256 research outputs found

    Evoluzione delle attivita di Delivery in relazione all'applicazione del Jobs Act

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    Obiettivo del presente lavoro è analizzare l’evoluzione delle principali attività svolte all’interno delle Agenzie per il lavoro in relazione all’applicazione del Jobs Act. Nel primo capitolo mi sono occupata del Jobs Act e delle sue caratteristiche. Ho effettuatato primariamente un excursus storico dei cambiamenti normativi connessi al mondo del lavoro nel contesto italiano. Questa analisi è stata effettuata per mettere in evidenza come tali cambiamenti non siano altro che il frutto dell’interazione tra il contesto storico, politico, religioso e sociale caratteristico del nostro Paese. Successivamente, ho spostato l’attenzione sui vari decreti legislativi che compongono la legge n. 183 del 2014. Da questa analisi, è emerso chiaramente come il Jobs Act sia riuscito a farsi strada in un momento in cui il problema del mercato del lavoro non poteva più essere accantonato e necessitava di soluzioni immediate. Dopo aver presentato un quadro generale delle innovazioni apportate nel mondo del lavoro con l’introduzione del Jobs Act, ho trattato in maniera più dettagliata il tema delle politiche attive previste da questo provvedimento. In relazione ad esse, possiamo dire che l’obiettivo principale del Governo Renzi sia stato quello di cercare di facilitare maggiormente l’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro. Garantire servizi di orientamento e formativi per avvicinare i giovani al mondo del lavoro e percorsi di ricollocazione rivolti a coloro che, avendo perso la propria occupazione, cercano di reiserirsi. Per riuscire a fornire un risvolto pratico a queste iniziative, ho fatto riferimento alle Agenzie per il lavoro, che negli ultimi anni hanno ricoperto un ruolo sempre più centrale nel mercato del lavoro in relazione al tema dell’occupazione e del reinserimento lavorativo. Per parlarne accuratamente, è risultato necessario dedicare preliminarmente attenzione al tipo di rapporto che si instaura con l’introduzione dell’intermediazione lavorativa. Ci riferiamo qui ai contratti di lavoro in somministrazione. Nello specifico ho voluto analizzare il tipo di relazione che intercorre tra tre figure protagoniste (l’impresa somministratrice, il lavoratore e all’impresa utilizzatrice) e le modalità di concretizzazione del rapporto di lavoro tra di esse. Avendo dunque evidenziato il ruolo centrale delle Agenzie per il lavoro, nel quarto capitolo, ho analizzato dettagliatamente il caso concreto dell’Agenzia per il lavoro Gi Group. L’obiettivo è stato quello di esplicare il funzionamento di questa importantissima multinazionale, presentando la Mission aziendale, i valori e i principi etici di condotta condivisi al suo interno. Questa analisi ha permesso di rendere ancora più concreta l’idea di considerare Gi Group come una realtà fortemente strutturata e orientata ad offrire servizi di elevata qualità volti allo sviluppo del mercato del lavoro. Nel quinto capitolo infine, ho fornito un esempio concreto di come il Jobs Act abbia condizionato il modo di operare all’interno delle Agenzie per il lavoro. Ho presentato ed esplicato in che cosa consiste l’attività di Delivery all’interno di Gi Group. Con il termine Delivery, si identificano l’insieme delle attività che vanno dal processo di ricerca e selezione del personale, alle attività amministrative cosiddette “soft”. Attività dunque in cui la volontà di avvicinare la domanda e l’offerta di lavoro viene vista quotidianamente e in cui si cerca di guidare le persone verso una crescita personale e professionale. Per concludere, possiamo dire che questa analisi è stata compiuta per fornire un quadro d’insieme sui diversi cambiamenti che l’avvento del Jobs Act ha comportato, cambiamenti che hanno indubbiamente modificato il mondo del lavoro in Italia. Inoltre, è stato scelto il tema della Agenzie per il lavoro, proprio perché questa realtà manifesta in maniera lampante i significativi cambiamenti che la nuova normativa ha comportato. Esse hanno progressivamente accresciuto il loro ruolo nel mercato, favorendo sempre più lo sviluppo e la crescita del mercato del lavoro. Hanno progressivamente acquisito un ruolo centrale anche in relazione alle politiche attive, occupandosi dell’orientamento, della formazione e della ricollocazione delle persone nel mondo del lavoro

