128 research outputs found

    Ocular Application of the Kinin B1 Receptor Antagonist LF22-0542 Inhibits Retinal Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats

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    Purpose: Kinin B1 receptor (B1R) is upregulated in retina of Streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats and contributes to vasodilation of retinal microvessels and breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier. Systemic treatment with B 1R antagonists reversed the increased retinal plasma extravasation in STZ rats. The present study aims at determining whether ocular application of a water soluble B1R antagonist could reverse diabetes-induced retinal inflammation and oxidative stress. Methods: Wistar rats were made diabetic with STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.) and 7 days later, they received one eye drop application of LF22-0542 (1 % in saline) twice a day for a 7 day-period. The impact was determined on retinal vascular permeability (Evans blue exudation), leukostasis (leukocyte infiltration using Fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC)-coupled Concanavalin A lectin), retinal mRNA levels (by qRT-PCR) of inflammatory (B1R, iNOS, COX-2, ICAM-1, VEGF-A, VEGF receptor type 2, IL-1b and HIF-1a) and anti-inflammatory (B2R, eNOS) markers and retinal level of superoxide anion (dihydroethidium staining). Results: Retinal plasma extravasation, leukostasis and mRNA levels of B 1R, iNOS, COX-2, VEGF receptor type 2, IL-1b and HIF-1a were significantly increased in diabetic retinae compared to control rats. All these abnormalities were reversed to control values in diabetic rats treated with LF22-0542. B1R antagonist also significantly inhibited the increased production of superoxide anion in diabetic retinae. Conclusion: B1R displays a pathological role in the early stage of diabetes by increasing oxidative stress and proinflammator

    Distinct Roles of ComK1 and ComK2 in Gene Regulation in Bacillus cereus

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    The B. subtilis transcriptional factor ComK regulates a set of genes coding for DNA uptake from the environment and for its integration into the genome. In previous work we showed that Bacillus cereus expressing the B. subtilis ComK protein is able to take up DNA and integrate it into its own genome. To extend our knowledge on the effect of B. subtilis ComK overexpression in B. cereus we first determined which genes are significantly altered. Transcriptome analysis showed that only part of the competence gene cluster is significantly upregulated. Two ComK homologues can be identified in B. cereus that differ in their respective homologies to other ComK proteins. ComK1 is most similar, while ComK2 lacks the C-terminal region previously shown to be important for transcription activation by B. subtilis ComK. comK1 and comK2 overexpression and deletion studies using transcriptomics techniques showed that ComK1 enhances and ComK2 decreases expression of the comG operon, when B. subtilis ComK was overexpressed simultaneously

    Role of the Single-Stranded DNA–Binding Protein SsbB in Pneumococcal Transformation: Maintenance of a Reservoir for Genetic Plasticity

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    Bacteria encode a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein (SSB) crucial for genome maintenance. In Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pneumoniae, an alternative SSB, SsbB, is expressed uniquely during competence for genetic transformation, but its precise role has been disappointingly obscure. Here, we report our investigations involving comparison of a null mutant (ssbB−) and a C-ter truncation (ssbBΔ7) of SsbB of S. pneumoniae, the latter constructed because SSBs' acidic tail has emerged as a key site for interactions with partner proteins. We provide evidence that SsbB directly protects internalized ssDNA. We show that SsbB is highly abundant, potentially allowing the binding of ∼1.15 Mb ssDNA (half a genome equivalent); that it participates in the processing of ssDNA into recombinants; and that, at high DNA concentration, it is of crucial importance for chromosomal transformation whilst antagonizing plasmid transformation. While the latter observation explains a long-standing observation that plasmid transformation is very inefficient in S. pneumoniae (compared to chromosomal transformation), the former supports our previous suggestion that SsbB creates a reservoir of ssDNA, allowing successive recombination cycles. SsbBΔ7 fulfils the reservoir function, suggesting that SsbB C-ter is not necessary for processing protein(s) to access stored ssDNA. We propose that the evolutionary raison d'être of SsbB and its abundance is maintenance of this reservoir, which contributes to the genetic plasticity of S. pneumoniae by increasing the likelihood of multiple transformation events in the same cell

