673 research outputs found

    Coulomb blockade as a probe for non-Abelian statistics in Read-Rezayi states

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    We consider a quantum dot in the regime of the quantum Hall effect, particularly in Laughlin states and non-Abelian Read-Rezayi states. We find the location of the Coulomb blockade peaks in the conductance as a function of the area of the dot and the magnetic field. When the magnetic field is fixed and the area of the dot is varied, the peaks are equally spaced for the Laughlin states. In contrast, non-Abelian statistics is reflected in modulations of the spacing which depend on the magnetic field.Comment: Published versio

    Depth Enhancement of an Underwater Towed System using Hydrodynamic Depressor

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    The underwater towed system described here consists of tow cables, a towed body, an acoustic module and tail rope towed behind a surface ship. The required depth at a particular speed of the towing ship is obtained by paying out specified length of cable from the winch. However the excessive drag forces on the various components of the towed system results in impractically large values of cable length, especially at higher speeds. A hydrodynamic depressor is designed to improve the depth performance. The design is evolved based on numerical analysis and towing tank tests. Estimation of depth attained is carried out based on steady state theory of tow cables. Validation of the numerical analysis results is carried out through field evaluation of depressor performance during sea trial of the towed system

    Experimental signatures of non-Abelian statistics in clustered quantum Hall states

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    We discuss transport experiments for various non-Abelian quantum Hall states, including the Read-Rezayi series and a paired spin singlet state. We analyze the signatures of the unique characters of these states on Coulomb blockaded transport through large quantum dots. We show that the non-Abelian nature of the states manifests itself through modulations in the spacings between Coulomb blockade peaks as a function of the area of the dot. Even though the current flows only along the edge, these modulations vary with the number of quasiholes that are localized in the bulk of the dot. We discuss the effect of relaxation of edge states on the predicted Coulomb blockade patterns, and show that it may suppress the dependence on the number of bulk quasiholes. We predict the form of the lowest order interference term in a Fabry-Perot interferometer for the spin singlet state. The result indicates that this interference term is suppressed for certain values of the quantum numbers of the collective state of the bulk quasiholes, in agreement with previous findings for other clustered states belonging to the Read-Rezayi series.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Published versio

    Pipeline Revision: A Call to Change

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    Comments on the original article by Matthew Makel (see record 2014-06823-002) which raises an important concern regarding selfcorrection in science. While the notion that science should be self-correcting, and is failing, is not new, recent events in both social and biological sciences have led to a renewed call to develop approaches that would allow for self-correction ( Economist, 2013). Makel addresses a number of issues that hinder self-correction through replications and suggests a number of solutions. In this commentary, we as the editors of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (PACA), would like to offer our perspective. As editors, we are in a unique position to influence the field and the ability to self-correct through published replications. Replications, however, are not a one-size fits all

    12 years of PACA: A review of trends in PACA publications

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    In this editorial, the editors take an opportunity to summarize and review the journal from its inception and first volume in 2006 to date. In their review, they focused on a number of factors such as number of submissions, number of papers published, keywords used, special issues developed, and journal reach

    Tinjauan Lama Tunggu Pendistribusian Berkas Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan Di Puskesmas Teladan Medan Tahun 2017

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    Rekam  Medis  diartikan  sebagai  “Keterangan  tertulis  dan  terekam  tentang identitas, anamnesa,  penentuan  fisik  laboratorium,  diagnosa  dan  pengobatan”. Pada prinsipnya  isi  rekam  medis  adalah  milik  pasien,  sedangkan  berkas  rekam  medis (secara  fisik)  adalah  milik  rumah  sakit  atau  institusi  kesehatan.  Penyelenggaraan sistem  rekam  medis  yang  baik,  salah  satunya  harus  ditunjang  oleh  sistem pendistribusian  berkas  rekam medis. Pendistribusian  berkas  rekam medis  yang  baik  adalah pendistribusian berkas rekam medis yang cepat, tepat dan efisien. Pendistribusian berkas rekam medis harus dapat mendukung pelayanan kesehatan, khususnya  pelayanan  rawat  jalan  yang  bermutu.  Karena  itu  diperlukan  petugas pendistribusian yang memadai agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Dengan  menggunakan  metode  penelitian  deskriptif,  penulis  mencoba  untuk menggambarkan  hasil  pengamatan  langsung  dilapangan,  wawancara  dan  studi kepustakaan mengenai pendistribusian rekam medis di Puskesmas Teladan Medan. Hasil penelitian masih didapatkan keterlambatan pendistribusian  rekam medis di Puskesmas Teladan Medan dengan rata-rata  lama waktu 13 menit, antara lain karena kurangnya petugas rekam medis khususnya bagian pendistribusian  serta  lokasi pelayanan yang berbeda lantai  dengan  ruang  penyimpanan  sehingga  menyebabkan  keterlambatan pendistribusian rekam medis ke unit pelayanan. Untuk  menunjang  pelayanan  rekam  medis,  dibutuhkan  petugas  khusus  bagian pendistribusian  agar  petugas  lainnya  dapat  menyelesaikan  tugas  dan  tanggung jawabnya masing-masing

