162 research outputs found

    Lossy Multi/Hyperspectral Compression HW Implementation at high data rate

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    Image compression is becoming more and more important, as new multispectral and hyperspectral instruments are going to generate very high data rates due to the increased spatial and spectral resolutions. Transmitting all the acquired data to the ground segment is a serious bottleneck, and compression techniques are a feasible solution to this problem. The CCSDS has established a working group (WG) on multispectral and Hyperspectral Data Compression (MHDC), which has the purpose of standardizing compression techniques to be used onboard. The WG has already standardized a lossless compression algorithm for multispectral and hyperspectral images, and has started working on a lossy compression algorithm. The complexity of lossless compression algorithms is typically larger than that of lossy ones, leading to potentially lower throughputs. Therefore, a careful assessment is required in order to identify techniques that are able to sustain very high data rates. The increased complexity can also lead to increased resource occupancy on a hardware device such as an FPGA. Lossy compression introduces information losses in the images, and these losses must be accurately characterized, and their effect on the applications investigated. For these reasons, developing a lossy algorithm requires a more elaborate process. Under an ESA contract primed by Politecnico of Torino, TSD is currently designing an IP core for FPGA and/or ASIC implementation of a lossy compression algorithm that is being proposed for CCSDS standardization. In addition to the IP core, TSD is developing a HW platform based on the Xilinx Virtex-5 XQR5VFX130, the industry's first high performance rad-hard reconfigurable FPGA for processing-intensive for space systems. Advanced results along with details of electronic platform design will be presented in this paper

    An Hardware Implementation of a Novel Algorithm For Onboard Compression of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images

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    New multispectral and hyperspectral instruments are going to generate very high data rates due to the increased spatial and spectral resolution. In this context, the compression is a very important part of any onboard data processing system for Earth observation and astronomical missions. More recently, lossless compression has started to be routinely used for spaceborne Earth observation satellites. The CCSDS has established a working group (WG) on Multispectral and Hyperspectral Data Compression (MHDC), which has the purpose of standardizing compression techniques to be used onboard. The WG has already standardized a lossless compression algorithm for multispectral and hyperspectral images, and has started working on a lossy compression algorithm. Under an ESA contract, aimed to investigate new techniques for Lossy multi/hyperspectral compression for very high data rate instruments (HYDRA), TSD in collaboration with Politecnico of Torino, designed an IP core for FPGA and/or ASIC implementation of a lossy compression algorithm. In addition to the IP core, TSD developed a HW platform based on the Xilinx Virtex-5 XQR5VFX130, the industry's first high performance rad-hard reconfigurable FPGA for processing-intensive for space systems. Advanced results along with details of electronic platform design will be presented in this paper

    Različiti pristupi u liječenju urolitijaze u bolesnika s transplantiranim bubregom - prikaz slučaja

