
An experimental investigation of cavity flow


Of particular interest are the flow structure and dynamics associated with open shallow rectangular cavities at low Mach numbers for various length-to-depth ratios. At the Reynolds number investigated, it is the presence of convective instabilities through the process of feedback disturbance that gives rise to a globally unstable flowfield. Using an instrumental wing model with a cut-out an experimental investigation of a cavity flowfield exhibiting ‘fluid-dynamic’ phenomenon has been completed. A post-processing module for the PIV image data was constructed which optimised the data fidelity and accuracy while improving upon velocity spatial resolution. These improvements were necessary to capture the flow scales of interest and minimise the measurement error for the presentation of velocity, velocity-derivative and turbulent statistics. It is shown that the hydrodynamics that is intrinsic to the cavity flowfield at these inflow conditions organises the oscillation of small- and large-scale vortical structures. The impingent scenario at the downstream edge is seen to be crucially important to the cavity oscillation and during the mass addition phase a jet-edge is seen to form over the rear bulkhead and floor. In some instances this jet-like flow is observed to traverse the total internal perimeter of the cavity and interact with the shear layer at the leading edge of the cavity, this disturbs the normal growth of the shear layer and instigates an increase in fluctuation. The coexistence and interplay between a lower frequency mode dominant within the cavity zone and the shear layer mode is seen to shed large-scale eddies from the cavity. This modulation imposes a modification to the feedback signal strength such that two distinct states of the shear layer are noted. Concepts for the passive reduction of internal cavity fluctuation are successful although modifications to the shear layer unsteadiness are encountered; an increase in drag is implied

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