1,017 research outputs found

    An experimental investigation of cavity flow

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    Of particular interest are the flow structure and dynamics associated with open shallow rectangular cavities at low Mach numbers for various length-to-depth ratios. At the Reynolds number investigated, it is the presence of convective instabilities through the process of feedback disturbance that gives rise to a globally unstable flowfield. Using an instrumental wing model with a cut-out an experimental investigation of a cavity flowfield exhibiting ‘fluid-dynamic’ phenomenon has been completed. A post-processing module for the PIV image data was constructed which optimised the data fidelity and accuracy while improving upon velocity spatial resolution. These improvements were necessary to capture the flow scales of interest and minimise the measurement error for the presentation of velocity, velocity-derivative and turbulent statistics. It is shown that the hydrodynamics that is intrinsic to the cavity flowfield at these inflow conditions organises the oscillation of small- and large-scale vortical structures. The impingent scenario at the downstream edge is seen to be crucially important to the cavity oscillation and during the mass addition phase a jet-edge is seen to form over the rear bulkhead and floor. In some instances this jet-like flow is observed to traverse the total internal perimeter of the cavity and interact with the shear layer at the leading edge of the cavity, this disturbs the normal growth of the shear layer and instigates an increase in fluctuation. The coexistence and interplay between a lower frequency mode dominant within the cavity zone and the shear layer mode is seen to shed large-scale eddies from the cavity. This modulation imposes a modification to the feedback signal strength such that two distinct states of the shear layer are noted. Concepts for the passive reduction of internal cavity fluctuation are successful although modifications to the shear layer unsteadiness are encountered; an increase in drag is implied

    Hydrodynamic propulsion of human sperm

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    The detailed fluid mechanics of sperm propulsion are fundamental to our understanding of reproduction. In this paper, we aim to model a human sperm swimming in a microscope slide chamber. We model the sperm itself by a distribution of regularized stokeslets over an ellipsoidal sperm head and along an infinitesimally thin flagellum. The slide chamber walls are modelled as parallel plates, also discretized by a distribution of regularized stokeslets. The sperm flagellar motion, used in our model, is obtained by digital microscopy of human sperm swimming in slide chambers. We compare the results of our simulation with previous numerical studies of flagellar propulsion, and compare our computations of sperm kinematics with those of the actual sperm measured by digital microscopy. We find that there is an excellent quantitative match of transverse and angular velocities between our simulations and experimental measurements of sperm. We also find a good qualitative match of longitudinal velocities and computed tracks with those measured in our experiment. Our computations of average sperm power consumption fall within the range obtained by other authors. We use the hydrodynamic model, and a prototype flagellar motion derived from experiment, as a predictive tool, and investigate how sperm kinematics are affected by changes to head morphology, as human sperm have large variability in head size and shape. Results are shown which indicate the increase in predicted straight-line velocity of the sperm as the head width is reduced and the increase in lateral movement as the head length is reduced. Predicted power consumption, however, shows a minimum close to the normal head aspect ratio

    6-[18F]Fluoro-L-DOPA and Cerebral Blood Flow in Unilaterally MPTP-Treated Monkeys

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    Intravenous administration of 15O-labeled water and 6-[18F]-L-fluorodopa were used to assess abnormal striatal activity in monkeys after long-term recovery of unilateral lesions of the dopaminergic nigro-striatal system induced by the neurotoxin MPTP. PET data were examined in relation to behavioral and biological parameters. Cerebral blood flow and 6-[18F]-L-DOPA uptake were found to be significantly reduced in the lesioned striatum, compared to the unaffected side and to normal controls. There was no correlation between cerebral blood flow and any of the behavioral parameters. The uptake rate constant of 18F-DOPA from blood to striatum and the ratios of striatum to occipital areas were highly correlated to the concentrations of homovanillic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid of the same animals but not to the rotational behavior. This MPTP-inducedmodei of striatal dopamine deficiency in primates presents similarities with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and may be used to evaluate the effects of dopaminergic lesions and transplants on brain function

    Effect of l-Arginine on Human Coronary Endothelium-Dependent and Physiologic Vasodilation

