2,161 research outputs found

    A bushel Half Full: Reforming the Canadian Wheat Board

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    The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) has been earning poor financial returns for farmers over the last three years, based on our benchmarking analysis. Reforms are required, including more transparency in reporting financial returns to farmers, and greater accountability on the part of CWB management to the farmer-elected board of directors.governance and public institutions, Canadian Wheat Board, Daily Price Contract (DPC)

    Average tree solutions for graph games

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    In this paper we consider cooperative graph games being TU-games in which players cooperate if they are connected in the communication graph. We focus our attention to the average tree solutions introduced by Herings, van der Laan and Talman [6] and Herings, van der Laan, Talman and Yang [7]. Each average tree solution is defined with re- spect to a set, say T , of admissible rooted spanning trees. Each average tree solution is characterized by efficiency, linearity and an axiom of T - hierarchy on the class of all graph games with a fixed communication graph. We also establish that the set of admissible rooted spanning trees introduced by Herings, van der Laan, Talman and Yang [7] is the largest set of rooted spanning trees such that the corresponding aver- age tree solution is a Harsanyi solution. One the other hand, we show that this set of rooted spanning trees cannot be constructed by a dis- tributed algorithm. Finally, we propose a larger set of spanning trees which coincides with the set of all rooted spanning trees in clique-free graphs and that can be computed by a distributed algorithm.

    Les conséquences des choix politiques : choix rationnel et action publique

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    Cet article cherche Ă  dĂ©gager les partis pris de mĂ©thode essentiels dans l’approche de l’action publique par le choix rationnel. Il rend compte de quelques travaux rĂ©cents sur une sĂ©rie de questions cruciales pour la comprĂ©hension de l’action publique contemporaine : les dĂ©terminants des politiques de privatisation, la convergence des politiques macro-Ă©conomiques, la maĂźtrise des dĂ©penses de santĂ©, et enfin la production des normes dans l’action publique. Ce que dĂ©montrent ces travaux, c’est qu’une part significative des variations fines des politiques publiques se comprend comme la rĂ©sultante de choix raisonnĂ©s. C’est moins le calcul d’optimisation, empiriquement trĂšs imparfait, que l’anticipation par les acteurs des consĂ©quences de leurs choix, qui fonde l’originalitĂ© et l’apport du choix rationnel. L’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’approche dans une perspective politologique est justement d’intĂ©grer cette capacitĂ© d’anticipation dans l’explication de l’action publique.Pierre Muller, Bruno Palier, Yves Surel PrĂ©sentation Bruno Palier, Yves Surel Les "Trois I" et l'analyse de l'État en action Richard Balme, Sylvain Brouard Les consĂ©quences des choix politiques : choix rationnel et action publique Christine Musselin Sociologie de l'action organisĂ©e et analyse des politiques publiques : deux approches pour un mĂȘme objet Pierre Bongrand, Pascale Laborier L'entretien dans l'analyse des politiques publiques : un impensĂ© mĂ©thodologique? Patrick Hassenteufel De la comparaison internationale Ă  la comparaison transnationale. Les dĂ©placements de la construction d'objets comparatifs en matiĂšre de politiques publiques Renaud Payre, Gilles Pollet Analyse des politiques publiques et sciences historiques : quel(s) tournant(s) socio-historique(s) ? Pierre Muller Esquisse d'une thĂ©orie du changement dans l'action publique. Structures, acteurs et cadres cognitifs LECTURES CRITIQUES Pierre Favre Un dictionnaire des politiques publiques : problĂ©matiques et enjeux de l'analyse de l'action publique Gil Delannoi Du bon usage du libĂ©ralisme. En relisant Raymond Boudon COMPTES RENDUS Sabine Saurugger Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandhal, Le pouvoir gris. Sociologie des groupes de pression de retraitĂ©s Nicolas Sauger AgnĂšs Alexandre-Collier, Xavier Jardin, Anatomie des droites europĂ©ennes Sylvain Brouard Herbert Döring, Mark Hallerberg, Patterns of Parlementary Behaviour. Passage of legislation across Western Europe Jean-Philippe Dedieu Amy J. Binder, Contentious Carricula : Afrocentrism and Creationism in American Public School

    Optical Spectral Properties of Swift BAT Hard X-ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei Sources

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    The Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is providing an unprecedented view of local AGNs ( = 0.03) and their host galaxy properties. In this paper, we present an analysis of the optical spectra of a sample of 64 AGNs from the 9-month survey, detected solely based on their 14-195 keV flux. Our analysis includes both archived spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and our own observations from the 2.1-m Kitt Peak National Observatory telescope. Among our results, we include line ratio classifications utilizing standard emission line diagnostic plots, [O III] 5007 A luminosities, and H-beta derived black hole masses. As in our X-ray study, we find the type 2 sources to be less luminous (in [O III] 5007 A and 14-195 keV luminosities) with lower accretion rates than the type 1 sources. We find that the optically classified LINERs, H II/composite galaxies, and ambiguous sources have the lowest luminosities, while both broad line and narrow line Seyferts have similar luminosities. From a comparison of the hard X-ray (14-195 keV) and [O III] luminosities, we find that both the observed and extinction-corrected [O III] luminosities are weakly correlated with X-ray luminosity. In a study of the host galaxy properties from both continuum fits and measurements of the stellar absorption indices, we find that the hosts of the narrow line sources have properties consistent with late type galaxies.Comment: 84 pages, 20 figures, 17 tables, accepted in Ap

    Non destructive investigation of defects in composite structures by fullfield measurement methods

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    This paper presents different interests of non destructive full-field measurement. More precisely, it focuses on the characterization and the comparison of the X-ray tomography and two methods of infrared thermography in order to define the defect detection limits and to precise the specific application fields for each technique on multi-layered and sandwich composite structures. The obtained results are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed

    Uniform Random Sampling of Traces in Very Large Models

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    This paper presents some first results on how to perform uniform random walks (where every trace has the same probability to occur) in very large models. The models considered here are described in a succinct way as a set of communicating reactive modules. The method relies upon techniques for counting and drawing uniformly at random words in regular languages. Each module is considered as an automaton defining such a language. It is shown how it is possible to combine local uniform drawings of traces, and to obtain some global uniform random sampling, without construction of the global model
