339 research outputs found

    A Two-sided Loop X-Ray Solar Coronal Jet Driven by a Minifilament Eruption

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    Most of the commonly discussed solar coronal jets are the type that consist of a single spire extending approximately vertically from near the solar surface into the corona. Recent research supports that eruption of a miniature filament (minifilament) drives many such single-spire jets and concurrently generates a miniflare at the eruption site. A different type of coronal jet, identified in X-ray images during the Yohkoh era, are two-sided loop jets, which extend from a central excitation location in opposite directions, along low-lying coronal loops that are more-or-less horizontal to the surface. We observe such a two-sided loop jet from the edge of active region (AR) 12473, using data from Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), and from Solar Dynamics Observatory's (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). Similar to single-spire jets, this two-sided loop jet results from eruption of a minifilament, which accelerates to over 140 km s−1 before abruptly stopping after striking an overlying nearly horizontal-loop field at ~30,000 km in altitude and producing the two-sided loop jet. An analysis of EIS raster scans shows that a hot brightening, consistent with a small flare, develops in the aftermath of the eruption, and that Doppler motions (~40 km s−1) occur near the jet formation region. As with many single-spire jets, the magnetic trigger here is apparently flux cancelation, which occurs at a rate of ~4 × 1018 Mx hr−1, broadly similar to the rates observed in some single-spire quiet-Sun and AR jets. An apparent increase in the (line-of-sight) flux occurs within minutes of the onset of the minifilament eruption, consistent with the apparent increase being due to a rapid reconfiguration of low-lying fields during and soon after the minifilament-eruption onset

    Computing power of quantitative trait locus association mapping for haploid loci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Statistical power calculations are a critical part of any study design for gene mapping. Most calculations assume that the locus of interest is biallelic. However, there are common situations in human genetics such as X-linked loci in males where the locus is haploid. The purpose of this work is to mathematically derive the biometric model for haploid loci, and to compute power for QTL mapping when the loci are haploid.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have derived the biometric model for power calculations for haploid loci and have developed software to perform these calculations. We have verified our calculations with independent mathematical methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results fill a need in power calculations for QTL mapping studies. Furthermore, failure to appropriately model haploid loci may cause underestimation of power.</p

    Further Evidence for the Minifilament-eruption Scenario for Solar Polar Coronal Jets

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    Abstract We examine a sampling of 23 polar-coronal-hole jets. We first identified the jets in soft X-ray (SXR) images from the X-ray telescope (XRT) on the Hinode spacecraft, over 2014–2016. During this period, frequently the polar holes were small or largely obscured by foreground coronal haze, often making jets difficult to see. We selected 23 jets among those adequately visible during this period, and examined them further using Solar Dynamics Observatory’s (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 171, 193, 211, and 304 Å images. In SXRs, we track the lateral drift of the jet spire relative to the jet base’s jet bright point (JBP). In 22 of 23 jets, the spire either moves away from (18 cases) or is stationary relative to (4 cases) the JBP. The one exception where the spire moved toward the JBP may be a consequence of line-of-sight projection effects at the limb. From the AIA images, we clearly identify an erupting minifilament in 20 of the 23 jets, while the remainder are consistent with such an eruption having taken place. We also confirm that some jets can trigger the onset of nearby “sympathetic” jets, likely because eruption of the minifilament field of the first jet removes magnetic constraints on the base-field region of the second jet. The propensity for spire drift away from the JBP, the identification of the erupting minifilament in the majority of jets, and the magnetic-field topological changes that lead to sympathetic jets, all support or are consistent with the minifilament-eruption model for jets.</jats:p

    Hepatopathy following consumption of a commercially available blue-green algae dietary supplement in a dog