    The Transcriptional Regulator Rok Binds A+T-Rich DNA and Is Involved in Repression of a Mobile Genetic Element in Bacillus subtilis

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    The rok gene of Bacillus subtilis was identified as a negative regulator of competence development. It also controls expression of several genes not related to competence. We found that Rok binds to extended regions of the B. subtilis genome. These regions are characterized by a high A+T content and are known or believed to have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer. Some of the Rok binding regions are in known mobile genetic elements. A deletion of rok resulted in higher excision of one such element, ICEBs1, a conjugative transposon found integrated in the B. subtilis genome. When expressed in the Gram negative E. coli, Rok also associated with A+T-rich DNA and a conserved C-terminal region of Rok contributed to this association. Together with previous work, our findings indicate that Rok is a nucleoid associated protein that serves to help repress expression of A+T-rich genes, many of which appear to have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer. In these ways, Rok appears to be functionally analogous to H-NS, a nucleoid associated protein found in Gram negative bacteria and Lsr2 of high G+C Mycobacteria

    A Role for the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) in Virulence and Antifungal Susceptibility in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Filamentous fungi rely heavily on the secretory pathway, both for the delivery of cell wall components to the hyphal tip and the production and secretion of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes needed to support growth on polymeric substrates. Increased demand on the secretory system exerts stress on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which is countered by the activation of a coordinated stress response pathway termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). To determine the contribution of the UPR to the growth and virulence of the filamentous fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus, we disrupted the hacA gene, encoding the major transcriptional regulator of the UPR. The ΔhacA mutant was unable to activate the UPR in response to ER stress and was hypersensitive to agents that disrupt ER homeostasis or the cell wall. Failure to induce the UPR did not affect radial growth on rich medium at 37°C, but cell wall integrity was disrupted at 45°C, resulting in a dramatic loss in viability. The ΔhacA mutant displayed a reduced capacity for protease secretion and was growth-impaired when challenged to assimilate nutrients from complex substrates. In addition, the ΔhacA mutant exhibited increased susceptibility to current antifungal agents that disrupt the membrane or cell wall and had attenuated virulence in multiple mouse models of invasive aspergillosis. These results demonstrate the importance of ER homeostasis to the growth and virulence of A. fumigatus and suggest that targeting the UPR, either alone or in combination with other antifungal drugs, would be an effective antifungal strategy

    Myceliophthora thermophila M77 utilizes hydrolytic and oxidative mechanisms to deconstruct biomass

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    Biomass is abundant, renewable and useful for biofuel production as well as chemical priming for plastics and composites. Deconstruction of biomass by enzymes is perceived as recalcitrant while an inclusive breakdown mechanism remains to be discovered. Fungi such as Myceliophthora thermophila M77 appear to decompose natural biomass sources quite well. This work reports on this fungus fermentation property while producing cellulolytic enzymes using natural biomass substrates. Little hydrolytic activity was detected, insufficient to explain the large amount of biomass depleted in the process. Furthermore, this work makes a comprehensive account of extracellular proteins and describes how secretomes redirect their qualitative protein content based on the nature and chemistry of the nutritional source. Fungus grown on purified cellulose or on natural biomass produced secretomes constituted by: cellobiohydrolases, cellobiose dehydrogenase, B-1,3 glucanase, B-glucosidases, aldose epimerase, glyoxal oxidase, GH74 xyloglucanase, galactosidase, aldolactonase and polysaccharide monooxygenases. Fungus grown on a mixture of purified hemicellulose fractions (xylans, arabinans and arabinoxylans) produced many enzymes, some of which are listed here: xylosidase, mixed B-1,3(4) glucanase, B-1,3 glucanases, B-glucosidases, B-mannosidase, B-glucosidases, galactosidase, chitinases, polysaccharide lyase, endo B-1,6 galactanase and aldose epimerase. Secretomes produced on natural biomass displayed a comprehensive set of enzymes involved in hydrolysis and oxidation of cellulose, hemicellulose-pectin and lignin. The participation of oxidation reactions coupled to lignin decomposition in the breakdown of natural biomass may explain the discrepancy observed for cellulose decomposition in relation to natural biomass fermentation experiments.Peer reviewedMicrobiology and Molecular GeneticsBiochemistry and Microbiolog