981 research outputs found

    Use of Ethanol-and-Turpentine-Baited Flight Traps to Monitor \u3ci\u3ePissodes\u3c/i\u3e Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Christmas Tree Plantations

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    Pissodes nemorensis and Pissodes strobi are major pests of pine production in eastern North America. Ethanol-and-turpentine baited traps were used here to monitor weevil populations in a Scotch pine Christmas tree plantation in Wisconsin. Baited pitfall traps were ineffective in trapping either weevil species. However, baited flight traps at 0.8 and 1.6 m above ground effectively captured flying weevils of both species, 70% of which were P. nemoren­sis. Females of both species were more attracted than males to the ethanoll turpentine baits. Significantly more female P. nemorensis and total P. nemorensis were trapped at a height of 0.8 m than 1.6 m. There was no significant difference in male P. nemorensis response to the different heights, nor was there a significant difference in response to trap height by P. strobi

    Use of a Monitoring System to Evaluate Pesticide Efficacy and Residual Activity Against Two Pine Root Weevils, \u3ci\u3eHylobius Pales\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3ePachylobius Picivorus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Christmas Tree Farms

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    Hylobius pales, the pales weevil, and Pachylobius picivorus, the pitch-eating weevil, comprise part of a weevil complex which affects plantation pine production in the Lake States. Common control practices on Christmas tree farms include calendar applications of persistent insecticides. The resulting environmental risks could be minimized by repeating applications only when needed. A sampling method using ethanol-and turpentine-baited pitfall traps was used here to assess the efficacy and monitor persistence of chemical sprays. Trap catch in lindane-treated field plots and untreated controls were compared over two years. Unsprayed controls had significantly higher weevil populations than treated plots. Spray efficacy continued for three years following tion. Weevil population growth in relation to insecticide efficacy and degradation is discussed

    Delirprävention bei älteren Patienten durch intraoperative Gabe von Dexmedetomidin bei Hochrisikoeingriffen