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary supplement use in both human and animals to augment overall health continues to increase and represents a potential health risk due to the lack of safety regulations imposed on the manufacturers. Because there are no requirements for demonstrating safety and efficacy prior to marketing, dietary supplements may contain potentially toxic contaminants such as hepatotoxic microcystins produced by several species of blue-green algae. CASE PRESENTATION: An 11-year-old female spayed 8.95 kg Pug dog was initially presented for poor appetite, lethargy polyuria, polydipsia, and an inability to get comfortable. Markedly increased liver enzyme activities were detected with no corresponding abnormalities evident on abdominal ultrasound. A few days later the liver enzyme activities were persistently increased and the dog was coagulopathic indicating substantial liver dysfunction. The dog was hospitalized for further care consisting of oral S-adenosylmethionine, silybin, vitamin K, and ursodeoxycholic acid, as well as intravenous ampicillin sodium/sulbactam sodium, dolasetron, N-acetylcysteine, metoclopramide, and intravenous fluids. Improvement of the hepatopathy and the dog’s clinical status was noted over the next three days. Assessment of the dog’s diet revealed the use of a commercially available blue-green algae dietary supplement for three-and-a-half weeks prior to hospitalization. The supplement was submitted for toxicology testing and revealed the presence of hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs), MC-LR and MC-LA. Use of the supplement was discontinued and follow-up evaluation over the next few weeks revealed a complete resolution of the hepatopathy. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case report of microcystin intoxication in a dog after using a commercially available blue-green algae dietary supplement. Veterinarians should recognize the potential harm that these supplements may cause and know that with intervention, recovery is possible. In addition, more prudent oversight of dietary supplement use is recommended for our companion animals to prevent adverse events/intoxications

    Adaptation of gastrointestinal nematode parasites to host genotype: single locus simulation models

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    Background: Breeding livestock for improved resistance to disease is an increasingly important selection goal. However, the risk of pathogens adapting to livestock bred for improved disease resistance is difficult to quantify. Here, we explore the possibility of gastrointestinal worms adapting to sheep bred for low faecal worm egg count using computer simulation. Our model assumes sheep and worm genotypes interact at a single locus, such that the effect of an A allele in sheep is dependent on worm genotype, and the B allele in worms is favourable for parasitizing the A allele sheep but may increase mortality on pasture. We describe the requirements for adaptation and test if worm adaptation (1) is slowed by non-genetic features of worm infections and (2) can occur with little observable change in faecal worm egg count. Results: Adaptation in worms was found to be primarily influenced by overall worm fitness, viz. the balance between the advantage of the B allele during the parasitic stage in sheep and its disadvantage on pasture. Genetic variation at the interacting locus in worms could be from de novo or segregating mutations, but de novo mutations are rare and segregating mutations are likely constrained to have (near) neutral effects on worm fitness. Most other aspects of the worm infection we modelled did not affect the outcomes. However, the host-controlled mechanism to reduce faecal worm egg count by lowering worm fecundity reduced the selection pressure on worms to adapt compared to other mechanisms, such as increasing worm mortality. Temporal changes in worm egg count were unreliable for detecting adaptation, despite the steady environment assumed in the simulations. Conclusions: Adaptation of worms to sheep selected for low faecal worm egg count requires an allele segregating in worms that is favourable in animals with improved resistance but less favourable in other animals. Obtaining alleles with this specific property seems unlikely. With support from experimental data, we conclude that selection for low faecal worm egg count should be stable over a short time frame (e.g. 20 years). We are further exploring model outcomes with multiple loci and comparing outcomes to other control strategies

    Estimating genetic diversity across the neutral genome with the use of dense marker maps

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the advent of high throughput DNA typing, dense marker maps have become available to investigate genetic diversity on specific regions of the genome. The aim of this paper was to compare two marker based estimates of the genetic diversity in specific genomic regions lying in between markers: IBD-based genetic diversity and heterozygosity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A computer simulated population was set up with individuals containing a single 1-Morgan chromosome and 1665 SNP markers and from this one, an additional population was produced with a lower marker density i.e. 166 SNP markers. For each marker interval based on adjacent markers, the genetic diversity was estimated either by IBD probabilities or heterozygosity. Estimates were compared to each other and to the true genetic diversity. The latter was calculated for a marker in the middle of each marker interval that was not used to estimate genetic diversity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The simulated population had an average minor allele frequency of 0.28 and an LD (r<sup>2</sup>) of 0.26, comparable to those of real livestock populations. Genetic diversities estimated by IBD probabilities and by heterozygosity were positively correlated, and correlations with the true genetic diversity were quite similar for the simulated population with a high marker density, both for specific regions (r = 0.19-0.20) and large regions (r = 0.61-0.64) over the genome. For the population with a lower marker density, the correlation with the true genetic diversity turned out to be higher for the IBD-based genetic diversity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genetic diversities of ungenotyped regions of the genome (i.e. between markers) estimated by IBD-based methods and heterozygosity give similar results for the simulated population with a high marker density. However, for a population with a lower marker density, the IBD-based method gives a better prediction, since variation and recombination between markers are missed with heterozygosity.</p