    Analisis Risiko Panen Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Kebun Batang Toru Afdeling II Sipisang Tapanuli Selatan Sumatera Utara

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    Kebun Batang Toru adalah salah satu Kebun PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan karet dan kelapa sawit dengan produk tandan buah segar (TBS) dari kelapa sawit. Kebun Batang Toru menguasai hak kepemilikan 4.097,37 Ha yang terdiri dari 7 Afdeling (Karet dan Kelapa Sawit), salah satunya afdeling II Sipisang yang memiliki komoditas perkebunan kelapa sawit. Afdeling II Sipisang memiliki total luas 518,25 Ha, dengan luas lahan untuk komoditas kelapa sawit adalah 146 Ha. Kegiatan panen dan pasca panen dilakukan di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Batang Toru tanaman II afdeling Sipisang seperti pengurangan buah dan transportasi TBS ke titik pengumpulan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar kehilangan hasil dan kemungkinan risiko insiden TBS kelapa sawit pasca panen. Jumlah kehilangan pascapanen TBS yang diperoleh adalah 7, 05% dari total TBS yang dihasilkan. Kerugian terletak di tanah ke titik pengumpulan. Dampak kerugian pasca panen dari total TBS kelapa sawit adalah Rp 2.209.160,53 dengan probabilitas kejadian 4,4 persen

    Suplementasi Probiotik Dalam Ransum Basal Untuk Meningkatkan Penampilan Serta Menekan Jumlah Lemak Abdomen Dan Gas Amonia Ekskreta Itik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi kultur Saccharomyces spp. dalam ransumterhadap penampilan, jumlah lemak abdomen, dan kadar gas ammonia ekskreta itik Bali umur 4-8 minggu.Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan enam ulangan.Keempat perlakuan yaitu ransum tanpa suplementasi kultur Saccharomyces spp. sebagai kontrol (A). Suplementasimasing-masing: 0,15%; 30%, dan 0,45% kultur Saccharomyces spp. dalam ransum kontrol, masing-masing sebagaiperlakuan B, C, dan D. Variabel yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, berat badan akhir, pertambahan beratbadan, feed conversion ratio (FCR), berat karkas, lemak abdomen, dan kadar gas amonia ekskreta. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa suplementasi kultur Saccharomyces spp. dalam ransum basal pada level 0,30% (C), dan0,45% (D) nyata (P<0,05) meningkatkan berat badan akhir, pertambahan berat badan, dan berat karkas itik jikadibandingkan dengan tanpa suplementasi (A). Akan tetapi, jumlah lemak abdomen dan kadar gas amonia ekskretaitik nyata (P<0,05) lebih rendah daripada kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi 0,30dan 0,45% kultur isolat Saccharomyces spp ragi tape dalam ransum basal dapat meningkatkan penampilan itikbali jantan umur 4-8 minggu serta menurunkan jumlah lemak abdomen dan kadar gas amonia dalam ekskreta itik

    Desain Dan Implementasi Sistem Kendali CNC Router Menggunakan PC Untuk Flame Cutting Machine

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    This paper focuses on design of router control systems based on computer numerical control (CNC) using personal computer (PC) implemented in flame cutting machine (FCM). NC-Code entered into the computer translated to be a command signal sent by the PC to a microcontroller to control the end effector's movement alongthe X and Y axis simultaneously based on linear and circular interpolations calculation on the PC. This control system is implemented on FCM by connecting the output control of the microcontroller with the driver actuator of the FCM in the form of a DC motor. The obtained result is in the form of a CNC router control system prototype to be implemented in the FCM which is capable to perform linear interpolation and circular interpolation

    Selective Cytotoxic Activity of Anredera Cordifolia Leaves Extract Towards Hela Cells

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    Cervical cancer is second rank cancer in female cancer incidence all over the world and the strategy therapy against this disease is addressing cancer cells without endanger normal cells. Discovering potentially selective anticancer agent from plants for the treatment of cervical cancer has become a very challenging area of research worldwide. Our previous study Anredera cordifolia, commonly named as binahong in Indonesia, revealed cytotoxic activity on HeLa cervical cancer cells with IC50 75 µg/mL. However, the selectivity of the chemical agent and its molecular target has still remained a question. The current study was aimed at investigating the selectivity of ethanolic extract of A. cordifolia leaf (EAC) on Vero cells and its molecular target on HeLa cells. The extracts were prepared by macerating Anredera cordifolia leaf powder in 70% ethanol. The assessment of the viability of Vero cells was carried out using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay; while the cell cycle analysis of HeLa cells was probed by using flow cytometry. Based on the cell cycle analysis, the molecular target of the extract was investigated by immunocytochemical staining. The present study exhibited the selective cytotoxicity of EAC on HeLa cells compared to Vero cells with a Selectivity Index (SI) of 17.36. It arrested cell cycle on G1/S phase and suppressed Bcl–2 expression, anti-apoptotic protein, which also regulates cell cycle. Therefore, the current piece of work endorses the use of EAC as a promising anticancer agent in the treatment of cervical cancer. EAC may be used as a selective anticancer agent on HeLa cells
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