    Quantum systems in weak gravitational fields

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    Fully covariant wave equations predict the existence of a class of inertial-gravitational effects that can be tested experimentally. In these equations inertia and gravity appear as external classical fields, but, by conforming to general relativity, provide very valuable information on how Einstein's views carry through in the world of the quantum.Comment: 22 pages. To be published in Proceedings of the 17th Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation "Advances in the interplay between quantum and gravity physics" edited by V. De Sabbata and A. Zheltukhin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech

    Properties of Graphene: A Theoretical Perspective

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    In this review, we provide an in-depth description of the physics of monolayer and bilayer graphene from a theorist's perspective. We discuss the physical properties of graphene in an external magnetic field, reflecting the chiral nature of the quasiparticles near the Dirac point with a Landau level at zero energy. We address the unique integer quantum Hall effects, the role of electron correlations, and the recent observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect in the monolayer graphene. The quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene is fundamentally different from that of a monolayer, reflecting the unique band structure of this system. The theory of transport in the absence of an external magnetic field is discussed in detail, along with the role of disorder studied in various theoretical models. We highlight the differences and similarities between monolayer and bilayer graphene, and focus on thermodynamic properties such as the compressibility, the plasmon spectra, the weak localization correction, quantum Hall effect, and optical properties. Confinement of electrons in graphene is nontrivial due to Klein tunneling. We review various theoretical and experimental studies of quantum confined structures made from graphene. The band structure of graphene nanoribbons and the role of the sublattice symmetry, edge geometry and the size of the nanoribbon on the electronic and magnetic properties are very active areas of research, and a detailed review of these topics is presented. Also, the effects of substrate interactions, adsorbed atoms, lattice defects and doping on the band structure of finite-sized graphene systems are discussed. We also include a brief description of graphane -- gapped material obtained from graphene by attaching hydrogen atoms to each carbon atom in the lattice.Comment: 189 pages. submitted in Advances in Physic

    Analysis of trastuzumab and chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer after the failure of at least one earlier combination: An observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Combining trastuzumab and chemotherapy is standard in her2/neu overexpressing advanced breast cancer. It is not established however, whether trastuzumab treatment should continue after the failure of one earlier combination. In this trial, we report our experience with continued treatment beyond disease progression. METHODS: Fifty-four patients, median age 46 years, range 25–73 years, were included. We analysed for time to tumour progression (TTP) for first, second and beyond second line treatment, response rates and overall survival. RESULTS: Median time of observation was 24 months, range 7–51. Response rates for first line treatment were 7.4% complete remission (CR), 35.2% partial remissions (PR), 42.6% stable disease > 6 months (SD) and 14.8% of patients experienced disease progression despite treatment (PD). Corresponding numbers for second line were 3.7% CR, 22.2% PR, 42.6% SD and 31.5% PD; numbers for treatment beyond second line (60 therapies, 33 pts 3(rd )line, 18 pts 4(th )line, 6 pts 5(th )line, 2 pts 6(th )line and 1 patient 7(th )line) were 1.7% CR, 28.3% PR, 28.3% SD and 41.6% PD respectively. Median TTP was 6 months (m) in the first line setting, and also 6 m for second line and beyond second line. An asymptomatic drop of left ventricular ejection fraction below 50% was observed in one patient. No case of symptomatic congestive heart failure was observed. CONCLUSION: The data presented clearly strengthen evidence that patients do profit from continued trastuzumab treatment. The fact that TTP did not decrease significantly from first line to beyond second line treatment is especially noteworthy. Still, randomized trials are warranted

