346 research outputs found


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    Premature amniorrhexis, risky pregnancy, became a global concern because of the harm to the mother and fetus. Aim to identify the knowledge of women of premature amniorrhexis and get to know their perceptions and their feelings about this pathology. Descriptive study with a qualitative approach, developed in a public maternity ward. 11 women participated while hospitalized with a diagnosis of premature amniorrhexis, in the months of September and October 2007. The collection of semi-structured data was used, from which emerged the categories: Women's knowledge in relation to premature amniorrhexis, requiring information, and their feelings experienced, and reaction before their water broke. The results showed that women know little of the disease, or fear for the life of their children, and do not know what to do before that. Additionally health care professionals should regard women as human beings that need support and understanding.Amniorrexe prematuro, embarazo de riesgo, se convirtió en preocupación mundial debido a los agravios en la gestante y en el feto. Objetivamos identificar el conocimiento de las gestantes sobre amniorrexe prematura y conocer sus percepciones y sus sentimientos ante esta patología. Estudio descriptivo con un enfoque cualitativo, desarrollado en una maternidad pública. Participaron 11 gestantes hospitalizadas con diagnóstico de amniorrexe prematura, en los meses de septiembre y octubre de 2007. Se utilizó en la recogida de datos entrevista semi-estructurada a partir de la cual surgieron las categorías: conocimiento de las gestantes en relación con amniorrexe prematura, que requieren la información, los sentimientos experimentados, la reacción ante la ruptura de la bolsa de aguas. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres saben poco de la enfermedad, el temor por la vida de sus hijos y no saben qué hacer ante esta situación. De ahí la necesidad de los profesionales de la salud de mirar a las gestantes como seres que necesitan de apoyo y comprensión.Amniorrexe prematura, gestação de risco, tornou-se preocupação mundial devido os agravos na gestante e no feto. Objetivamos identificar o conhecimento de gestantes sobre amniorrexe prematura e conhecer suas percepções e seus sentimentos diante desta patologia. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido em uma maternidade pública. Participaram 11 gestantes internadas com o diagnóstico de amniorrexe prematura, nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2007. Utilizou-se na coleta de dados entrevista semi-estruturada de onde emergiram as categorias: conhecimento das gestantes em relação à amniorrexe prematura, necessitando de informações, sentimentos vivenciados, reação diante do rompimento da bolsa das águas. Os resultados revelaram que as gestantes pouco conhecem da patologia, temem pela vida dos filhos e não sabem o que fazer diante dessa situação. Consideramos então a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde olhar para as gestantes como seres que necessitam de apoio e compreensão

    Prediction of the yield of grains through artificial intelligence

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    Grass turns out to be an appropriate food for cattle, mainly in tropical climate countries such as Latin American countries. This is due to the high number of species that can be used, the possibility of growing them year-round, the ability of the ruminant to use fibrous supplies and be an economic source (Sánchez et al., Data mining and big data. DMBD 2018. Lecture notes in computer science, vol 10943. Springer, Cham, 2018, [1]). In this work, an application of neural networks was carried out in the forecasting of more accurate values of production and quality of grasslands

    The Goal Programming as a Tool for Measuring the Sustainability of Agricultural Production Chains of Rice

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    Agricultural activity is characterized by an intensive use of capital and a considerable dependence on external financing. Access to credit is often limited by the scarcity of resources and lack of guarantees, seriously affecting the productivity and economic performance of agricultural exploitations. The objective of this paper is to assess the sustainability of agricultural production chain of rice in Latin America using multi-criteria analysis tools to facilitate decision-making through a benchmarking process to contribute to their economic sustainability. The implementation of the model in an exploitation typy depending on financing sources (conservative, intermediate, and innovative) has revealed the conflict between the goals, being the intermediate exploitation, which gets the best results. The conclusions show that the flexibilization of financing options positively affects the economic performance

    Qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem e satisfação do paciente atendido em um hospital de ensino