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    Urolithiasis is a rare urologic complication after kidney transplantation, and its diagnosis and treatment can be challenging for clinicians. In our 52-year-old male patient, graft hydronephrosis was found six months after transplantation. The patient had recurrent urinary tract infections followed by macrohematuria and an increase in creatinine levels. Computerized tomography revealed a 13-mm diameter stone in the ureter of the transplanted kidney as the cause of obstruction. Percutaneous nephrostomy was placed in the graft to solve the obstruction. Initial endoscopic treatment with a retrograde approach failed. An antegrade approach through a previously placed nephrostomy was not successful either. By a repeated retrograde approach, laser lithotripsy was performed successfully. The patient has been monitored for six months and has stable graft function without hydronephrosis or stones. As in our patientā€™s case, the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis in kidney transplant patients is challenging, and minimally invasive procedures are the treatment of choice.Urolitijaza je rijetka uroloÅ”ka komplikacija nakon transplantacije bubrega dijagnosticiranje i liječenje koje predstavlja izazov za kliničare. Kod naÅ”eg 52-godiÅ”njeg bolesnika uočena je hidronefroza grafta Å”est mjeseci nakon transplantacije. Bolesnik je imao ponavljajuće uroinfekcije praćene makrohematurijom, a doÅ”lo je i do porasta vrijednosti kreatinina. Kompjutorizirana tomografija pokazala je kako je uzrok opstrukcije kamenac promjera 13 mm u distalnom dijelu uretera transplantiranoga bubrega. Za rjeÅ”avanje opstrukcije bolesniku je postavljena perkutana nefrostomija u presadak. Inicijalno endoskopsko liječenje retrogradnim pristupom bilo je neuspjeÅ”no. Anterogradni pristup preko ranije postavljene nefrostomije također nije bio uspjeÅ”an. Ponovljenim retrogradnim pristupom uspjela se učiniti uspjeÅ”na laserska litotripsija. Bolesnik se prati Å”est mjeseci i nema kamenaca niti hidronefroze, a funkcija grafta je stabilna. Dijagnosticiranje i liječenje urolitijaze u bolesnika s transplantiranim bubregom je, kao i u naÅ”eg bolesnika, izazovno, a minimalno invazivne metode predstavljaju metodu izbora u liječenju ovih bolesnika

    Risk of classical Kaposi sarcoma by plasma levels of Epstein-Barr virus antibodies, sCD26, sCD23 and sCD30

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To clarify the immunological alterations leading to classical Kaposi sarcoma (cKS) among people infected with KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a population-based study of 119 cKS cases, 105 KSHV-seropositive controls, and 155 KSHV-seronegative controls, we quantified plasma soluble cluster of differentiation (sCD) levels and antibodies against Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (anti-EBNA-1) and viral capsid antigen (anti-VCA). Differences between groups in prevalence of low-tertile anti-EBNA-1 and high-tertile anti-VCA were compared by logistic regression. Continuous levels between groups and by presence of cKS co-factors among controls were compared by linear regression and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparisons of cKS cases to seropositive controls and of seropositive to seronegative controls revealed no significant differences. However, controls with known cKS cofactors (male sex, nonsmoking, diabetes and cortisone use) had significantly lower levels of anti-EBNA (<it>P </it>= 0.0001 - 0.07) and anti-VCA (<it>P </it>= 0.0001 - 0.03). Levels of sCD26 were significantly lower for male and non-smoking controls (<it>P</it><sub>adj </sub>ā‰¤ 0.03), and they were marginally lower with older age and cortisone use (<it>P</it><sub>adj </sub>ā‰¤ 0.09).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Anti-EBV and sCD26 levels were associated with cofactors for cKS, but they did not differ between cKS cases and matched controls. Novel approaches and broader panels of assays are needed to investigate immunological contributions to cKS.</p

    Cretaceous tetrapod tracks from Italy: a treasure trove of exceptional biodiversity

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    After about thirty years of investigation, the Cretaceous tetrapod track record from Italy has proved to be a ā€˜Rosetta Stoneā€™ for improving understanding of the palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the peri-Adriatic area. In the present contribution, we summarize current knowledge and diferent interpretations proposed on the basis of twelve ichnosites from northern, central and southern Italy. The tetrapod track record is represented by few ichnosites in the earliest Cretaceous, with the bulk of the record reported from carbonate platform deposits of the Aptian-Cenomanian interval and, in the Late Cretaceous, from a extensive-tracksite in Apulia preserving thousands of dinosaur footprints. On the whole, the ichnological diversity documented by the material indicates a high diversity of trackmakers, among which are sauropods, diferent kinds of theropods, ankylosaurs and hadrosaurs. The persistent occurrence of dinosaur footprints at diferent stratigraphic levels produced significant questions and constituted a dramatic constraint for the understanding of palaeogeographical and geodynamical evolution of the Mediterranean area during the Mesozoic, suggesting new and diferent interpretations that challenged previous reconstructions.Fil: Petti, Fabio Massimo. Museo Delle Scienze Di Trento; ItaliaFil: Antonelli, Mateo. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Citton, Paolo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĆ­ficas y TĆ©cnicas. Centro CientĆ­fico TecnolĆ³gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de InvestigaciĆ³n en PaleobiologĆ­a y GeologĆ­a; ArgentinaFil: Mariotti, Nino. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Petruzzelli, Marco. UniversitĆ  di Bari, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali; ItaliaFil: Pignatti, Johannes. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Dā€™Orazi Porchetti, Simone. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Romano, Marco. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Sacchi, Eva. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Sacco, Enrico. UniversitĆ  di Roma; ItaliaFil: Wagensommer, Alexander. GRID (Gruppo di Ricerca sulle Impronte di Dinosauro), San Giovanni Rotondo; Itali