    Development and first assessment of a questionnaire for health care utilization and costs for cardiac patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The valid and reliable measurement of health service utilization, productivity losses and consequently total disease-related costs is a prerequisite for health services research and for health economic analysis. Although administrative data sources are usually considered to be the most accurate, their use is limited as some components of utilization are not systematically captured and, especially in decentralized health care systems, no single source exists for comprehensive utilization and cost data. The aim of this study was to develop and test a questionnaire for the measurement of disease-related costs for patients after an acute cardiac event (ACE).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To design the questionnaire, the literature was searched for contributions to the assessment of utilization of health care resources by patient-administered questionnaires. Based on these findings, we developed a retrospective questionnaire appropriate for the measurement of disease-related costs over a period of 3 months in ACE patients. Items were generated by reviewing existing guidelines and by interviewing medical specialists and patients. In this study, the questionnaire was tested on 106 patients, aging 35–65 who were admitted for rehabilitation after ACE. It was compared with prospectively measured data; selected items were compared with administrative data from sickness funds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The questionnaire was accepted well (response rate = 88%), and respondents completed the questionnaire in an average time of 27 minutes. Concordance between retrospective and prospective data showed an intraclass correlation (ICC) ranging between 0.57 (cost of medical intake) and 0.9 (hospital days) with the other main items (physician visits, days off work, medication) clustering around 0.7. Comparison between self-reported and administrative data for days off work and hospitalized days were possible for n = 48. Respective ICCs ranged between 0.92 and 0.94, although differences in mean levels were observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The questionnaire was accepted favorably and correlated well with alternative measurement approaches. This first assessment showed promising characteristics of this questionnaire in different aspects of validity for patients with ACE. However, additional research and more extensive tests in other patient groups would be worthwhile.</p

    Extraction of pure components from overlapped signals in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

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    Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a widely used analytical technique for the identification and quantification of trace chemicals in complex mixtures. When complex samples are analyzed by GC-MS it is common to observe co-elution of two or more components, resulting in an overlap of signal peaks observed in the total ion chromatogram. In such situations manual signal analysis is often the most reliable means for the extraction of pure component signals; however, a systematic manual analysis over a number of samples is both tedious and prone to error. In the past 30 years a number of computational approaches were proposed to assist in the process of the extraction of pure signals from co-eluting GC-MS components. This includes empirical methods, comparison with library spectra, eigenvalue analysis, regression and others. However, to date no approach has been recognized as best, nor accepted as standard. This situation hampers general GC-MS capabilities, and in particular has implications for the development of robust, high-throughput GC-MS analytical protocols required in metabolic profiling and biomarker discovery. Here we first discuss the nature of GC-MS data, and then review some of the approaches proposed for the extraction of pure signals from co-eluting components. We summarize and classify different approaches to this problem, and examine why so many approaches proposed in the past have failed to live up to their full promise. Finally, we give some thoughts on the future developments in this field, and suggest that the progress in general computing capabilities attained in the past two decades has opened new horizons for tackling this important problem

    Contribution of NADPH Oxidase to Membrane CD38 Internalization and Activation in Coronary Arterial Myocytes

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    The CD38-ADP-ribosylcyclase-mediated Ca2+ signaling pathway importantly contributes to the vasomotor response in different arteries. Although there is evidence indicating that the activation of CD38-ADP-ribosylcyclase is associated with CD38 internalization, the molecular mechanism mediating CD38 internalization and consequent activation in response to a variety of physiological and pathological stimuli remains poorly understood. Recent studies have shown that CD38 may sense redox signals and is thereby activated to produce cellular response and that the NADPH oxidase isoform, NOX1, is a major resource to produce superoxide (O2·−) in coronary arterial myocytes (CAMs) in response to muscarinic receptor agonist, which uses CD38-ADP-ribosylcyclase signaling pathway to exert its action in these CAMs. These findings led us hypothesize that NOX1-derived O2·− serves in an autocrine fashion to enhance CD38 internalization, leading to redox activation of CD38-ADP-ribosylcyclase activity in mouse CAMs. To test this hypothesis, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and a membrane protein biotinylation assay were used in the present study. We first demonstrated that CD38 internalization induced by endothelin-1 (ET-1) was inhibited by silencing of NOX1 gene, but not NOX4 gene. Correspondingly, NOX1 gene silencing abolished ET-1-induced O2·− production and increased CD38-ADP-ribosylcyclase activity in CAMs, while activation of NOX1 by overexpression of Rac1 or Vav2 or administration of exogenous O2·−significantly increased CD38 internalization in CAMs. Lastly, ET-1 was found to markedly increase membrane raft clustering as shown by increased colocalization of cholera toxin-B with CD38 and NOX1. Taken together, these results provide direct evidence that Rac1-NOX1-dependent O2·− production mediates CD38 internalization in CAMs, which may represent an important mechanism linking receptor activation with CD38 activity in these cells

    On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edge topology

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    Graphene-based nanostructures exhibit a vast range of exciting electronic properties that are absent in extended graphene. For example, quantum confinement in carbon nanotubes and armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) leads to the opening of substantial electronic band gaps that are directly linked to their structural boundary conditions. Even more intriguing are nanostructures with zigzag edges, which are expected to host spin-polarized electronic edge states and can thus serve as key elements for graphene-based spintronics. The most prominent example is zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) for which the edge states are predicted to couple ferromagnetically along the edge and antiferromagnetically between them. So far, a direct observation of the spin-polarized edge states for specifically designed and controlled zigzag edge topologies has not been achieved. This is mainly due to the limited precision of current top-down approaches, which results in poorly defined edge structures. Bottom-up fabrication approaches, on the other hand, were so far only successfully applied to the growth of AGNRs and related structures. Here, we describe the successful bottom-up synthesis of ZGNRs, which are fabricated by the surface-assisted colligation and cyclodehydrogenation of specifically designed precursor monomers including carbon groups that yield atomically precise zigzag edges. Using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy we prove the existence of edge-localized states with large energy splittings. We expect that the availability of ZGNRs will finally allow the characterization of their predicted spin-related properties such as spin confinement and filtering, and ultimately add the spin degree of freedom to graphene-based circuitry.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Different mechanisms for resistance to trastuzumab versus lapatinib in HER2- positive breast cancers -- role of estrogen receptor and HER2 reactivation

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    Introduction: The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-targeted therapies trastuzumab (T) and lapatinib (L) show high efficacy in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, but resistance is prevalent. Here we investigate resistance mechanisms to each drug alone, or to their combination using a large panel of HER2-positive cell lines made resistant to these drugs. Methods: Response to L + T treatment was characterized in a panel of 13 HER2-positive cell lines to identify lines that were de novo resistant. Acquired resistant lines were then established by long-term exposure to increasing drug concentrations. Levels and activity of HER2 and estrogen receptor (ER) pathways were determined by qRT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and immunoblotting assays. Cell growth, proliferation, and apoptosis in parental cells and resistant derivatives were assessed in response to inhibition of HER or ER pathways, either pharmacologically (L, T, L + T, or fulvestrant) or by using siRNAs. Efficacy of combined endocrine and anti-HER2 therapies was studied in vivo using UACC-812 xenografts. Results: ER or its downstream products increased in four out of the five ER+/HER2+ lines, and was evident in one of the two intrinsically resistant lines. In UACC-812 and BT474 parental and resistant derivatives, HER2 inhibition by T reactivated HER network activity to promote resistance. T-resistant lines remained sensitive to HER2 inhibition by either L or HER2 siRNA. With more complete HER2 blockade, resistance to L-containing regimens required the activation of a redundant survival pathway, ER, which was up-regulated and promoted survival via various Bcl2 family members. These L-and L + T-resistant lines were responsive to fulvestrant and to ER siRNA. However, after prolonged treatment with L, but not L + T, BT474 cells switched from depending on ER as a survival pathway, to relying again on the HER network (increased HER2, HER3, and receptor ligands) to overcome L's effects. The combination of endocrine and L + T HER2-targeted therapies achieved complete tumor regression and prevented development of resistance in UACC-812 xenografts. Conclusions: Combined L + T treatment provides a more complete and stable inhibition of the HER network. With sustained HER2 inhibition, ER functions as a key escape/survival pathway in ER-positive/HER2-positive cells. Complete blockade of the HER network, together with ER inhibition, may provide optimal therapy in selected patients