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    OBJECTIVES: assess the quality of nursing care, the patients' satisfaction and the correlation between both. METHOD: cross-sectional study, involving 275 patients hospitalized at a teaching hospital in the Central-West of Brazil. The data were collected through the simultaneous application of three instruments. Next, they were included in an electronic database and analyzed in function of the positivity, median value and Spearman's correlation coefficients. RESULTS: among the nursing care assessed, only two were considered safe - hygiene and physical comfort; nutrition and hydration - while the remainder were classified as poor. Nevertheless, the patients were satisfied with the care received in the domains assessed: technical-professional, confidence and educational. This can be justified by the weak to moderate correlation that was observed among these variables. CONCLUSION: Despite the quality deficit, the patients' satisfaction level with the nursing care received was high. These results indicate that the institution needs to center its objectives on a continuing evaluation system of the care quality, aiming to attend to the patients' expectations.OBJETIVOS: evaluar la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería, la satisfacción del paciente y la correlación entre ambos. MÉTODO: estudio trasversal con 275 pacientes internados en un hospital de enseñanza de la región Centro-Oeste de Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante la aplicación simultánea de tres instrumentos. A seguir, fueron digitalizados en un banco de datos electrónico y analizados en función de la positividad, valor de mediana y coeficientes de correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS: entre los cuidados de enfermería evaluados, solamente dos fueron considerados seguros - higiene y conforto físico; nutrición e hidratación - y los demás clasificados como pobres. Sin embargo, los pacientes se mostraron satisfechos con los cuidados recibidos en los dominios evaluados: técnico-profesional, confianza y educacional. Eso puede ser justificado por la correlación débil a moderada observada entre esas variables. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar del déficit de cualidad, fue encontrado alto nivel de satisfacción de los pacientes con los cuidados de enfermería recibidos. Tales resultados indican la necesidad de que la institución centre sus objetivos en un sistema de evaluación permanente de la cualidad del cuidado, visando atender a las expectativas de los pacientes.OBJETIVOS: avaliar a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, a satisfação do paciente e a correlação entre ambos. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, realizado com 275 pacientes internados em um hospital de ensino da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da aplicação simultânea de três instrumentos. A seguir, foram digitados em banco de dados eletrônico e analisados em função da positividade, valor de mediana e coeficientes de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: dentre os cuidados de enfermagem avaliados, apenas dois foram considerados seguros - higiene e conforto físico; nutrição e hidratação - e os demais foram classificados como pobres. Todavia, os pacientes mostraram-se satisfeitos com os cuidados recebidos nos domínios avaliados: técnico-profissional, confiança e educacional. Isso pode ser justificado pela correlação fraca a moderada observada entre essas variáveis. CONCLUSÃO: apesar do déficit de qualidade, houve alto nível de satisfação dos pacientes com os cuidados de enfermagem recebidos. Tais resultados apontam a necessidade de a instituição centrar seus objetivos num sistema de avaliação permanente da qualidade do cuidado, visando o atendimento das expectativas dos pacientes

    Effect of temporary cements on the shear bond strength of luting cements

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, by shear bond strength (SBS) testing, the influence of different types of temporary cements on the final cementation using conventional and self-etching resin-based luting cements. Material and Methods: Forty human teeth divided in two halves were assigned to 8 groups (n=10): I and V (no temporary cementation); II and VI: Ca(OH)2-based cement; III and VII: zinc oxide (ZO)-based cement; IV and VIII: ZO-eugenol (ZOE)-based cement. Final cementation was done with RelyX ARC cement (groups I to IV) and RelyX Unicem cement (groups V to VIII). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Means were (MPa): I - 3.80 (&plusmn;1.481); II - 5.24 (&plusmn;2.297); III - 6.98 (&plusmn;1.885); IV - 6.54 (&plusmn;1.459); V - 5.22 (&plusmn;2.465); VI - 4.48 (&plusmn;1.705); VII - 6.29 (&plusmn;2.280); VIII - 2.47 (&plusmn;2.076). Comparison of the groups that had the same temporary cementation (Groups II and VI; III and VII; IV and VIII) showed statistically significant difference (p<0.001) only between Groups IV and VIII, in which ZOE-based cements were used. The use of either Ca(OH)2-based (Groups II and VI) or ZO-based (Groups III and VII) cements showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) for the different luting cements (RelyX TM ARC and RelyX TM Unicem). The groups that had no temporary cementation (Groups I and V) did not differ significantly from each other either (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: When temporary cementation was done with ZO- or ZOE-based cements and final cementation was done with RelyX ARC, there was an increase in the SBS compared to the control. In the groups cemented with RelyX Unicem, however, the use of a ZOE-based temporary cement affected negatively the SBS of the luting agent used for final cementation
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