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    Introduction Postoperative Delirium (POD) is a fluctuating and faltering state of the brain characterized by deficits in attention, cognition, and awareness. It forms a major independent predictor for Intensive Care Unit (ICU)-mortality in elderly people as 1-year ICU survival probability decreases by 10% for every day spent with POD. Since its introduction in 2011, dexmedetomidine has proven to be a potent α2-agonist effective in the treatment of delirium on ICUs with translational rat studies indicating an anti-inflammatory and mortality-reducing effects when given simultaneously to a systemically induced (neuro-)inflammation. This raises the question whether perioperative administration of dexmedetomidine (both intra- and postoperative) could reduce the rate of POD. By the beginning of our trial in July 2014, in which we randomized 63 patients to dexmedetomidine or placebo, Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) regarding this subject had yet to be published. This dissertation tries to answer this question by discussing our trial and comparing it to the latest RCTs and literature. Methods First an extensive review of the literature was done to explore the facets of delirium, the working mechanisms of dexmedetomidine and a review of the gold standard delirium screening tool CAM/CAM-ICU (Confusion Assessment Method for the general and ICU ward respectively). Then an in-depth review of our trial will follow in which will be focused on the incidence of POD in our dexmedetomidine and placebo groups and its β -blocker, non- β -blocker, cardiac and non-cardiac surgery strata, measured by CAM/CAM-ICU. To compare our trial to the latest body of evidence, a PUBMED search (“(Dexmedetomidine OR Dexdor) AND (Delirium OR delirious) AND (peri-operative OR perioperative OR intraoperative OR intra-operative)”) was done to screen for the latest RCTs and meta-analyses. Results Including our trial, the majority of non-cardiac RCTs (13 out of 16) showed a significant reduction of POD in their respective dexmedetomidine groups, with various dosing and timing strategies. Although 3 out of 6 cardiac RCTs found a significant reduction, there was a lack of methodologically sound studies to properly evaluate the effect of intraoperative administered dexmedetomidine for cardiac surgery patients. Conclusion The current body of evidence suggests that, when selected for age (≥ 60 years) and scope of surgery with a foreseeable longer stay on the ICU, the administration of dexmedetomidine could lead to a significant reduction in POD for non-cardiac surgery patients. A new meta-analysis is needed to give a definitive answer. For cardiac surgery though, the evidence remains unclear and more and especially methodologically sound studies are needed.Einleitung Das POD ist ein fluktuierender und mangelhafter Zustand des Gehirns, gekennzeichnet durch Defizite in Aufmerksamkeit, Kognition und Bewusstsein. Jeder Tag, den ein(e) PatientIn auf der Intensivstation mit Delir verbringt, senkt die 1-Jahres-Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit um circa 10%. Seit dessen Introduktion im Jahr 2011 hat Dexmedetomidin sich als potenter α2-Agonist und als effektive Therapie für das POD erwiesen. Translationale Studien mit Ratten deuten auf anti-inflammatorische und mortalitätsreduzierende Effekte des Medikaments hin, wenn es gleichzeitig zu einer systemisch induzierten (Neuro)-Inflammation verabreicht wird. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob sich durch perioperative Gabe (sowohl intra- als auch postoperativ) von Dexmedetomidin die Rate des PODs reduzieren lässt. Vor dem Beginn unserer Studie im Juli 2014, in welcher wir 63 Patienten zur intra- und postoperativen Gabe von Dexmedetomidin oder Placebo randomisierten, gab es noch keine veröffentlichten RCTs zu diesem Thema. Diese Dissertation versucht anhand unserer Studie und dem Vergleich der aktuellsten RCTs diese Frage zu beantworten. Methodik Zuerst wird ein ausführlicher Rückblick der verfügbaren Literatur gegeben, worin die Facetten des Delirs, die Arbeitsmechanismen des Dexmedetomidins und eine Bewertung des Goldstandard Delir Screening-Tools CAM/CAM-ICU dargestellt werden. Darauf folgt eine ausführliche Beschreibung unserer Studie, mit Fokus auf die Methodik und POD-Inzidenz unserer Dexmedetomidin- und Placebo-Gruppen und deren Strata (β -Blocker, ohne - β -Blocker, kardiochirurgisch und nichtkardiochirurgisch). Zum Recherche der aktuellsten Studienlage wurde eine PUBMED Suche (“(Dexmedetomidine OR Dexdor) AND (Delirium OR delirious) AND (peri-operative OR perioperative OR intraoperative OR intra-operative)”) durchgeführt, um unsere Studie mit den letzten RCTs zu vergleichen. Ergebnisse Inklusive unserer Studie fand die Mehrheit der nichtkardiochirurgischen RCTs (13 von 16) eine signifikante Reduktion der POD-Inzidenz in deren Dexmedetomidin-Gruppen. Obwohl 3 von 6 kardiochirurgische RCTs eine signifikante Reduktion der Dexmedetomidin-Gruppe aufwiesen, mangelte es an Studien mit ausreichender methodischer Qualität, um für diese Patienten eine eindeutige Aussage treffen zu können. Schlussfolgerung Die aktuelle Datenlage deutet darauf hin, dass innerhalb eines vorselektierten Patientenkollektivs hinsichtlich Patientenalter (≥ 60 Jahre) und Operation (großchirurgische Eingriffe mit einer voraussichtlich längeren Intensivverweildauer) die Gabe von Dexmedetomidin zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des PODs für nichtkardiochirurgische Patienten führen könnte. Um eine definitive Aussage für diese Patienten treffen zu können, ist allerdings noch eine aktuelle Meta-Analyse erforderlich. Für kardiochirurgische Patienten mangelt es derzeit jedoch an qualitativ verwertbaren Studien, um diese Frage beantworten zu können

