507 research outputs found

    Asymptotic entanglement in a two-dimensional quantum walk

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    The evolution operator of a discrete-time quantum walk involves a conditional shift in position space which entangles the coin and position degrees of freedom of the walker. After several steps, the coin-position entanglement (CPE) converges to a well defined value which depends on the initial state. In this work we provide an analytical method which allows for the exact calculation of the asymptotic reduced density operator and the corresponding CPE for a discrete-time quantum walk on a two-dimensional lattice. We use the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density operator as an entanglement measure. The method is applied to the case of a Hadamard walk for which the dependence of the resulting CPE on initial conditions is obtained. Initial states leading to maximum or minimum CPE are identified and the relation between the coin or position entanglement present in the initial state of the walker and the final level of CPE is discussed. The CPE obtained from separable initial states satisfies an additivity property in terms of CPE of the corresponding one-dimensional cases. Non-local initial conditions are also considered and we find that the extreme case of an initial uniform position distribution leads to the largest CPE variation.Comment: Major revision. Improved structure. Theoretical results are now separated from specific examples. Most figures have been replaced by new versions. The paper is now significantly reduced in size: 11 pages, 7 figure

    The effect of large-decoherence on mixing-time in Continuous-time quantum walks on long-range interacting cycles

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    In this paper, we consider decoherence in continuous-time quantum walks on long-range interacting cycles (LRICs), which are the extensions of the cycle graphs. For this purpose, we use Gurvitz's model and assume that every node is monitored by the corresponding point contact induced the decoherence process. Then, we focus on large rates of decoherence and calculate the probability distribution analytically and obtain the lower and upper bounds of the mixing time. Our results prove that the mixing time is proportional to the rate of decoherence and the inverse of the distance parameter (\emph{m}) squared. This shows that the mixing time decreases with increasing the range of interaction. Also, what we obtain for \emph{m}=0 is in agreement with Fedichkin, Solenov and Tamon's results \cite{FST} for cycle, and see that the mixing time of CTQWs on cycle improves with adding interacting edges.Comment: 16 Pages, 2 Figure

    Pseudo-Hermitian continuous-time quantum walks

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    In this paper we present a model exhibiting a new type of continuous-time quantum walk (as a quantum mechanical transport process) on networks, which is described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian possessing a real spectrum. We call it pseudo-Hermitian continuous-time quantum walk. We introduce a method to obtain the probability distribution of walk on any vertex and then study a specific system. We observe that the probability distribution on certain vertices increases compared to that of the Hermitian case. This formalism makes the transport process faster and can be useful for search algorithms.Comment: 13 page, 7 figure

    Solos e avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras do município de Castanhal, Estado do Pará.

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    bitstream/item/57195/1/Doc119.pdfAnexo 2 mapas: MAPA de aptidão agrícola das terras do Município de Castanhal ? Pará e MAPA de solos do Município de Castanhal

    Zoneamento agroecológico do Município de Acrelândia, Estado do Acre.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi o de suprir a falta de dados relacionados aos recursos naturais regionais, visando apresentar aos orgãos de interesse agronômico, subsídios necessários a um melhor planejamento voltado a sustentabildiade municipal através de seu Zoneamento Agroecológico. São indicadas neste trabalho, áreas para uso sustentável de atividades com lavoura, pecuária e preservação ambiental, caracterizando seus solos quanto sua pontencialidade e suas limitações, visando também projetos de colonização, expansão urbana e infra-estrutura viária para ativar a potencialidade das produçóes de culturas alimentares e industriais.bitstream/item/63940/1/Oriental-Doc205.pd

    Solos e avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras do município de Inhangapi, Estado do Pará.

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    bitstream/item/63718/1/Oriental-Doc125.PDFAnexo 2 mapas: Mapa de aptidão agrícola das terras do Município de Inhangapi - Pará; Mapa de solos do Município de Inhangapi - Pará

    Synergistic user ↔ context analytics

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    Various flavours of a new research field on (socio-)physical or personal analytics have emerged, with the goal of deriving semanticallyrich insights from people’s low-level physical sensing combined with their (online) social interactions. In this paper, we argue for more comprehensive data sources, including environmental and application-specific data, to better capture the interactions between users and their context, in addition to those among users. We provide some example use cases and present our ongoing work towards a synergistic analytics platform: a testbed based on mobile crowdsensing and IoT, a data model for representing the different sources of data and their connections, and a prediction engine for analyzing the data and producing insights

    Deciphering the enigma of undetected species, phylogenetic, and functional diversity based on Good-Turing theory

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    Estimating the species, phylogenetic, and functional diversity of a community is challenging because rare species are often undetected, even with intensive sampling. The Good-Turing frequency formula, originally developed for cryptography, estimates in an ecological context the true frequencies of rare species in a single assemblage based on an incomplete sample of individuals. Until now, this formula has never been used to estimate undetected species, phylogenetic, and functional diversity. Here, we first generalize the Good-Turing formula to incomplete sampling of two assemblages. The original formula and its two-assemblage generalization provide a novel and unified approach to notation, terminology, and estimation of undetected biological diversity. For species richness, the Good-Turing framework offers an intuitive way to derive the non-parametric estimators of the undetected species richness in a single assemblage, and of the undetected species shared between two assemblages. For phylogenetic diversity, the unified approach leads to an estimator of the undetected Faith\u27s phylogenetic diversity (PD, the total length of undetected branches of a phylogenetic tree connecting all species), as well as a new estimator of undetected PD shared between two phylogenetic trees. For functional diversity based on species traits, the unified approach yields a new estimator of undetected Walker et al.\u27s functional attribute diversity (FAD, the total species-pairwise functional distance) in a single assemblage, as well as a new estimator of undetected FAD shared between two assemblages. Although some of the resulting estimators have been previously published (but derived with traditional mathematical inequalities), all taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity estimators are now derived under the same framework. All the derived estimators are theoretically lower bounds of the corresponding undetected diversities; our approach reveals the sufficient conditions under which the estimators are nearly unbiased, thus offering new insights. Simulation results are reported to numerically verify the performance of the derived estimators. We illustrate all estimators and assess their sampling uncertainty with an empirical dataset for Brazilian rain forest trees. These estimators should be widely applicable to many current problems in ecology, such as the effects of climate change on spatial and temporal beta diversity and the contribution of trait diversity to ecosystem multi-functionality