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    AbstractObjectives. We hypothesized that l-arginine would improve abnormal coronary vasodilation in response to physiologic stress in patients with atherosclerosis and its risk factors by reversing coronary endothelial dysfunction.Background. Studies have demonstrated that physiologic coronary vasodilation correlates with endothelial function and that l-arginine, the substrate for nitric oxide synthesis, improves the response to acetylcholine (Ach).Methods. Changes in coronary blood flow and epicardial diameter response to Ach, adenosine and cardiac pacing were measured in 32 patients with coronary atherosclerosis or its risk factors and in 7 patients without risk factors and normal coronary angiograms.Results. Intracoronary l-arginine did not alter baseline coronary vascular tone, but the epicardial and microvascular responses to Ach were enhanced (both p < 0.001). The improvement after l-arginine was greater in epicardial segments that initially constricted with Ach; similarly, l-arginine abolished microvascular constriction produced by higher doses of Ach. Thus, there was a negative correlation between the initial epicardial and vascular resistance responses to Ach and the magnitude of improvement with l-arginine (r = −0.55 and r = −0.50, respectively, p < 0.001). d-Arginine did not affect the responses to Ach, and adenosine responses were unchanged with l-arginine. Cardiac pacing-induced epicardial constriction was abolished by l-arginine, but microvascular dilation remained unaffected.Conclusions. Thus, l-arginine improved endothelium-dependent coronary epicardial and microvascular function in patients with endothelial dysfunction. Prevention of epicardial constriction during physiologic stress by l-arginine in patients with endothelial dysfunction may be of therapeutic value in the treatment of myocardial ischemia

    Differences in coronary flow and myocardial metabolism at rest and during pacing between patients with obstructive and patients with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Fifty patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy underwent invasive study of coronary and myocardial hemodynamics in the basal state and during the stress of pacing. The 23 patients with basal obstruction (average left ventricular outflow gradient, 77 ± 33 mm Hg; left ventricular systolic pressure, 196 ± 33 mm Hg, mean ± 1 SD) had significantly lower coronary resistance (0.85 ± 0.18 versus 1.32 ± 0.44 mm Hg min/ml, p < 0.001) and higher basal coronary flow (106 ± 20 versus 80 ± 25 ml/min, p < 0.001) in the anterior left ventricle, associated with higher regional myocardial oxygen consumption (12.4 ± 3.6 versus 8.9 ± 3.3 ml oxygen/min, p < 0.001) compared with the 27 patients without obstruction (mean left ventricular systolic pressure 134 ± 18 mm Hg, p < 0.001).Myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow were also significantly higher at paced heart rates of 100 and 130 beats/min (the anginal threshold for 41 of the 50 patients) in patients with obstruction compared with those without. In patients with obstruction, transmural coronary flow reserve was exhausted at a heart rate of 130 beats/min; higher heart rates resulted in more severe metabolic evidence of ischemia with all patients experiencing chest pain, associated with an actual increase in coronary resistance. Patients without obstruction also demonstrated evidence of ischemia at heart rates of 130 and 150 beats/min, with 25 of 27 patients experiencing chest pain. In this group, myocardial ischemia occurred at significantly lower coronary flow, higher coronary resistance and lower myocardial oxygen consumption, suggesting more severely impaired flow delivery in this group compared with those with obstruction. Abnormalities in myocardial oxygen extraction and marked elevation in filling pressures during stress were noted in both groups.Thus, obstruction to left ventricular outflow is associated with high left ventricular systolic pressure and oxygen consumption and therefore has important pathogenetic importance to the precipitation of ischemia in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Patients without obstruction may have greater impairment in coronary flow delivery during stress

    Weight Loss Programs May Have Beneficial or Adverse Effects on Fat Mass and Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight and Obese Black Women

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    OBJECTIVE: Weight loss interventions have produced little change in insulin sensitivity in black women, but mean data may obscure metabolic benefit to some and adverse effects for others. Accordingly, we analyzed insulin sensitivity relative to fat mass change following a weight loss program. DESIGN AND METHODS: Fifty-four black women (BMI range 25.9 to 54.7 kg/m(2)) completed the 6-month program that included nutrition information and worksite exercise facilities. Fat mass was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and insulin sensitivity index (S(I)) was calculated from an insulin-modified intravenous glucose tolerance test using the minimal model. RESULTS: Baseline S(I) (range 0.74 to 7.58 l/mU(−1)•min(−1)) was inversely associated with fat mass (r = −0.516, p < 0.001), independent of age. On average, subjects lost fat mass (baseline 40.8 ± 12.4 to 39.4 ± 12.6 kg [mean ± SD], P < 0.01), but 17 women (32 %) actually gained fat mass. S(I) for the group was unchanged (baseline 3.3 ± 1.7 to 3.2 ± 1.6, P = 0.67). However, the tertile with greatest fat mass loss (−3.6 kg, range −10.7 to −1.7 kg) improved insulin sensitivity (S(I) +0.3 ± 1.2), whereas the tertile with net fat mass gain (+0.9 kg, range −0.1 to +3.8 kg) had reduced insulin sensitivity (S(I) −0.7 ± 1.3) from baseline values (P < 0.05 by ANOVA). CONCLUSIONS: Black women in a weight loss program who lose fat mass may have improved insulin sensitivity, but fat mass gain with diminished sensitivity is common. Additional support for participants who fail to achieve fat mass loss early in an intervention may be required for success