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    Stenoza uretera nije česta patoloŔka promjena u svakodnevnoj uroloŔkoj praksi. Balonska dilatacija jedna je od najmanje invazivnih metoda u liječenju stenoza uretera. Retrospektivno smo analizirali 24 bolesnika sa stenozom uretera liječenih u naŔoj ustanovi retrogradnom balonskom dilatacijom. U 11 (45,8%) bolesnika radilo se o ijatrogenoj te u po jednoga (4,2%) o kongenitalnoj stenozi, odnosno o stenozama uzrokovanim urogenitalnom tuberkulozom ili retroperitonealnom fibrozom. U 10 (41,6%) bolesnika uzrok stenoze uretera bio je nepoznat. U 12 (50%) bolesnika bio je sužen pelvični dio, u njih 9 (37,5%) lumbalni dio te u preostala 3 (12,5%) terminalni dio uretera. Svim bolesnicima učinjena je balonska dilatacija uretera retrogradnim pristupom, a jedina komplikacija bila je poviŔena tjelesna temperatura u 4 (16,7%) bolesnika. U 12 (50%) bolesnika s recidivom bilo je nužno otvoreno operacijsko liječenje ili postavljanje ureteralne endoproteze. Zaključujemo da je u bolesnika s kratkom stenozom uretera, prije otvorenoga kirurŔkoga liječenja, svakako vrijedno učiniti balonsku dilataciju stenoze.Ureteral stricture is not a common urologic condition. Balloon dilatation represents one of the least invasive methods for treatment of ureteral strictures. We retrospectively analysed 24 patients with ureteral strictures treated with retrograde balloon dilatation in our department. The etiology of stricture was iatrogenic in 11 (45.8%) patients, post-TBC in one (4.2%), congenital in one (4.2%), retroperitoneal fibrosis in one (4.2%) and unknown in 10 (41.6%) patients. Twelve (50%) patients had a stricture of pelvic, 9 (37.5%) lumbar, and 3 (12.5%) of terminal ureter. In all patients retrograde balloon dilatation has been performed. Only complication related to the procedure was febrility in 4 patients (16.7%). Restrictures were noted in 12 (50%) patients, who consequently have been treated surgically, or had to be stented. Retrograde balloon dilatation, as a safe and relatively effective treatment, is proposed as the first choice in patients with short ureteral stricture


