236 research outputs found

    Características da carcaça de Tourinhos Nelore x Limousin alimentados com dietas contendo gérmen de milho integral.

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    Foram avaliadas as características quantitativas das carcaças de 24 tourinhos Nelore X Limousin submetidos a dietas contendo 0%, 15% e 45% de gérmen de milho integral (GMI), terminados em confinamento, com peso e idade média inicial de 321,25 kg e vinte meses, respectivamente

    Comparison Of Standardized Dichloromethane With Aqueous Pterodon Pubescens Benth. Fruit Extracts On Antinociceptive And Anti-inflammatory Activity

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    Pterodon pubescens Benth., popularly known as "sucupira", is traditionally used as pain healing agent for many inflammatory diseases. The present study evaluated the in vivo antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of sucupira's fruit dicloromethane extract (Pp) compared to the aqueous extract (Ppa) traditionally used in folk medicine. Extracts' chemical characterization was performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectra (GC-MS) detection. The standardized extracts were evaluated using antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory experimental models with mice. The results reported herein allowed establishing a relationship between the popular use of Pterodon pubescens fruit for pain relief and the activity of two major compounds isolated from this species which demonstrated antinociceptive activity. The experimental models corroborate activity of aqueous extract antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity, with lower potency compared to dichloromethane extract. Nevertheless the resulting data corroborates sucupira's folk use for pain relief.28345546

    Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQL), the “PDQL-BR”, into Brazilian Portuguese

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    Translate, culturally adapt, and validate the “Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life” (PDQL) BR, into Brazilian Portuguese. Fifty-two patients answered the PDQL-BR. Twenty-one patients answered the PDQL-BR again 14 days later. The UPDRS and HY scale was applied. Validation was evaluated using psychometric properties, checking the quality of the data, reliability, and validity. Quality of the data was evaluated based on occurrence of ceiling and floor effects. Reliability was evaluated based on: internal consistency of an item, homogeneity, and reproducibility. Validation was checked through the evaluation of convergent and discriminatory validation. There was no ceiling and floor effect. When evaluating reliability, items 20, 30, and 37 showed correlation of 0.34, 0.26, and 0.37, respectively, to your scale; the other items was higher than 0.4. The alpha Cronbach coefficient was higher than 0.7 for most domains. There was good reproducibility. There were no meaningful changes in the PDQL-BR translation and cross-cultural adaptation

    ParĂąmetros ruminais de caprinos e ovinos nativos do Nordeste brasileiro alimentados com dietas Ă  base de bagaço de cana-de-açĂșcar in natura.

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    Resumo: Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o pH e N-NH3 (nitrogĂȘnio amoniacal) ruminal de caprinos e ovinos nativos do Brasil alimentados com dietas Ă  base de bagaço de cana in natura. Foram utilizados trĂȘs caprinos da raça MoxotĂł e trĂȘs ovinos da raça Morada Nova submetidos Ă  fistulação ruminal. A relação volumoso:concentrado de 54:46, sendo o volumoso constituindo de feno de tifton-85 e bagaço de cana e o concentrado Ă  base de milho e farelo de soja. A coleta de liquido ruminal foi realizada via cĂąnula ruminal nos tempos 0 (antes da alimentação), 6 e 12 horas apĂłs alimentação. NĂŁo houve diferença (P>0,05) de pH entre as espĂ©cies nos diferentes tempos de coleta. O efeito dentro de espĂ©cie foi significativo (P 0.05) in pH between species in different sample times. The effect within species was significant (P <0.05) for goats with higher pH value before the supply of food (6.88) compared with times 6 and 12 (6.33 and 6.05, respectively) not differ. There were differences (P <0.05) for the concentration of N-NH3 of rumen fluid between species and within species. The highest concentration of N-NH3 was observed in animals at time 0 (15.04 mg / dL). The inclusion of sugar cane bagasse in the diet did not affect ruminal fermentation. For evaluation of N-NH3 is recommended to include more time between 0-6 and 6-12 hour

    Inserção do elemento LINE - 1 no gene C-MYC e imunorreatividade das proteinas C-MYC,p53 , p21 e p27 nos diferentes padrÔes morfológicos do tumor TVT

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    O tumor venĂ©reo transmissĂ­vel canino (TVT) afeta a genitĂĄlia externa de cĂŁes pelo transplante natural de cĂ©lulas tumorais viĂĄveis. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo diagnosticar e caracterizar TVT em padrĂ”es morfolĂłgicos, identificar a inserção do elemento LINE-1 em gene C-MYC, por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), e avaliar a expressĂŁo imuno-histoquĂ­mica do C-MYC, p53, p21 e p27. A relação entre C-MYC e as proteĂ­nas p53 e a sua interferĂȘncia na expressĂŁo de p21 e p27 foram tambĂ©m estudadas. Para isso, foram utilizadas 20 amostras de ocorrĂȘncia natural de TVT, submetido a exame citopatolĂłgico, histopatolĂłgica e imuno-histoquĂ­mica e ao diagnĂłstico molecular de neoplasia. A expressĂŁo aumentada do tecido e a correlação entre a C-MYC e as proteĂ­nas p53, p21 e p27 indicam redução e/ou perda de funcionalidade na TVT em seu microambiente, com consequente supressĂŁo apoptĂłtica, manutenção do crescimento celular e progressĂŁo da neoplasia.The canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) affects the external genitalia of dogs by the natural transplant of viable tumor cells. Thus, this research aimed to diagnose and characterize TVT morphological patterns, identify the insertion of the LINE-1 element in C-MYC gene, by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of C-MYC, p53, p21 and p27 proteins. The relationship between C-MYC and p53 proteins and their interference on the expression of p21 and p27 were also studied. For that, 20 samples of naturally occurring TVT were used, subjected to cytopathological, histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis, and to molecular diagnosis of neoplasia. The increased tissue expression and the correlation among C-MYC, p53, p21 and p27 proteins indicate reduction and/or loss of their functionality in the TVT microenvironment, with consequent apoptotic suppression, maintenance of cell growth and progression of neoplasia

    Environmental and sanitary conditions of guanabara bay, Rio de Janeiro

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    Guanabara Bay is the second largest bay in the coast of Brazil, with an area of 384 km2. In its surroundings live circa 16 million inhabitants, out of which 6 million live in Rio de Janeiro city, one of the largest cities of the country, and the host of the 2016 Olympic Games. Anthropogenic interference in Guanabara Bay area started early in the XVI century, but environmental impacts escalated from 1930, when this region underwent an industrialization process. Herein we present an overview of the current environmental and sanitary conditions of Guanabara Bay, a consequence of all these decades of impacts. We will focus on microbial communities, how they may affect higher trophic levels of the aquatic community and also human health. The anthropogenic impacts in the bay are flagged by heavy eutrophication and by the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms that are either carried by domestic and/or hospital waste (e.g., virus, KPC-producing bacteria, and fecal coliforms), or that proliferate in such conditions (e.g., vibrios). Antibiotic resistance genes are commonly found in metagenomes of Guanabara Bay planktonic microorganisms. Furthermore, eutrophication results in recurrent algal blooms, with signs of a shift toward flagellated, mixotrophic groups, including several potentially harmful species. A recent large-scale fish kill episode, and a long trend decrease in fish stocks also reflects the bay’s degraded water quality. Although pollution of Guanabara Bay is not a recent problem, the hosting of the 2016 Olympic Games propelled the government to launch a series of plans to restore the bay’s water quality. If all plans are fully implemented, the restoration of Guanabara Bay and its shores may be one of the best legacies of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