    Buchstabe und Schrift zwischen Materialität und Magie

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    Schrift wird meist allein in ihrer Funktionalität wahrgenommen und verwendet - als Transportmedium zur Beförderung von intelligiblen Inhalten. An historischen Gestaltungsformen von literarischen Texten lässt sich aber zeigen, dass die Materialität von Schrift eine eigene Dynamik entfaltet. Bereits das Beispiel der mittelalterlichen Initiale zeigt, dass Buchstaben einen wesenseigenen Objektcharakter haben, der sich vor allem in der Meditation erschließt. Im 17. Jahrhundert zeigt die meist für besondere Anlässe geschaffene barocke Figurenlyrik eine mit dem Inhalt korrespondierende Bildlichkeit. Im 20. Jahrhundert betont die Visuell-konkrete Poesie die Materialität der Schrift durch den spielerischen, aber auch programmatischen Umgang mit Buchstaben. Diese Phänomene zeigen weitgehend unbeachtete Aspekte des Magischen und weisen - ans Magische angelehnte oder vom Magischen entlehnte - magoide Strukturen und Bedeutungsebenen auf. Dadurch rückt der Magiebegriff in den Fokus der Beobachtung verschiedener Schrift-Bild-Phänomene, der die spezifische Valenz der Verbindung von Schrift und Bild zu erschließen hilft

    Variation in Lepidopteran Occurrence in Hemlock-Dominated and Deciduous-Dominated Forests of Central Appalachia

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    Eastern hemlock, (Tsuga canadensis Carrière, Pinaceae), is threatened with extirpation by an exotic invasive herbivore, the hemlock woolly adelgid, (Adelges tsugae Annand, Homoptera: Adelgidae). Given this threat, a broader and more detailed knowledge of the community associated with eastern hem- lock is merited. As Lepidoptera are important members of forest communities, this study was initiated to determine the relative occurrence of Lepidoptera in hemlock-dominated and deciduous-dominated habitats by evaluating abundance, species richness, temporal variation, and composition overlap. Lepidoptera were surveyed using blacklight traps from May – August 2010 at two collection sites in the Appalachian region of eastern Kentucky. The first collection site was within a forest stand dominated by mixed deciduous species, the second site possessed an overstory of eastern hemlock. Lepidoptera ≥ 20 mm in wingspan were identified and enumerated, yielding a total of 1,020 individuals of ≥ 137 species and 18 families. The total number of Lepidoptera captured in May and June was fewer than in July and August (P ≤ 0.05). The composition of the assemblage varied between collection sites as well as seasonally; 85 species were identified at the deciduous site and 107 species were identified at the hemlock site. While 27 species were recorded only at the deciduous site, 49 species were unique to the hemlock site. Of those unique to the hemlock site, five species were either detritivores or conifer specialists. These data demonstrate the importance of both deciduous and hemlock-dominated forest habitats for many species of Lepidoptera in Appalachia. Our study forms a foundation for understanding species richness patterns of Lepidoptera in hemlock forests in North America and is a useful baseline for comparisons of richness and diversity post invasion by the hemlock woolly adelgid

    The moderating effect of autism symptomology on the relationship of cognitive and adaptive functioning with anxiety symptoms in infants and toddlers

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    Anxiety disorders have been shown to have a high prevalence rate in the general population and the prevalence in those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is even higher. The detection, diagnosis, and implementation of an early intervention program for these disorders are crucial to the developmental outcome for such individuals. Researchers have shown how cognitive and adaptive functioning are related and affect anxiety symptoms in children as well as the high comorbidity with ASD. The aim of this study was to confirm those relationships, using scores from the BISCUIT-Part 2 (anxiety symptomology) and the BDI-II (Cognitive and Adaptive Developmental Quotient), and to show the moderating effect of autism symptomology, as measured by the BISCUIT-Part 1, in infants and toddlers. A sample of 2,366 infants and toddlers between the ages of 17 -36 months of age was utilized in a hierarchical moderation analysis and follow-up post-hoc analyses were also completed to determine the source of the interaction within subdomains of cognitive and adaptive functioning. The relationship between autism symptomology and anxiety was confirmed as well as the relationship between Cognitive DQ and anxiety. Adaptive DQ was found to be positively correlated with anxiety but in the opposite direction as expected. The moderating effect of autism symptomology in the interaction terms between Cognitive and Adaptive DQ individually with anxiety was statistically significant but with a small effect size. Similar results were found for the full regression model including the 3-way interaction between Cognitive DQ, Adaptive DQ, and autism symptomology with a negligible effect size