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    U nekih bolesnika s kongenitalnim ili stečenim poremećajima donjeg dijela mokraćnog sustava neophodno je prije transplantacije učiniti odgovarajuću urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentaciju mjehura. Prikazat ćemo naÅ”a iskustva u bolesnika u kojih je učinjena transplantacija bubrega koristeći urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentaciju mjehura. Na Klinici za urologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci, između 30. siječnja 1971. i 17. svibnja 2018. godine ukupno smo učinili 1135 transplantacija bubrega. Retrospektivno smo analizirali bolesnike u kojih je učinjena transplantacija bubrega koristeći urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentirani mokraćni mjehur. Do sada je u 6 takvih bolesnika (ilealni konduit ā€“ 3 bolesnika, Mainz-Pouch I - 1 bolesnik, Mainz-Pouch III ā€“ 1 bolesnik, augmentacija mjehura s kolonom ā€“ 1 bolesnik) učinjena transplantacija bubrega. Uzrok disfunkcije donjeg dijela mokraćnog sustava bio je: neurogeni mjehur (3 bolesnika), karcinom mokraćnoga mjehura (2 bolesnika) i valvule stražnje uretre (1 bolesnik). JednogodiÅ”njeg preživljenja presatka bilo je 83 %, a bolesnika 100 %. Jedan bolesnik je četiri godine nakon transplantacije umro zbog mezotelioma pleure uz funkcionirajući transplantat. U svih ostalih bolesnika transplantat je i dalje funkcionalan. Bolesnicima s urinarnom derivacijom ili augmentacijom mjehura može se uspjeÅ”no dati transplantat. Iako se radi o kirurÅ”ki zahtjevnom zahvatu, dugotrajni rezultati su podudarni s rezultatima transplantacije u standardnoj populaciji te je neophodno poticati uvrÅ”tenje ovih bolesnika na listu čekanja za transplantaciju bubrega.Kidney transplantation is the most effective treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. The prerequisite for kidney transplantation is the normal lower urinary tract system. In some patients with congenital or acquired disorders of the lower urinary tract, it is necessary to form adequate urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. This should be done prior to kidney transplantation. We present experience from our center with renal transplantation using urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. At Department of Urology, Rijeka University Hospital Centre, 1135 kidney transplantations were performed between January 30, 1971 and May 17, 2018. We retrospectively analyzed transplant patients with urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. During the observed period, we performed 6 kidney transplantations in patients with urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. Ileum conduit was performed in 3 patients, and Mainz pouch I and Mainz pouch III in one patient each. One patient had bladder augmentation with colon. The cause for urinary reconstruction was neurogenic bladder (3 patients), bladder cancer (2 patients) and posterior urethral valve (1 patient). Transplantation was heterotopic in five patients and orthotopic in one patient. One-year graft survival was 83% and one-year patient survival was 100%. In one patient, graftectomy was performed because of venous thrombosis. One patient died four years after transplantation because of pleural mesothelioma but with functional graft. All other grafts are still in function (1-23 years after kidney transplantation). Patients with urinary diversion and bladder augmentation could be successfully transplanted. Instead of more complicated operation, long-term results are comparable with the results of standard transplant population. This must encourage us to include patients with urinary diversion and bladder substitution on the waiting list for kidney transplantation

    Kidney transplantation using split horseshoe kidney ā€“ a case report

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    Potkovičasti bubreg najčeŔća je fuzijska anomalija bubrega. Darivatelji koji imaju potkovičasti bubreg smatraju se suboptimalnima zbog čestih vaskularnih i uroloÅ”kih anomalija. Prikazat ćemo transplantaciju potkovičastog bubrega mladoga kadaveričnog darivatelja. Nakon učinjene eksplantacije en bloc bubreg je uz adekvatno prepariranje krvnih žila i uretera razdvojen na dva dijela. Oba dijela potkovičastog bubrega uspjeÅ”no su transplantirana u dva različita bolesnika u terminalnom stadiju kronične bubrežne insuficijencije. Poslijeoperacijski tijek bio je uredan i oba bolesnika 18 mjeseci nakon transplantacije imaju normalnu bubrežnu funkciju. Transplantacija potkovičastog bubrega zbog anatomskih je razloga zahtjevnija, ali s obzirom na to da su njezini rezultati podjednaki onima u standardnoj transplantacijskoj populaciji, trebalo bi potaknuti transplantacijske kirurge da iskoriste bubrege s ovom anomalijom.Horseshoe kidney is the most common fusion anomaly of the kidney. Donors with horseshoe kidneys are considered suboptimal because of concomitant vascular and urologic abnormalities. We present a young cadaveric donor with a horseshoe kidney. After en-bloc explantation of the kidney, its vasculature and ureter were properly prepared and kidney was transected into two parts. Both moieties were successfully transplanted in two patients with endstage renal disease. Postoperative course was uneventful and both patients have normal kidney function 18 months after transplantation. Transplantation of horseshoe kidney is demanding due to complex anatomy but its results are equal when compared to standard transplant population. The transplant surgeon must be aware that horseshoe kidneys can safely be utilised


