151 research outputs found

    Urban Sensibility of Landscape Structures in Italy General Characteristics and Local Details

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    Recently the conservation policies in Europe are considering the problem of the urban increasing in terms of soil destroyed and ecosystem fragmentation effects. In Italy this phenomena are becoming particularly important if we consider it at national level, but also at regional level. The paper has the goal to show some data relative to the distribution and the impact of urban surfaces on the large landscape national units, comparing the values among the units kind. Moreover will be implemented the data relative to some regional situation (Lazio, Marche, Umbria) of the Italian peninsula for having the indication about different environmental conditions as, for example, coastal areas, mountain areas or hill areas or also flat areas and different morphological structures. These data will be compare with other territorial characteristics, as the protected areas distribution and the biopermeability areas distribution. The knowledge of these information is very important for the planning action because it is possible to obtain, by means particular GIS models, indications about the urban sensibility of the different land parts in the future.

    Chapter Analysis of the theoretical settlement scenario implemented by the municipal plans. the case study of the Romagna coast municipalities

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    In Italy, the transformative predictions of the municipal urban planning instruments are very often far away from the socio-economic dynamics. In fact, the political component considers the oversizing of urban transformative projections as a solution to improve the situation of the territories in crisis for several aspects. This work analyses the projections of the urban planning instruments in force in the coastal municipalities of Emilia-Romagna. The work aims to highlight how the planned urban areas can change the future settlement structure in the case study area

    Landscape change in the European Mountain Areas. Settlement of the Alps: evolution and trajectories

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    The increasingly fast pace of urban conversion of land over the past fifty years in Italy is a phenomenon that has caused serious damage to the national landscape. The problem concerns the whole Italy but is most serious in those areas that produce important savings thanks to the quality of their landscape. In this sense, many references in the European Landscape Convention are recognizable in the Alps that are undoubtedly one of Italy's most iconic landscapes in international perception, along with the cities of art. This paper describes the results of a research on the features of urbanization in the fifties in the Italian Alps, based on uniform historical maps of the entire country. Geostatistical surveys were conducted to determine the distribution changes of urban concentration over time and analyses were developed to point out what landscape and morphological elements have emerged, and are basically confirming greater sensitivity to land artificialization. A number of comparisons based on specific indicators were produced that show the typological and geographic variations of development taking place in the time period studied. Important information has emerged on the different territorial policies implemented by the regions over the long-term

    Dati sulla urbanizzazione italiana: verso la terza generazione

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    In this current period, several attempts to classify the “made artificial” areas are occurring and tend to identify the categories on which match the amount of adverse environmental deterioration. Today the “institutional” database does not exist in appropriate scales that can provide an o cial fact, uniform and reliable, whereas there are a number of methodologies and information from scientific sources and pseudo such

    The urban pressure on Italian river areas

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    Rivers have been the hub of economic and social development in the human evolution, because they are essential resources for: agricultural development, infrastructure networks and development of the first urban strategies. Territory has had a radical transformation that led to a national average urbanization of about 10%; but this development has happened with different degrees of awareness and without uniform models and criteria. One of the main causes of this is due to an extreme fragmentation of planning, because the municipalities’ plans are a binding power modality, in force in Italy, but they don’t have significant and strategic references at regional and territorial scale. In particular, the Italian river areas have undergone a real siege by urban growth, outlining a critical scenario in terms of risks for the population and for the natural system. Some disciplines such as landscape ecology have contributed substantially to the integration of some environmental issues that have led into greater consideration for the protection of the landscape. In the same way the concept of Ecosystem Services combines knowledge, techniques and legislation to achieve the goal of sustainable planning. So, it is necessary that these scientific disciplines, which deal with environmental planning in various ways, find the right devices to guarantee a multi-criteria approach to the problem of consumption of the Natural Capital

    Dysregulation of TDP-43 Intracellular Localization and Early-Onset ALS are Associated with a TARDBP S375G Variant

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    11siWe investigated the CNS and skeletal muscle tissue from a woman clinically diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 22. Neuropathologic evaluation showed upper and lower motor neuron loss, corticospinal tract degeneration, and skeletal muscle denervation.Analysis of the patient's DNA revealed a AGT>GGT change resulting in a S375G substitution in the C-terminal region of TDP-43. This variant was previously reported as being benign. Considering the early onset and severity of the disease in this patient, we tested the effects of this genetic variant on TDP-43 localization, pre-mRNA splicing activity, and toxicity, in parallel with the effects on known neighboring disease-associated mutations. In cell lines, expressed in culture, S375G TDP-43 appeared to be more significantly localized in the nucleus and to exert higher toxicity than wild-type TDP-43. Strikingly, a phosphomimic mutant at the same residue (S375E) showed a strong tendency to accumulate in the cytoplasm, especially under stress conditions, and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that phosphorylation of this residue can disrupt TDP-43 intermolecular interactions. The results of the current study highlight the importance of phosphorylation and regulation of TDP-43 nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling/redistribution, in relation to the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in different forms of ALS. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.partially_openopenNewell, Kathy; Paron, Francesca; Mompean, Miguel; Murrell, Jill; Salis, Elisa; Stuani, Cristiana; Pattee, Gary; Romano, Maurizio; Laurents, Douglas; Ghetti, Bernardino; Buratti, EmanueleNewell, Kathy; Paron, Francesca; Mompean, Miguel; Murrell, Jill; Salis, Elisa; Stuani, Cristiana; Pattee, Gary; Romano, Maurizio; Laurents, Douglas; Ghetti, Bernardino; Buratti, Emanuel

    Gli stati e le dinamiche dei processi insediativi e infrastrutturali di trasformazione dei suoli in Italia

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    In the last 50 years urban land conversion had an evident and undeniable acceleration. Nowadays it's not possible giving the reliable measurement of the state due to a chronic lack of knowledge at every territorial level, from the national to the municipal. The major problem is the absence of a clean border between urbanized areas and countryside, unlike other northern European Countries. This paper present the results in progress of the research about urban increasing in Italian regions in the last mid century. Several statistical elaboration show some effect and trends on landscape structure

    Composante concertation : l’expérience de concertation dans les différents contextes et l’apport des différents approches et méthodologies choisies - document de synthèse

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    The object of the project is to develop a monitoring and evaluation system of land use based on commons criterias between the European partners of the network. The main aim is to increase the capacity of public administrations (mainly city-hall) in charge of planning territory and land use to change their way of doing and managing that drove to an enormous consumption of soil in the last 20 years, and to adopt land use policies and management respectful of sustainable development criteria. For several years now, European Union warns about the need to stop the process of overbuilding that is producing ta progressive and inexorable depletion of natural resources in general and in particular of the soil resource. The Project OSDDT Med has set the aim of increasing the awareness of the common phenomenon of land consumption, developing criteria and indicators to define and measure, but also operational tools to allow local actors to contain its use.peer-reviewe
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