    Evaluating alternate models to estimate genetic parameters of calving traits in United Kingdom Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The focus in dairy cattle breeding is gradually shifting from production to functional traits and genetic parameters of calving traits are estimated more frequently. However, across countries, various statistical models are used to estimate these parameters. This study evaluates different models for calving ease and stillbirth in United Kingdom Holstein-Friesian cattle.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from first and later parity records were used. Genetic parameters for calving ease, stillbirth and gestation length were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method, considering different models i.e. sire (−maternal grandsire), animal, univariate and bivariate models. Gestation length was fitted as a correlated indicator trait and, for all three traits, genetic correlations between first and later parities were estimated. Potential bias in estimates was avoided by acknowledging a possible environmental direct-maternal covariance. The total heritable variance was estimated for each trait to discuss its theoretical importance and practical value. Prediction error variances and accuracies were calculated to compare the models.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>On average, direct and maternal heritabilities for calving traits were low, except for direct gestation length. Calving ease in first parity had a significant and negative direct-maternal genetic correlation. Gestation length was maternally correlated to stillbirth in first parity and directly correlated to calving ease in later parities. Multi-trait models had a slightly greater predictive ability than univariate models, especially for the lowly heritable traits. The computation time needed for sire (−maternal grandsire) models was much smaller than for animal models with only small differences in accuracy. The sire (−maternal grandsire) model was robust when additional genetic components were estimated, while the equivalent animal model had difficulties reaching convergence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For the evaluation of calving traits, multi-trait models show a slight advantage over univariate models. Extended sire models (−maternal grandsire) are more practical and robust than animal models. Estimated genetic parameters for calving traits of UK Holstein cattle are consistent with literature. Calculating an aggregate estimated breeding value including direct and maternal values should encourage breeders to consider both direct and maternal effects in selection decisions.</p

    Effect of family relatedness on characteristics of estimated IBD probabilities in relation to precision of QTL estimates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A random QTL effects model uses a function of probabilities that two alleles in the same or in different animals at a particular genomic position are identical by descent (IBD). Estimates of such IBD probabilities and therefore, modeling and estimating QTL variances, depend on marker polymorphism, strength of linkage and linkage disequilibrium of markers and QTL, and the relatedness of animals in the pedigree. The effect of relatedness of animals in a pedigree on IBD probabilities and their characteristics was examined in a simulation study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The study based on nine multi-generational family structures, similar to a pedigree structure of a real dairy population, distinguished by an increased level of inbreeding from zero to 28% across the studied population. Highest inbreeding level in the pedigree, connected with highest relatedness, was accompanied by highest IBD probabilities of two alleles at the same locus, and by lower relative variation coefficients. Profiles of correlation coefficients of IBD probabilities along the marked chromosomal segment with those at the true QTL position were steepest when the inbreeding coefficient in the pedigree was highest. Precision of estimated QTL location increased with increasing inbreeding and pedigree relatedness. A method to assess the optimum level of inbreeding for QTL detection is proposed, depending on population parameters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An increased overall relationship in a QTL mapping design has positive effects on precision of QTL position estimates. But the relationship of inbreeding level and the capacity for QTL detection depending on the recombination rate of QTL and adjacent informative marker is not linear.</p

    Effective-Range Expansion of the Neutron-Deuteron Scattering Studied by a Quark-Model Nonlocal Gaussian Potential

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    The S-wave effective range parameters of the neutron-deuteron (nd) scattering are derived in the Faddeev formalism, using a nonlocal Gaussian potential based on the quark-model baryon-baryon interaction fss2. The spin-doublet low-energy eigenphase shift is sufficiently attractive to reproduce predictions by the AV18 plus Urbana three-nucleon force, yielding the observed value of the doublet scattering length and the correct differential cross sections below the deuteron breakup threshold. This conclusion is consistent with the previous result for the triton binding energy, which is nearly reproduced by fss2 without reinforcing it with the three-nucleon force.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures and 6 tables, submitted to Prog. Theor. Phy