9 research outputs found

    "Essential in every school": an incursion in the world of school objects

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    Este artigo toma como fontes catálogos comerciais da Companhia Melhoramentos de São Paulo, empresa editorial que teve importante atuação na produção e comercialização de uma ampla gama de objetos escolares, buscando examinar a atuação da indústria na configuração da cultura material da escola primária, nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Criada em 1890, a Companhia Melhoramentos deslocou os seus investimentos, a partir de 1915, da impressão e encadernação para a edição de livros, a produção e a venda de materiais escolares os mais diversos, com vistas a dar suporte às práticas escolares, ao mesmo tempo em que buscava suscitar novas necessidades de consumo e ampliar os seus negócios, num contexto marcado pela difusão da escola primária em São Paulo. Com base no exame dos catálogos da editora e na problematização do seu potencial como fontes para o estudo da cultura material escolar, procura-se levantar os artefatos destinados ao trabalho no âmbito das disciplinas que compunham o currículo e às práticas que tinham lugar na escola e, por essa via, capturar indícios da dimensão material da escolarização da infância.357695118This paper analyses sales catalogues of the Companhia Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, a publishing house with relevant operation regarding the production and trading of a wide range of school objects. We aimed at examining the action of this company in the configuration of the material culture related to primary school in the first decades of the 20th century. Companhia Melhoramentos was created in 1890 and from 1915 it relocated its investments, from the initial focus on printing and binding books to the production and sales of various school materials, in order to support school practices, and, at the same time, trying to generate new needs for consumption, thus expanding its business in a context marked by the dissemination of primary school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Based on the analysis of the publishing house's catalogue and on the problematization of the potential of such material as sources for the research of school material culture, we intent at raising the artifacts destined to be used in the many disciplines of the school curriculum and to the practices that happened in school, hence capturing traces of the material dimension of childhood schooling

    Emociones y sentimientos en los procesos de socialización política: una mirada desde la historia de la educación

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    The current historical-educational research responds to the affective turn in the sciences too by incorporating emotions and sentiments as categories of analysis and variables to consider in the processes of teaching, learning, acculturation and socialization. The evidence that they play an active role in cognitive, evaluative and axiological processes and in the formation of individual and collective identities, forces historians of education to examine their sources, contexts, subjects and phenomena paying attention (or at least not ignoring or underestimating) these components of the life experience of all human beings in their personal and social dimensions. The introduction to the special issue provides an overview of the historical development of research on emotions and sentiments focusing mainly on psychology, sociology and neuroscience, mentioning its importance in literature, art and politics, to finish deepening in the social feelings that are involved, influence, shape and are shaped (or constructed, incited, provoked, imposed, suggested...) in the processes of political socialization. Formal, non-formal and informal education, at different times and historical contexts, has been the prime mode of transmission of sociopolitical cultures impregnated with a heterogeneous but unavoidable emotional charge. The articles of the special issue evince through the variety of documentary sources, countries, periods and themes how emotions and sentiments -either being intentionally implemented or simply acting in the phenomena of political socialization- are core elements, and therefore carriers of relevant information, in configuring communication resources, teaching strategies and educational aims.La investigación histórico-educativa actual responde también al giro afectivo de las ciencias incorporando las emociones y los sentimientos como categorías de análisis y variables a tener en cuenta en los procesos de enseñanza, aprendizaje, aculturación y socialización. La evidencia de que juegan un papel activo en los procesos cognitivos, evaluativos y axiológicos así como en la formación de identidades individuales y colectivas, obliga a los historiadores de la educación a examinar sus fuentes, contextos, sujetos y fenómenos prestando atención (o al menos no ignorando ni minusvalorando) estos componentes de la experiencia vital de todo ser humano en sus dimensiones personal y social. Esta introducción al monográfico ofrece una visión panorámica de la evolución histórica de la investigación sobre emociones y sentimientos focalizando principalmente en la psicología, la sociología y la neurociencia, sin olvidar su relevancia en la literatura, el arte y la política, para terminar profundizando en los sentimientos sociales que intervienen,influyen, moldean y son moldeados (o construidos, incitados, provocados, impuestos, sugeridos…) en los procesos de socialización política. La educación –formal, no formal e informal– en diferentes tiempos y contextos históricos, ha sido la vía privilegiada de transmisión de culturas sociopolíticas impregnadas de una heterogénea pero inevitable carga afectiva. Los artículos del monográfico muestran a través de la variedad de fuentes documentales, países, épocas y temáticas cómo las emociones y los sentimientos -ya sea implementados intencionadamente o simplemente actuando en los fenómenos de socialización política- son elementos centrales, y por tanto portadores de información relevante, en la configuración de recursos comunicativos, estrategias didácticas y fines educativos

    Between The Examination Of Children's Bodies And The Shaping Of Racial Norms: Aspects Of The Activities Of The Sao Paulo State School Medical Inspection Service

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    This article analyzes aspects of the activities of the School Medical Inspection Service, an agency created in 1911 under the Sao Paulo State Sanitary Service and transferred in 1916 to the Secretary of Public Instruction. It focuses, more specifically, on the practice of the individual examination of students with the purpose of understanding the motivations behind these practices, the role they played in establishing standards of normality and abnormality, as well as their underlying racial tenor. To this end, its sources are articles published in the periodical Imprensa Medica, works written by the agency's head physician, Balthazar Vieira de Mello, and the Anuarios do Ensino, the official publication of the General Board for Public Instruction.22237139

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2009

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