3,764 research outputs found

    Perfis proteicos e desempenho fisiológico de sementes de café submetidas a diferentes métodos de processamento e secagem.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os perfis proteicos e o desempenho fisiológico de sementes de café submetidas a diferentes métodos de processamento e secagem. Foram avaliados os processamentos por via seca e úmida, e as secagens natural, em terreiro, e artificial a 60ºC, ou a 60ºC até 30% de umidade e 40ºC até teor final de 11% (base úmida). Após serem processadas e secadas, as sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho fisiológico e submetidas a análises bioquímicas, por meio da eletroforese de proteínas resistentes ao calor LEA (?late embryogenesis abundant?) e das enzimas superóxido dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, esterase, polifenoloxidase, isocitrato desidrogenase, álcool desidrogenase e malato desidrogenase. O perfil proteico de sementes de café é afetado pelo método de processamento e de secagem. Os cafés processados por via úmida apresentam maior tolerância à secagem ? revelada pela maior atividade de enzimas antioxidativas e pelo melhor desempenho fisiológico ? do que os processados por via seca. A atividade de proteínas resistentes ao calor e de enzimas antioxidantes é variável promissora para diferenciar a qualidade dos cafés submetidos a diferentes manejos pós‑colheita

    Forces on a boiling bubble in a developing boundary layer, in microgravity with g-jitter and in terrestrial conditions

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    Terrestrial and microgravity flow boiling experiments were carried out with the same test rig, comprising a locally heated artificial cavity in the center of a channel near the frontal edge of an intrusive glass bubble generator. Bubble shapes were in microgravity generally not far from those of truncated spheres,which permitted the computation of inertial lift and drag from potential flow theory for truncated spheres approximating the actual shape. For these bubbles, inertial lift is counteracted by drag and both forces are of the same order of magnitude as g-jitter. A generalization of the Laplace equation is found which applies to a deforming bubble attached to a plane wall and yields the pressure difference between the hydrostatic pressures in the bubble and at the wall, p. A fully independent way to determine the overpressure p is given by a second Euler-Lagrange equation. Relative differences have been found to be about 5% for both terrestrial and microgravity bubbles. A way is found to determine the sum of the two counteracting major force contributions on a bubble in the direction normal to the wall from a single directly measurable quantity. Good agreement with expectation values for terrestrial bubbles was obtained with the difference in radii of curvature averaged over the liquid-vapor interface, (1/R2 − 1/R1), multiplied with the surface tension coefficient, σ. The new analysis methods of force components presented also permit the accounting for a surface tension gradient along the liquid-vapor interface. No such gradients were found for the present measurements

    Differences in the size of eggshells among three Pangstrongylus megistus colonies

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the measurements of eggshells from three colonies of P. megistus, two from the lab and one from a sylvatic habitat. Fifty eggshells from each colony were measured with the use of a stereoscopic microscope and the Qwin image analysis system,. The statistical analysis was performed using unpaired t-test in INSTAT program. The length, width and diameter of the opercular opening of the eggshells from the sylvatic colony were larger than the two laboratorial colonies of P. megistus.O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as mensurações de cascas de ovos de duas colônias laboratoriais e uma silvestre de P. megistus. De cada uma das colônias, 50 cascas de ovos foram mensuradas por meio de microscópio estereoscópico e sistema de análise de imagem QWin. A análise estatística foi efetuada utilizando o teste t-Student, não pareado no programa INSTAT. A largura, o comprimento e o diâmetro da abertura opercular das cascas de ovos de uma colônia silvestre foram maiores que de duas colônias laboratoriais de P. megistus