4,131 research outputs found

    A graceful multiversal link of particle physics to cosmology

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    In this paper we work out a multiverse scenario whose physical characteristics enable us to advance the following the conjecture that whereas the physics of particles and fields is confined to live in the realm of the whole multiverse formed by finite-time single universes, that for our observable universe must be confined just in one of the infinite number of universes of the multiverse when such a universe is consistently referred to an infinite cosmic time. If this conjecture is adopted then some current fundamental problems that appear when one tries to make compatible particle physics and cosmology- such as that for the cosmological constant, the arrow of time and the existence of a finite proper size of the event horizon- can be solved.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Multi-Objective and Financial Portfolio Optimization of Carrier-Sense Multiple Access Protocols with Cooperative Diversity

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    8th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2015), Helsinki, Finland.This paper presents a trade-off design and optimization of a class of wireless carrier-sense multiple access protocols where collision-free transmissions are assisted by the potential cooperative retransmissions of inactive terminals with a correct copy of the original transmission. Terminals are enabled with a decode-and-forward relaying protocol. The analysis is focused on asymmetrical settings, where terminals experience different channel and queuing statistics. This work is based on multi-objective and financial portfolio optimization tools. Each packet transmission is thus regarded not only as a network resource, but also as a financial asset with different values of return and risk (or variance of the return). The objective of this financial optimization is to find the transmission policy that simultaneously maximizes return and minimizes risk in the network. The work is focused on the characterization of the boundaries (envelope) of different types of trade-off performance regions: the conventional throughput region, sum-throughput vs. fairness, sum-throughput vs. power, and return vs. risk regions. Fairness is evaluated by means of the Gini-index, which is a metric commonly used in economics to measure income inequality. Transmit power is directly linked to the global transmission rate. The protocol is shown to outperform non-cooperative solutions under different network conditions that are here discussed

    D-instantons and twistors: some exact results

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    We present some results on instanton corrections to the hypermultiplet moduli space in Calabi-Yau compactifications of Type II string theories. Previously, using twistor methods, only a class of D-instantons (D2-instantons wrapping A-cycles) was incorporated exactly and the rest was treated only linearly. We go beyond the linear approximation and give a set of holomorphic functions which, through a known procedure, capture the effect of D-instantons at all orders. Moreover, we show that for a sector where all instanton charges have vanishing symplectic invariant scalar product, the hypermultiplet metric can be computed explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, uses JHEP3.cls; some changes in section 3.3.3; corrected formula for the contact potentia

    Magnetism of small V clusters embedded in a Cu fcc matrix: an ab initio study

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    We present extensive first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations dedicated to analyze the magnetic and electronic properties of small Vn_{n} clusters (n=1,2,3,4,5,6) embedded in a Cu fcc matrix. We consider different cluster structures such as: i) a single V impurity, ii) several V2_{2} dimers having different interatomic distance and varying local atomic environment, iii) V3_{3} and iv) V4_{4} clusters for which we assume compact as well as 2- and 1-dimensional atomic configurations and finally, in the case of the v) V5_{5} and vi) V6_{6} structures we consider a square pyramid and a square bipyramid together with linear arrays, respectively. In all cases, the V atoms are embedded as substitutional impurities in the Cu network. In general, and as in the free standing case, we have found that the V clusters tend to form compact atomic arrays within the cooper matrix. Our calculated non spin-polarized density of states at the V sites shows a complex peaked structure around the Fermi level that strongly changes as a function of both the interatomic distance and local atomic environment, a result that anticipates a non trivial magnetic behavior. In fact, our DFT calculations reveal, in each one of our clusters systems, the existence of different magnetic solutions (ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, and antiferromagnetic) with very small energy differences among them, a result that could lead to the existence of complex finite-temperature magnetic properties. Finally, we compare our results with recent experimental measurements.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure

    Effect of hydrogen on ground state structures of small silicon clusters

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    We present results for ground state structures of small Sin_{n}H (2 \leq \emph{n} \leq 10) clusters using the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics. In particular, we focus on how the addition of a hydrogen atom affects the ground state geometry, total energy and the first excited electronic level gap of an Sin_{n} cluster. We discuss the nature of bonding of hydrogen in these clusters. We find that hydrogen bonds with two silicon atoms only in Si2_{2}H, Si3_{3}H and Si5_{5}H clusters, while in other clusters (i.e. Si4_{4}H, Si6_{6}H, Si7_{7}H, Si8_{8}H, Si9_{9}H and Si10_{10}H) hydrogen is bonded to only one silicon atom. Also in the case of a compact and closed silicon cluster hydrogen bonds to the cluster from outside. We find that the first excited electronic level gap of Sin_{n} and Sin_{n}H fluctuates as a function of size and this may provide a first principles basis for the short-range potential fluctuations in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Our results show that the addition of a single hydrogen can cause large changes in the electronic structure of a silicon cluster, though the geometry is not much affected. Our calculation of the lowest energy fragmentation products of Sin_{n}H clusters shows that hydrogen is easily removed from Sin_{n}H clusters.Comment: one latex file named script.tex including table and figure caption. Six postscript figure files. figure_1a.ps and figure_1b.ps are files representing Fig. 1 in the main tex

    Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the SHARE European-scale seismic source model.

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    Abstract: SHARE (Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe) is an EC-funded project (FP7) that aims to evaluate European seismic hazards using an integrated, standardized approach. In the context of SHARE, we are compiling a fully-parameterized active fault database for Iberia and the nearby offshore region. The principal goal of this initiative is for fault sources in the Iberian region to be represented in SHARE and incorporated into the source model that will be used to produce seismic hazard maps at the European scale. The SHARE project relies heavily on input from many regional experts throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. At the SHARE regional meeting for Iberia, the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (WGISS) was established; these researchers are contributing to this large effort by providing their data to the Iberian regional integrators in a standardized format. The development of the SHARE Iberian active fault database is occurring in parallel with IBERFAULT, another ongoing effort to compile a database of active faults in the Iberian region. The SHARE Iberian active fault database synthesizes a wide range of geological and geophysical observations on active seismogenic sources, and incorporates existing compilations (e.g., Cabral, 1995; Silva et al., 2008), original data contributed directly from researchers, data compiled from the literature, parameters estimated using empirical and analytical relationships, and, where necessary, parameters derived using expert judgment. The Iberian seismogenic source model derived for SHARE will be the first regional-scale source model for Iberia that includes fault data and follows an internationally standardized approach (Basili et al., 2008; 2009). This model can be used in both seismic hazard and risk analyses and will be appropriate for use in Iberian- and European-scale assessments

    Centralised and Distributed Optimization for Aggregated Flexibility Services Provision

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    The recent deployment of distributed battery units in prosumer premises offer new opportunities for providing aggregated flexibility services to both distribution system operators and balance responsible parties. The optimization problem presented in this paper is formulated with an objective of cost minimization which includes energy and battery degradation cost to provide flexibility services. A decomposed solution approach with the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is used instead of commonly adopted centralised optimization to reduce the computational burden and time, and then reduce scalability limitations. In this work we apply a modified version of ADMM that includes two new features with respect to the original algorithm: first, the primal variables are updated concurrently, which reduces significantly the computational cost when we have a large number of involved prosumers; second, it includes a regularization term named Proximal Jacobian (PJ) that ensures the stability of the solution. A case study is presented for optimal battery operation of 100 prosumer sites with real-life data. The proposed method finds a solution which is equivalent to the centralised optimization problem and is computed between 5 and 12 times faster. Thus, aggregators or large-scale energy communities can use this scalable algorithm to provide flexibility services.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    All electron and pseudopotential study of the spin polarization of the V (001) surface: LDA versus GGA

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    The spin-polarization at the V(001) surface has been studied by using different local (LSDA) and semilocal (GGA) approximations to the exchange-correlation potential of DFT within two ab initio methods: the all-electron TB-LMTO-ASA and the pseudopotential LCAO code SIESTA (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms). A comparative analysis is performed first for the bulk and then for a N-layer V(001) film (7 < N < 15). The LSDA approximation leads to a non magnetic V(001) surface with both theoretical models in agreement (disagreement) with magneto-optical Kerr (electron-capture spectroscopy) experiments. The GGA within the pseudopotential method needs thicker slabs than the LSDA to yield zero moment at the central layer, giving a high surface magnetization (1.70 Bohr magnetons), in contrast with the non magnetic solution obtained by means of the all-electron code.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Latex gzipped tar fil