9,920 research outputs found

    Matrix Cartan superdomains, super Toeplitz operators, and quantization

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    We present a general theory of non-perturbative quantization of a class of hermitian symmetric supermanifolds. The quantization scheme is based on the notion of a super Toeplitz operator on a suitable Z_2 -graded Hilbert space of superholomorphic functions. The quantized supermanifold arises as the C^* -algebra generated by all such operators. We prove that our quantization framework reproduces the invariant super Poisson structure on the classical supermanifold as Planck's constant tends to zero.Comment: 52

    Supersymmetry and Fredholm modules over quantized spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to apply the framework of non- commutative differential geometry to quantum deformations of a class of Kahler manifolds. For the examples of the Cartan domains of type I and flat space, we construct Fredholm modules over the quantized manifolds using the supercharges which arise in the quantization of supersymmetric generalizations of the manifolds. We compute the explicit formula for the Chern character on generators of the Toeplitz C^* -algebra.Comment: 24

    Searching for a continuum 4D field theory arising from a 5D non-abelian gauge theory

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    The anisotropic 5D SU(2) Yang-Mills model has been widely investigated on the lattice during the last decade. In the case where all dimensions are large in size, it was previously claimed that there is a new phase in the phase diagram, called the Layer phase. In this phase, the gauge fields would be localized on 4D layers. Previous works claim that the phase transition to the Layer phase is of second order, which would allow a continuum limit to be taken. We present the extension of the previous work to large lattices, for which we found a first order phase transition. This leaves the scenario that this 5D theory can be dimensionally reduced to a continuum 4D field theory, doubtful.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures - talk presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2013, Mainz, German


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    Constructive meaning is given to the assertion that every finite Boolean algebra is an injective object in the category of distributive lattices. To this end, we employ Scott's notion of entailment relation, in which context we describe Sikorski's extension theorem for finite Boolean algebras and turn it into a syntactical conservation result. As a by-product, we can facilitate proofs of related classical principles

    An algorithmic approach to the existence of ideal objects in commutative algebra

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    The existence of ideal objects, such as maximal ideals in nonzero rings, plays a crucial role in commutative algebra. These are typically justified using Zorn's lemma, and thus pose a challenge from a computational point of view. Giving a constructive meaning to ideal objects is a problem which dates back to Hilbert's program, and today is still a central theme in the area of dynamical algebra, which focuses on the elimination of ideal objects via syntactic methods. In this paper, we take an alternative approach based on Kreisel's no counterexample interpretation and sequential algorithms. We first give a computational interpretation to an abstract maximality principle in the countable setting via an intuitive, state based algorithm. We then carry out a concrete case study, in which we give an algorithmic account of the result that in any commutative ring, the intersection of all prime ideals is contained in its nilradical


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan bukti empiris pengaruh Motivasi kerja Kompensasi dan mutasi, terhadap Produktivitas kerja. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan Proporsional Random Sampling Penentuan ukuran sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rumus Slovin. Ukuran sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 125 orang. Instrument penelitian ini adalah menggunakan kuisioner yang disusun dengan skala Likert. Data diolah dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak statistik. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan analisis regresi moderasi interaksi (Moderated Regression Analysis/MRA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) mutasi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Cipta Megaswara Televisi. (2) kompensasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Cipta Megaswara Televisi. (3) motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Cipta Megaswara Televisi. (4) mutasi dan kompensasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Cipta Megaswara Televisi secara tidak langsung melalui variabel motivasi kerja sebagai variabel intervening, tetapi efeknya lebih kecil daripada efek langsung. Dari penelitian, tampak bahwa variabel mutasi memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar daripada variabel kompensasi dan motivasi kerja. Variabel kompensasi berikutnya telah membandingkan pengaruh motivasi kerja terbesar dari variabel, dan variabel yang memiliki pengaruh terkecil dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel motivasi kerja. Dapat diartikan variabel mutasi memiliki pengaruh yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT.Cipta Megaswara Televisi

    Strategi Supply Chain Pada PT. Alam Anugerah Sarana Daya Dilihat Dari Aspek Supply Chain Drivers

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi supply chain pada PT Alam Anugerah Sarana Daya dilihat dari aspek supply chain driver untuk mencapai tingkat responsif dan efisien yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode kualitatif dengan wawancara terhadap pihak internal dari PT. Alam Anugerah Sarana Daya serta obersavi dari lapangan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji reliabilitas data. Aspek yang menjadi pusat penelitian ada enam yaitu : facilities, inventory, tranportation, information, pricing dan sourcing. Setelah meneliti enam aspek tersebut, peneliti dapat merumuskan strategi yang sebaiknya digunakan dalam setiap aspek melihat dari kondisi Perusahaan saat ini tersebut yakni resposif atau efisien dari masing masing aspek.Dari hasil penelitian Perusahaan perlu memperbaiki beberapa hal dalam aspek dari supply chain driver untuk mencapai tingkat responsif dan efisien yang bai

    Characterization of a defective PbWO4 crystal cut along the a-c crystallographic plane: structural assessment and a novel photoelastic stress analysis

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    Among scintillators, the PWO is one of the most widely used, for instance in CMS calorimeter at CERN and PANDA project. Crystallographic structure and chemical composition as well as residual stress condition, are indicators of homogeneity and good quality of the crystal. In this paper, structural characterization of a defective PbWO4 (PWO) crystal has been performed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Photoelasticity in the unusual a-c crystallographic plane. XRD and EDS analysis have been used to investigate crystallographic orientation and chemical composition, while stress distribution, which indicates macroscopic inhomogeneities and defects, has been obtained by photoelastic approaches, in Conoscopic and Sphenoscopic configuration. Since the sample is cut along the a-c crystallographic plane, a new method is proposed for the interpretation of the fringe pattern. The structural analysis has detected odds from the nominal lattice dimension, which can be attributed to the strong presence of Pb and W. A strong inhomogeneity over the crystal sample has been revealed by the photoelastic inspection. The results give reliability to the proposed procedure which is exploitable in crystals with other structures.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, revised versio