    Bacterially Expressed dsRNA Causes Gene Silencing in EAB

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a naturally occurring, biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression or translation by neutralizing target mRNA molecules. Recent advances in our understanding of the RNAi mechanism have allowed its development as an emerging tool to protect against insect pests. The major challenge for efficient pest management using RNAi as a molecular bio-pesticide in the field is development of convenient and efficient methods for production, and practical delivery of stable dsRNAs to the target insect. Our goal is to assess the potential for deploying bacterially produced RNAi as a bio-pesticide against an invasive forest pest, the emerald ash borer (EAB). EAB feeds on the cambial tissue beneath the bark of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.), causing rapid tree death. EAB has killed millions of ash in North America since its discovery in 2002, prompting the need for more innovative management strategies. In our study, bacterial expression and synthesis of dsRNA were performed with E. coli strain HT115 (DE3) using the L4440 expression vector. dsRNA (shi and hsp) over expressed in E. coli was toxic to neonate EAB larvae after oral administration and successfully triggered gene silencing and significant mortality. These results suggest that transformed E. coli expressing dsRNA (shi and hsp) has significant insecticidal activity against EAB and could potentially be used as a novel RNAi based bio-pesticide for management of this invasive forest pest. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an effective RNAi response induced by feeding dsRNA expressing bacteria in a forest pest

    Parental Age at Conception: An Examination of Risk Factors Related to Autism Severity and Comorbid Psychopathology

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    Many researchers have cited the continuing increase in the prevalence of autism worldwide and have speculated on the potential causes of that increase. One theory that suggests at least a contributory effect is the general trend for parents to have children at later ages. Previous research has begun to examine the relationship between advanced parental age at conception and the incidence of autism and have noted strong relationships between advanced parental age and other developmental disabilities. The purpose of this study was to not only confirm the relationship between advanced parental age and autism risk but to extend that knowledge to the association between parental age and severity of autism symptoms as well as comorbid psychopathology. The current study included 252 participants between the ages of 2-17 years of age and their parents. It was found that paternal age and child’s gender were both significant predictors of an autism diagnosis in this clinical sample. Males were found to have an odds ratio of 4.17 (95% Confidence Interval, 2.06-8.44) when compared to females. While the effect was not as large for paternal age, the predictive power was found to be statistically significant (odds ratio = 1.06; 95% Confidence Interval, 1.00-1.12). Child’s gender and paternal age were also found to be significant predictors of autism severity; however, paternal age was not found to be a significant predictor of comorbid symptoms. Interestingly, maternal age was not found to be a significant predictor of autism risk, severity, or comorbid psychopathology in this sample. Possible explanations for this finding and other findings are discussed, as well as future directions for research in this area

    The necessity to reexamine the definition of the human embryo adopted by the CJEU

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    Validation of Reference Genes for Quantitative PCR in the Forest Pest, \u3ci\u3eIps calligraphus\u3c/i\u3e

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    The six-spined ips, Ips calligraphus, is a North American bark beetle that can exploit most eastern North American Pinus species and can cause mortality. Biotic and abiotic disturbances weaken trees, creating breeding substrate that promotes rapid population growth. Management historically relied on silvicultural practices, but as forests become increasingly stressed, innovative management is needed. Manipulation of the cellular RNA interference (RNAi) pathway to induce gene silencing is an emerging means of insect suppression, and is effective for some bark beetles. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a powerful tool for analysis of gene expression, and is essential for examining RNAi. To compare gene expression among individuals, stably expressed reference genes must be validated for qPCR. We evaluated six candidate reference genes (18s, 16s, 28s, ef1a, cad, coi) for stability under biotic (beetle sex, developmental stage, and host plant), and abiotic (temperature, photoperiod, and dsRNA exposure) conditions. We used the comprehensive RefFinder tool to compare stability rankings across four algorithms. These algorithms identified 18s, 16s, and 28s as the most stably expressed. Overall, 16s and 28s were selected as reference genes due to their stability and moderate expression levels, and can be used for I. calligraphus gene expression studies using qPCR, including those evaluating RNAi
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