of the knee. Metode : Physiotherapy methods used in the case are IR and TENS. The evaluation was done by the method of measurement of pain by visual describtive scale, range of motion by goniometer and functional activity by Jette Scale. Results : After 6 treatments of therapy shows a decrease in press pain T1:mild pain to T6: no pain, motion pain T1: pain is no very severe to T6: mild pain; increase active range of motion knee dextra active motion T1: S:0º-0º -110ºtoT6: S:0º -0º-115º, increase range of motion knee dektra pasiveT1:S: 0 º -0 º -115º toT6:S: 0 º -0 º -120º; increase range of motion knee sinistra active motion T1 : S : 0 º - 0 º - 120º to T6 : S:0º-0º -125º, increase range of motion knee sinistra passive motion T1 :S: 0 º -0 º -120º to S: 0 º -0 º -130º ; increase in funcional activity T1 : 31 to T6 : 21. Conclusion : In the case of modalities IR, TENS can decrease pain, improve LGS, and increase functional activity

    Pengaruh Friction Terhadap Penurunan MTPS (Myofacial TriggerPoint Syndrome) Nyeri Leher

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    MTPS merupakan sekumpulan gejala yang disebabkan karena aktifnya trigger point pada otot yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya aktifitas fungsi motorik, sensorik dan otonom yang berkumpul menjadi suatu titik pada otot dan jelas terlokalisasi. Untuk menurunkan aktivitas fungsi motorik aktivitas fungsi diguanakan teknik friction yang merupakan bagian dari massage untuk melepaskan perlengketan jaringan, untuk mengurangi spasme oto dan menghilangkan nodulus pada jarinagn lunak. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di praktek Dokter Endah Sekti yang beralamat di Jl. Jambu, Perumnas Ngringo, Jaten-Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah selama 3 minggu pada bulan Okober-Desember 2012. Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan pendekatan quasi eksperimental yaitu suatau penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gejala ata pengaruh yang timbul akibat dari adanya perlakuan tertentu dan semua variabel tidak dapat dikontrol oleh peneliti. Desain penelitian dengan One Group Pre and Post test. Sampel yang terkumpul 17 orang. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji hubungan satu sampel berpasanagan wilcoxon karena jumlah sampel kecil. Hasil analisa data ditemukan nilai sig : 0,001. Kesimpulannya terdapat pengaruh friction terhadap penurunan MTPS nyeri lehe

    Overcrowded housing during adolescence and future risk of premature mortality: a 28-year follow-up of 556,191 adolescents from Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: Few large-scale studies have examined the health impacts of overcrowded housing in European countries. The aim of this study was to assess whether household crowding during adolescence increases the risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Switzerland. METHODS: Study participants were 556,191 adolescents aged 10-19 years at the 1990 census from the Swiss National Cohort. Household crowding at baseline was measured as the ratio between the number of persons living in the household and the number of available rooms, categorized as none (ratio ≤ 1), moderate (1 1.5). Participants were linked to administrative mortality records through 2018 and followed for premature mortality from all causes, cardiometabolic disease and self-harm or substance use. Cumulative risk differences between ages 10 and 45 were standardized by parental occupation, residential area, permit status and household type. FINDINGS: Of the sample, 19% lived in moderately and 5% lived in severely crowded households. During an average follow-up of 23 years, 9766 participants died. Cumulative risk of death from all causes was 2359 (95% compatibility intervals: 2296-2415) per 100,000 persons when living in non-crowded households. Living in moderately crowded households led to 99 additional deaths (-63 to 256) per 100,000 persons and living in severely crowded households 258 additional deaths (-37 to 607) per 100,000 persons. The effect of crowding on mortality from cardiometabolic diseases, self-harm or substance use was negligible. INTERPRETATION: Excess risk of premature mortality in adolescents living in overcrowded households appears to be small or negligible in Switzerland. FUNDING: University of Fribourg Scholarship Programme for foreign post-doctoral researchers

    Glial cells are functionally impaired in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and detrimental to neurons.

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    The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs or Batten disease) are a group of inherited, fatal neurodegenerative disorders of childhood. In these disorders, glial (microglial and astrocyte) activation typically occurs early in disease progression and predicts where neuron loss subsequently occurs. We have found that in the most common juvenile form of NCL (CLN3 disease or JNCL) this glial response is less pronounced in both mouse models and human autopsy material, with the morphological transformation of both astrocytes and microglia severely attenuated or delayed. To investigate their properties, we isolated glia and neurons from Cln3-deficient mice and studied their basic biology in culture. Upon stimulation, both Cln3-deficient astrocytes and microglia also showed an attenuated ability to transform morphologically, and an altered protein secretion profile. These defects were more pronounced in astrocytes, including the reduced secretion of a range of neuroprotective factors, mitogens, chemokines and cytokines, in addition to impaired calcium signalling and glutamate clearance. Cln3-deficient neurons also displayed an abnormal organization of their neurites. Most importantly, using a co-culture system, Cln3-deficient astrocytes and microglia had a negative impact on the survival and morphology of both Cln3-deficient and wildtype neurons, but these effects were largely reversed by growing mutant neurons with healthy glia. These data provide evidence that CLN3 disease astrocytes are functionally compromised. Together with microglia, they may play an active role in neuron loss in this disorder and can be considered as potential targets for therapeutic interventions

    Pengaruh Brain Gym Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Pada Lanjut Usia

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    Lanjut usia merupakan suatu rentang kehidupan yang ditandai dengan perubahan atau penurunan fungsi tubuh. Seiring bertambahnya usia, lanjut usia selalu diiringi dengan perubahan fisik maupun mental, termasuk penurunan kemampuan kognitif. Penurunan kemampuan kognitif ditandai dengan penurunan dalam mengingat, kalkulasi, kelancaran dalam berbicara, kemampuan verbal, dan orientasi. Berbagai bentuk latihan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya penurunan kemampuan kognitif pada lanjut usia diantaranya melakukan aktivitas fisik dan olah raga. Tujuan : Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pemberian brain gym terhadap kemampuan kognitif pada lanjut usia. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian Pre and Post test with control group design.dengan jumlah sampel 50 orang yang terdiri atas 43 perempuan dan 7 laki-laki. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total populasi. Hasil : Analisa penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistic Paired Sampel t test didapatkan nilai p adalah 0.000 dimana p < 0.05 yang berarti H0 ditolak, Ha diterima, artinya ada pengaruh pemberian brain gym terhadap kemampuan kognitif pada lanjut usia. Kesimpulan : Dengan demekian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian brain gym terhadap peningkatan kemampuan kognitif pada lnjut usia. Disarankan kepada para lanjut usia untuk rutin melakukan brain gym agar kemampuan kognitif dapat dipertahanka