13,657 research outputs found

    Symmetry, incommensurate magnetism and ferroelectricity: the case of the rare-earth manganites RMnO3

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    The complete irreducible co-representations of the paramagnetic space group provide a simple and direct path to explore the symmetry restrictions of magnetically driven ferroelectricity. The method consists of a straightforward generalization of the method commonly used in the case of displacive modulated systems and allows us to determine, in a simple manner, the full magnetic symmetry of a given phase originated from a given magnetic order parameter. The potential ferroic and magneto-electric properties of that phase can then be established and the exact Landau free energy expansions can be derived from general symmetry considerations. In this work, this method is applied to the case of the orthorhombic rare-earth manganites RMnO3. This example will allow us to stress some specific points, such as the differences between commensurate or incommensurate magnetic phases regarding the ferroic and magnetoelectric properties, the possible stabilization of ferroelectricity by a single irreducible order parameter or the possible onset of a polarization oriented parallel to the magnetic modulation. The specific example of TbMnO3 will be considered in more detail, in order to characterize the role played by the magneto-electric effect in the mechanism for the polarization rotation induced by an external magnetic field.Comment: Conference: Aperiodic`0

    On the dynamics of bubbles in boiling water

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    We investigate the dynamics of many interacting bubbles in boiling water by using a laser scattering experiment. Specifically, we analyze the temporal variations of a laser intensity signal which passed through a sample of boiling water. Our empirical results indicate that the return interval distribution of the laser signal does not follow an exponential distribution; contrariwise, a heavy-tailed distribution has been found. Additionally, we compare the experimental results with those obtained from a minimalist phenomenological model, finding a good agreement.Comment: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractal

    Symbolic Sequences and Tsallis Entropy

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    We address this work to investigate symbolic sequences with long-range correlations by using computational simulation. We analyze sequences with two, three and four symbols that could be repeated ll times, with the probability distribution p(l)1/lμp(l)\propto 1/ l^{\mu}. For these sequences, we verified that the usual entropy increases more slowly when the symbols are correlated and the Tsallis entropy exhibits, for a suitable choice of qq, a linear behavior. We also study the chain as a random walk-like process and observe a nonusual diffusive behavior depending on the values of the parameter μ\mu.Comment: Published in the Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Dynamics of a single exciton in strongly correlated bilayers

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    We formulated an effective theory for a single interlayer exciton in a bilayer quantum antiferromagnet, in the limit that the holon and doublon are strongly bound onto one interlayer rung by the Coulomb force. Upon using a rung linear spin wave approximation of the bilayer Heisenberg model, we calculated the spectral function of the exciton for a wide range of the interlayer Heisenberg coupling \alpha=J_{\perp}/Jz. In the disordered phase at large \alpha, a coherent quasiparticle peak appears representing free motion of the exciton in a spin singlet background. In the N\'{e}el phase, which applies to more realistic model parameters, a ladder spectrum arises due to Ising confinement of the exciton. The exciton spectrum is visible in measurements of the dielectric function, such as c-axis optical conductivity measurements.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetocaloric effect in integrable spin-s chains

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    We study the magnetocaloric effect for the integrable antiferromagnetic high-spin chain. We present an exact computation of the Gr\"uneisen parameter, which is closely related to the magnetocaloric effect, for the quantum spin-s chain on the thermodynamical limit by means of Bethe ansatz techniques and the quantum transfer matrix approach. We have also calculated the entropy S and the isentropes in the (H,T) plane. We have been able to identify the quantum critical points H_c^{(s)}=2/(s+1/2) looking at the isentropes and/or the characteristic behaviour of the Gr\"uneisen parameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Predicting Psi-BN: computational insights into its mechanical, electronic, and optical characteristics

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    Computational materials are pivotal in advancing our understanding of distinct material classes and their properties, offering valuable insights in predicting novel structures and complementing experimental approaches. In this context, Psi-graphene is a stable two-dimensional carbon allotrope composed of 5-6-7 carbon rings theoretically predicted recently. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we explored its boron nitride counterpart's mechanical, electronic, and optical characteristics (Psi-BN). Our results indicate that Psi-BN possesses a band gap of 4.59 eV at the HSE06 level. Phonon calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated that this material has excellent structural and dynamic stability. Moreover, its formation energy is -7.48 eV. Psi-BN exhibited strong ultraviolet activity, suggesting its potential as an efficient UV collector. Furthermore, we determined critical mechanical properties of Psi-BN, such as the elastic stiffness constants, Young's modulus (250-300 GPa), and Poisson ratio (0.7), providing valuable insights into its mechanical behavior.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Critical Fields and Critical Currents in MgB2

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    We review recent measurements of upper (Hc2) and lower (Hc1) critical fields in clean single crystals of MgB2, and their anisotropies between the two principal crystallographic directions. Such crystals are far into the "clean limit" of Type II superconductivity, and indeed for fields applied in the c-direction, the Ginzburg-Landau parameter k is only about 3, just large enough for Type II behaviour. Because m0Hc2 is so low, about 3 T for fields in the c-direction, MgB2 has to be modified for it to become useful for high-current applications. It should be possible to increase Hc2 by the introduction of strong electron scattering (but because of the electronic structure and the double gap that results, the scatterers will have to be chosen carefully). In addition, pinning defects on a scale of a few nm will have to be engineered in order to enhance the critical current density at high fields.Comment: BOROMAG Conference Invited paper. To appear in Supercond. Sci. Tec

    Aharonov-Bohm signature for neutral excitons in type-II quantum dot ensembles

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    It is commonly believed that the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect is a typical feature of the motion of a charged particle interacting with the electromagnetic vector potential. Here we present a magnetophotoluminescence study of type-II InP/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots, unambiguously revealing the Aharonov-Bohm-type oscillations for neutral excitons when the hole ground state changes its angular momentum from lh = 0 to lh = 1, 2, and 3. The hole ring parameters derived from a simple model are in excellent agreement with the structural parameters for this system.Comment: Revised version, 10 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a symmetric triple-well trap

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    We present a complete analysis of the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric triple-well potential. Our classical analogue treatment, based on a time-dependent variational method using SU(3) coherent states, includes the parameter dependence analysis of the equilibrium points and their local stability, which is closely related to the condensate collective behaviour. We also consider the effects of off-site interactions, and how these "cross-collisions" may become relevant for a large number of trapped bosons. Besides, we have shown analytically, by means of a simple basis transformation in the single-particle space, that an integrable sub-regime, known as twin-condensate dynamics, corresponds in the classical phase space to invariant surfaces isomorphic to the unit sphere. However, the quantum dynamics preserves the twin-condensate defining characteristics only partially, thus breaking the invariance of the associated quantum subspace. Moreover, the periodic geometry of the trapping potential allowed us to investigate the dynamics of finite angular momentum collective excitations, which can be suppressed by the emergence of chaos. Finally, using the generalized purity associated to the su(3) algebra, we were able to quantify the dynamical classicality of a quantum evolved system, as compared to the corresponding classical trajectory.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure