461 research outputs found

    New Perspectives on Great Questions: What can MOOCs Tell Us?

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    The aim of this paper is to consider the role of massive open online courses (MOOCs) as a source of rich natural language data to be mined and analysed, thereby providing new perspectives and insights to questions, theories or experiences in relation to health and healthcare. It will consider the concept of “great questions” and why these are challenging to understand but suggests that MOOCs may enable us to discover some answers. It considers existing practice, emerging concepts and recommends future directions in this field

    Discovering the memory thief: MOOC participants’ personal experiences of dementia

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    Dementia is one of the greatest social issues of our time. There are brief explorations of experiences of dementia in the literature, however this study seeks to further explore the experiences of the general public in relation to dementia. This study aimed to characterise experiences of dementia in the general population. This characterisation was achieved by developing and opening a massive open online course on dementia, which collected information from participants who responded to the question “share your own personal experience of dementia”. This data was then analysed by two researchers using Framework Analysis. Four themes (the condition, caring, perception, and control) and indicative quotes are presented and discussed. Experiences of dementia are positive as well as negative. Findings update understanding of these experiences and demonstrate new insights

    From Co-location to Collaboration: Working Together to Improve Student Learning

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    An academic librarian and the coordinator of a campus tutoring and writing center recently relocated to the library researched their value to second-year students. Differences in the amount and type of available data called for conducting in-depth interviews with students about their research and writing processes. The researchers also reviewed relevant material regarding similar collaborative efforts at other college and universities. The gaps revealed in the environmental scan along with the best practices of librarian/writing center collaboration helped determine future steps needed for both units to move from mere co-location to working in true collaboration

    What is nursing in the 21st century: results of a pilot survey on attitudes towards nursing

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    Nursing is one of the most trusted professions yet is poorly defined. There are many definitions and characterisations of nursing. This study sought to pilot a survey exploring the views of nursing in the 21st century. This study piloted an electronic survey with open and closed questions. Descriptive statistics were collated for closed questions using Excel. Open-ended questions were analysed with LIWC for tone, emotion and criticality. This pilot study recruited 72 participants from professional and non-professional backgrounds. Respondents displayed diversity in their perceptions of nursing, the role of nurses and the role that nurses perform. Nursing is a complex, multifaceted profession. The view of nursing was generally positive and authentic although not easy to define. Nursing was felt to be an inclusive profession; however, it is extremely diverse in nature. Further research is required to explore these concepts in greater depth

    Student See Versus Student Do: A Comparative Study of Two Online Tutorials

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    This study examines the impact on student performance after interactive and non-interactive tutorials using a 2 × 2 treatment-control design. In an undergraduate management course, a control group watched a video tutorial while the treatment group received the same content using a dynamic tutorial. Both groups received the same quiz questions. Using effect size to determine magnitude of change, it was found that those in the treatment condition performed better than those in the control condition. Students were able to take the quiz up to two times. When examining for change in performance from attempt one to attempt two, the treatment group showed a greater magnitude of change. Students who consistently performed lowest on the quizzes outperformed all students in learning gains

    Active vibration mitigation of distributed parameter, smart-type structures using Pseudo-Feedback Optimal Control (PFOC)

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    A new, near-optimal feedback control technique is introduced that is shown to provide excellent vibration attenuation for those distributed parameter systems that are often encountered in the areas of aeroservoelasticity and large space systems. The technique relies on a novel solution methodology for the classical optimal control problem. Specifically, the quadratic regulator control problem for a flexible vibrating structure is first cast in a weak functional form that admits an approximate solution. The necessary conditions (first-order) are then solved via a time finite-element method. The procedure produces a low dimensional, algebraic parameterization of the optimal control problem that provides a rigorous basis for a discrete controller with a first-order like hold output. Simulation has shown that the algorithm can successfully control a wide variety of plant forms including multi-input/multi-output systems and systems exhibiting significant nonlinearities. In order to firmly establish the efficacy of the algorithm, a laboratory control experiment was implemented to provide planar (bending) vibration attenuation of a highly flexible beam (with a first clamped-free mode of approximately 0.5 Hz)

    Claiming but connected to work : Welfare at a (Social) Distance Rapid Report #1

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    This report presents the first findings from the Welfare at a (Social) Distance project, a major national research project investigating the benefits system during the COVID19 pandemic, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19. It draws upon a new survey of 2,364 new Universal Credit (UC)/Jobseekers’ Allowance (JSA) claimants (carried out between 25th May and 3rd June) to look at how far benefit claimants are connected to the world of work, helping to better understand the emerging picture from recent UK labour market statistics
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