1,944 research outputs found
Academic Intervention Services
Academic Intervention Service (AIS) programs across New York state play a key role in the academic progress of students who have not met grade level standards in any number of core subjects. School districts have the freedom to develop and implement programs in order to meet the needs of their students. The author investigated goals and practices of AIS programs in urban and suburban schools to determine their effectiveness in preparing students for long term academic success. Data was obtained through electronic teacher surveys distributed to teachers currently teaching in grades six through twelve within Western New York. Teachers participating in the survey answered questions related to and commented on a range of topics related to their school\u27s AIS program and its effectiveness in helping students overcome their barriers to learning
How Should Congress Respond to McDonnell?
Discussion of question of whether McDonnell was essentially right or wrong. Should Congress act to change the McDonnell rule? Should the Supreme Court reconsider it? What would be an alternative or a better way, if there is one, to approach the question of public corruption prosecution
Official Proclamation by David H. Rodgers, June 15, 1970
Official Proclamation by David H. Rodgers, Mayor of the City of Spokane, Washington. Officially declares June 21, 1970 to be celebrated in the city as the holiday Father\u27s Day. David H. Rodgers served as Mayor of Spokane from 1967 to 1978.https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/fathers-day-correspondence/1195/thumbnail.jp
Morphology of the inner and peripheral ear of the loricariid catfish Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps K.
The morphology of the peripheral and inner ear structures was studied in the loricariid catfish Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps. Specimens (n=6) were preserved in fixative (4% paraformaldehyde, 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer) and dissected for examination of the gross morphology (using light microscopy) and ultrastructure of the auditory sensory epithelia (using scanning electron microscopy). One additional specimen was cleaned in a dermestid beetle colony in order to examine the osteology of the skull. The swim bladder of P. gibbiceps is divided along the midline of the fish into two reduced but equal lobes residing in two laterally oriented bony encapsulations. Immediately lateral to the swim bladders, fenestrations were observed in the pterotic + supracleithrum. A single Weberian ossicle was attached to the medial apex of the bladder, which translates external sound pressure energy into interaural hydrodynamic motion of the fluid within the pars inferior. The single ossicle bends 90o through a bone which acts as a pivot point allowing linear motion at the extreme ends of the ossicle. Otoliths (solid calcareous bones in the inner ear) were similar in shape to those of other loricariids. The asteriscus was disk-like and had a large crescent shaped sulcus that covered the macular striola. Sagittae were slender at their caudal apex and exhibited two wing-like projections about the rostral region of the otolith. Utricular otoliths were thick, having a bulbous rostral region and a laterally flattened triangular caudal region. On its ventral surface there was a deep sigma-shaped sulcus which was not in contact with the utricular maculae. Auditory endorgan-specific patterns of the orientation of sensory hair cell kinocilia were observed on each macular surface. Maculae exhibited areas of reversed hair cell orientation called the striola. Sacculi possessed a vertical striolar pattern. The lagenar patterns were crescent shaped in similar fashion as the sulcus of the otolith, and the pattern of the utricle was unlike the shape its otolith and curved sigmoidally to terminate at the lateral extremities of the otolith. In general, while there are unique peripheral auditory structures in P. gibbiceps (bi-lobed and encapsulated swim bladders and a single Weberian ossicle), the inner ear maculae and striolar patterns found in P. gibbiceps are similar to those found in other catfishes
The Effect of High-Fidelity Manikin-Based Human Patient Simulation on Educational Outcomes in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Courses
The use of high-fidelity manikin-based simulation has been studied in many healthcare education areas. However, the use of this education technology in the American Heart Association Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) course has not been well examined in the literature, despite this education program being one of the most widely taught standardized medical courses in the United States. This study examined high fidelity manikin-based simulation versus low-fidelity manikin-based simulation in the context of an actual ACLS course. Four outcomes were measured: learning outcomes as judged by an expert rater panel reviewing videos of subjects performing a simulated cardiac arrest event immediately after the conclusion of the course, and three self-reported measures examining confidence with the course material, motivation, and affect. A convenience sample of 34 subjects self assigned to one of two ACLS classes. One class utilized high-fidelity simulation (n=16) while the other used low-fidelity simulation (n=18). While the high-fidelity simulation group had a higher composite score for the video review (M= 220.88 vs. M=193.67), this did not reach a level of significance (p=.122). On item level analysis of the scoring, 7 of 14 items reached levels of significance (p \u3c .05). Although all items reported higher mean scores for the highfidelity simulation group, items that focused on manual tasks or actions in the first one to two minutes of the cardiac arrest event were more likely to be non-significant. Items that focused on actions that occurred later in the event or were expert rater assessments of team leader confidence and knowledge were more likely to be found significant. There was no statistical significance found in any of the self-reported measures examining confidence (p = .850), motivation (p = .899), and affect (p = .215)
Patient/physician communication: a comprehensive review of the medical literature, 1989 to 1998
Patient/physician communication is recognized as an important topic in the medical literature. The subject has steadily been increasing in the frequency of reporting in the literature. After a comprehensive review of this literature, positive patient/physician communication has been clearly linked to improved patient and physician satisfaction, increased compliance with treatments, improved health outcomes, decreased risks of litigation, as well as creating a more caring, empathetic relationship. Yet despite these advantages, patient/physician communication does not occupy a significant portion of the medical school curriculum and styles of physician communication that promote positive patient/physician communication are not readily used. This study examines the medical literature during the 10-year period from 1989 through 1998 and categorizes and reviews the major themes presented in patient/physician communication
The impact of fictive kin relationships on the development of attributional styles
The term fictive kin is used to describe social ties that are based on neither blood ties, nor by marriage. Fictive kin are granted many of the same rights as family members and are expected to participate in the roles of the extended family. Research on fictive kin relationships often examines the African-American community and focuses on the effects of building strong social bonds outside the family. The constructive role fictive kin play in a person’s life suggests that these relationships serve as an important foundation in engaging in helping behavior. Helping behavior refers to actions intended to benefit another and is a characteristic of possessing a positive attributional style. Research suggests that development of attributional style originates in experiences of trust or lack of trust. This poster presentation will discuss how social support provided by fictive kin relationships can impact the development of one’s attributional style in a positive manner. Implications for identifying the benefits of fictive kin relationships will promote understanding and acceptance of these relationships in society
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