105 research outputs found

    Sociología en el territorio y con el Estado : La experiencia de los Acuerdos Territoriales en el interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Los Acuerdos Territoriales constituyen una nueva política de articulación entre el Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social de la Nación y los municipios, que busca abordar las particularidades de los problemas laborales locales para promover políticas de empleo y producción acordes a las necesidades y potencialidades del territorio. Entre los años 2010 y 2014, participamos de la elaboración de dichos acuerdos en los municipios de Daireaux, Guaminí, Tres Lomas y Castelli, en donde realizamos encuestas poblacionales, entrevistas en profundidad a actores productivos, institucionales y municipales, y talleres de reflexión con representantes de los ámbitos de concertación local. El objetivo de esta ponencia es sistematizar la experiencia atravesada a partir de la indagación del rol del Estado en el tratamiento de problemáticas territoriales y de las prácticas sociológicas como herramientas de relevamiento y transformación. La ausencia de trabajos académicos centrados en el rol del Estado en el interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires resalta el área de vacancia al que busca contribuir la investigación aquí propuestaFil: Adamini, Marina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Roberti, Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    The complete nucleotide sequence, gene organization, and genetic code of the mitochondrial genome of Paracentrotus lividus.

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    Abstract The 15,697-nucleotide sequence of Paracentrotus lividus mitochondrial DNA is reported. This genome codes for 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and 12 mRNAs which specify 13 subunits of the mitochondrial inner membrane respiratory complexes. The gene arrangement differs from that of other animal species. The two ribosomal genes 16 S and 12 S are separated by a stretch of about 3.3 kilobase pairs which contains the ND1 and ND2 genes and a cluster of 15 tRNA genes. The ND4L coding sequence is not contained in the ND4 mRNA but has its own mRNA which maps between the tRNA(Arg) and the Co II genes. The main noncoding region, located in the tRNA gene cluster, is only 132 nucleotides long, but contains sequences homologous to the mammalian displacement loop. Other short noncoding sequences are interspersed in the genome: they contain a conserved AT consensus which probably has a role in transcription or RNA processing. As regards the mitochondrial genetic code, the codons AGA and AGG specify serine and are recognized by a tRNA with a GCU anticodon, whereas AUA and AAA code for isoleucine and asparagine rather than for methionine and lysine. Except for ND4L which starts with AUC and ATPase 8 which starts with GUG, AUG is used as the initiation codon. In 11 out of 13 cases the genes terminate with the canonical stop codons UAA or UAG. These observations suggest that during invertebrate evolution each lineage developed its own mechanism of mitochondrial DNA replication and transcription and of RNA processing and translation

    Contrahelicase activity of the mitochondrial transcription termination factor mtDBP

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    The sea urchin mitochondrial D-loop binding protein (mtDBP) is a transcription termination factor that is able to arrest bidirectionally mitochondrial RNA chain elongation. The observation that the mtDBP binding site in the main non-coding region is located in correspondence of the 3′ end of the triplex structure, where the synthesis of heavy strand mitochondrial (mt) DNA is either prematurely terminated or allowed to continue, raised the question whether mtDBP could also regulate mtDNA replication. By using a helicase assay in the presence of the replicative helicase of SV40, we show that mtDBP is able to inhibit the enzyme thus acting as a contrahelicase. The impairing activity of mtDBP is bidirectional as it is independent of the orientation of the protein binding site. The inhibition is increased by the presence of the guanosine-rich sequence that flanks mtDBP binding site. Finally, a mechanism of abrogation of mtDBP contrahelicase activity is suggested that is based on the dissociation of mtDBP from DNA caused by the passage of the RNA polymerase through the protein–DNA complex. All these findings favour the view that mtDBP, besides serving as transcription termination factor, could also act as a negative regulator of mtDNA synthesis at the level of D-loop expansion

    The Drosophila termination factor DmTTF regulates in vivo mitochondrial transcription

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    DmTTF is a Drosophila mitochondrial DNA-binding protein, which recognizes two sequences placed at the boundary of clusters of genes transcribed in opposite directions. To obtain in vivo evidences on the role of DmTTF, we characterized a DmTTF knock-down phenotype obtained by means of RNA interference in D.Mel-2 cells. By a combination of RNase protection and real-time RT–PCR experiments we found that knock-down determines remarkable changes in mitochondrial transcription. In particular, protein depletion increases not only the level of (+) and (−)strand RNAs mapping immediately after of the two protein-binding site, but also that of transcripts located further downstream. Unexpectedly, depletion of the protein also causes the decrease in the content of those transcripts mapping upstream of the protein target sites, including the two rRNAs. The changes in transcript level do not depend on a variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content, since mtDNA copy number is unaffected by DmTTF depletion. This work shows conclusively that DmTTF arrests in vivo the progression of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase; this is the first ever-obtained evidence for an in vivo role of an animal mitochondrial transcription termination factor. In addition, the reported data provide interesting insights into the involvement of DmTTF in transcription initiation in Drosophila mitochondria

    The Drosophila nuclear factor DREF positively regulates the expression of the mitochondrial transcription termination factor DmTTF

