8 research outputs found

    El peligro de la complacencia

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    La renovada contemporaneidad de Raúl Prebisch

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    Incluye BibliografíaEl artículo comienza con una breve evocación de los rasgos principales de la herencia de Raúl Prebisch, no solo desde el punto de vista estrictamente intelectual, sino también como modelo de humanista. En seguida trata de la coyuntura por la que atraviesa el mundo actual, haciendo hincapié en el comercio; destaca el retorno del espíritu de economía de guerra y la inestabilidad en el mercado del petróleo, factores que conspiran contra la mayor inversión necesaria para que la economía mundial crezca satisfactoriamente, y señala que, pese a ello, en la coyuntura actual hay una recuperación del crecimiento y una revitalización del comercio. Por último, analiza los cambios estructurales en el sistema comercial que ya han ocurrido o están en curso y, en particular, en qué medida esos cambios se parecen a los que Prebisch esperaba, o se han alejado de esas expectativas

    La globalización de Raúl Prebisch

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    The renewed currency of Raúl Prebisch

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    Includes bibliographyThis article begins with a brief evocation of the main features of the legacy left to us by Raúl Prebisch, not only from the strictly intellectual point of view, but also as a model of humanism. It then goes on to deal with the present situation of the world, with special emphasis on trade, and highlights the return of a war economy mentality and the instability reigning in the oil market, both of which militate against the greater investment needed in order for the world economy to grow at a satisfactory rate. It notes that in spite of all this, in the present circumstances there has nevertheless been some recovery of growth and revitalization of trade. Finally, it analyses the structural changes which have taken place or are under way in the world trade system and, in particular, the extent to which those changes resemble those that Prebisch hoped for or fall short of his expectations

    Opções estratégicas: O papel do Brasil no sistema internacional Brazil's role in the internacional system

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    Examinam-se as grandes opções estratégicas que se apresentam para o Brasil no cenário internacional que se vai desenhando com base na reconstrução da posição que historicamente os EUA têm ocupado na definição dos diplomáticos brasileiros. Procura-se reconstruir a controvérsia a respeito dos grandes temas envolvidos.<br>The great strategic options open to Brazil in the evolving international scene are examined on the basis of a reconstruction of the position historically occupied by the USA in the definition of Brazilian diplomatic objectives. The main points of controversy are reconstructed