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    U nekih bolesnika s kongenitalnim ili stečenim poremećajima donjeg dijela mokraćnog sustava neophodno je prije transplantacije učiniti odgovarajuću urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentaciju mjehura. Prikazat ćemo naÅ”a iskustva u bolesnika u kojih je učinjena transplantacija bubrega koristeći urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentaciju mjehura. Na Klinici za urologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci, između 30. siječnja 1971. i 17. svibnja 2018. godine ukupno smo učinili 1135 transplantacija bubrega. Retrospektivno smo analizirali bolesnike u kojih je učinjena transplantacija bubrega koristeći urinarnu derivaciju ili augmentirani mokraćni mjehur. Do sada je u 6 takvih bolesnika (ilealni konduit ā€“ 3 bolesnika, Mainz-Pouch I - 1 bolesnik, Mainz-Pouch III ā€“ 1 bolesnik, augmentacija mjehura s kolonom ā€“ 1 bolesnik) učinjena transplantacija bubrega. Uzrok disfunkcije donjeg dijela mokraćnog sustava bio je: neurogeni mjehur (3 bolesnika), karcinom mokraćnoga mjehura (2 bolesnika) i valvule stražnje uretre (1 bolesnik). JednogodiÅ”njeg preživljenja presatka bilo je 83 %, a bolesnika 100 %. Jedan bolesnik je četiri godine nakon transplantacije umro zbog mezotelioma pleure uz funkcionirajući transplantat. U svih ostalih bolesnika transplantat je i dalje funkcionalan. Bolesnicima s urinarnom derivacijom ili augmentacijom mjehura može se uspjeÅ”no dati transplantat. Iako se radi o kirurÅ”ki zahtjevnom zahvatu, dugotrajni rezultati su podudarni s rezultatima transplantacije u standardnoj populaciji te je neophodno poticati uvrÅ”tenje ovih bolesnika na listu čekanja za transplantaciju bubrega.Kidney transplantation is the most effective treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. The prerequisite for kidney transplantation is the normal lower urinary tract system. In some patients with congenital or acquired disorders of the lower urinary tract, it is necessary to form adequate urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. This should be done prior to kidney transplantation. We present experience from our center with renal transplantation using urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. At Department of Urology, Rijeka University Hospital Centre, 1135 kidney transplantations were performed between January 30, 1971 and May 17, 2018. We retrospectively analyzed transplant patients with urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. During the observed period, we performed 6 kidney transplantations in patients with urinary diversion or bladder augmentation. Ileum conduit was performed in 3 patients, and Mainz pouch I and Mainz pouch III in one patient each. One patient had bladder augmentation with colon. The cause for urinary reconstruction was neurogenic bladder (3 patients), bladder cancer (2 patients) and posterior urethral valve (1 patient). Transplantation was heterotopic in five patients and orthotopic in one patient. One-year graft survival was 83% and one-year patient survival was 100%. In one patient, graftectomy was performed because of venous thrombosis. One patient died four years after transplantation because of pleural mesothelioma but with functional graft. All other grafts are still in function (1-23 years after kidney transplantation). Patients with urinary diversion and bladder augmentation could be successfully transplanted. Instead of more complicated operation, long-term results are comparable with the results of standard transplant population. This must encourage us to include patients with urinary diversion and bladder substitution on the waiting list for kidney transplantation
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