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    et al.The DREF [DRE (DNA replication-related element)-binding factor], which regulates the transcription of a group of cell proliferation-related genes in Drosophila, also controls the expression of three genes involved in mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) replication and maintenance. In the present study, by in silico analysis, we have identified DREs in the promoter region of a gene participating in mtDNA transcription, the DmTTF (Drosophila mitochondrial transcription termination factor). Transient transfection assays in Drosophila S2 cells, with mutated versions of DmTTF promoter region, showed that DREs control DmTTF transcription; moreover, gel-shift and Chip (chromatin immunoprecipitation) assays demonstrated that the analysed DRE sites interact with DREF in vitro and in vivo. Accordingly, DREF knock-down in S2 cells by RNAi (RNA interference) induced it considerable decrease in DmTTF mRNA level. These results clearly demonstrate that DREF positively controls DmTTF expression. On the other hand, mtRNApol (mitochondrial RNA polymerase) lacks DREs in its promoter and is not regulated in vivo by DREF. In situ RNA hybridization Studies showed that DmTTF was transcribed almost ubiquitously throughout all stages of Drosophila embryogenesis, whereas mRNApol was efficiently transcribed from stages 11-12. Territories where transcription occurred mostly were the gut and Malpighi tubes for DmTTF, and the gut, mesoderm, pharyngeal muscle and Malpighi tubes for mtRNApol. The partial overlapping in the temporal and spatial mRNA expression patterns confirms that transcription of the two genes is differentially regulated during embryogenesis and suggests that DmTTF might play multiple roles in the mtDNA transcription process, for which different levels of the protein with respect to mtRNApol are required.Peer reviewe

    MTERF3, the most conserved member of the mTERF-family, is a modular factor involved in mitochondrial protein synthesis

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    AbstractThe MTERF-family is a wide family of proteins identified in Metazoa and plants which includes the known mitochondrial transcription termination factors. With the aim to shed light on the function of MTERF-family members in Drosophila, we performed the cloning and characterization of D-MTERF3, a component of the most conserved group of this family. D-MTERF3 is a mitochondrial protein of 323 amino acids. Sequence analysis in seven different organisms showed that the protein contains five conserved “mTERF-motifs”, three of which include a leucine zipper-like domain. D-MTERF3 knock-down, obtained by RNAi in D.Mel-2 cells, did not affect mitochondrial replication and transcription. On the contrary, it decreased to a variable extent the rate of labelling of about half of the mitochondrial polypeptides, with ND1 being the most affected by D-MTERF3 depletion. These results indicate that D-MTERF3 is involved in mitochondrial translation. This role, likely based on protein–protein interactions, may be exerted either through a direct interaction with the translation machinery or by bridging the mitochondrial transcription and translation apparatus

    MTERF factors: a multifunction protein family

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    The MTERF family is a large protein family, identified in metazoans and plants, which consists of four subfamilies, MTERF1, 2, 3 and 4. Mitochondrial localisation was predicted for the vast majority of MTERF family members and demonstrated for the characterised MTERF proteins. The main structural feature of MTERF proteins is the presence of a modular architecture, based on repetitions of a 30-residue module, the mTERF motif, containing leucine zipperlike heptads. The MTERF family includes transcription termination factors: human mTERF, sea urchin mtDBP and Drosophila DmTTF. In addition to terminating transcription, they are involved in transcription initiation and in the control of mtDNA replication. This multiplicity of functions seems to flank differences in the gene organisation of mitochondrial genomes. MTERF2 and MTERF3 play antithetical roles in controlling mitochondrial transcription: that is, mammalian and Drosophila MTERF3 act as negative regulators, whereas mammalian MTERF2 functions as a positive regulator. Both proteins contact mtDNA in the promoter region, perhaps establishing interactions, either mutual or with other factors. Regulation of MTERF gene expression in human and Drosophila depends on nuclear transcription factors NRF-2 and DREF, respectively, and proceeds through pathways which appear to discriminate between factors positively or negatively acting in mitochondrial transcription. In this emerging scenario, it appears that MTERF proteins act to coordinate mitochondrial transcription

    Cloning of the sea urchin mitochondrial RNA polymerase and reconstitution of the transcription termination system

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    Termination of transcription is a key process in the regulation of mitochondrial gene expression in animal cells. To investigate transcription termination in sea urchin mitochondria, we cloned the mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) of Paracentrotus lividus and used a recombinant form of the enzyme in a reconstituted transcription system, in the presence of the DNA-binding protein mtDBP. Cloning of mtRNAP was performed by a combination of PCR with degenerate primers and library screening. The enzyme contains 10 phage-like conserved motifs, two pentatricopeptide motifs and a serine-rich stretch. The protein expressed in insect cells supports transcription elongation in a promoter-independent assay. Addition of recombinant mtDBP caused arrest of the transcribing mtRNAP when the enzyme approached the mtDBP-binding site in the direction of transcription of mtDNA l-strand. When the polymerase encountered the protein-binding site in the opposite direction, termination occurred in a protein-independent manner, inside the mtDBP-binding site. Pulse-chase experiments show that mtDBP caused true transcription termination rather than pausing. These data indicate that mtDBP acts as polar termination factor and suggest that transcription termination in sea urchin mitochondria could take place by two alternative modes based on protein-mediated or sequence-dependent mechanisms