261 research outputs found

    Risk and sensitivity quantification of fracture failure employing cohesive zone elements

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    Many structures are subjected to the risk of fatigue failure. For their reliability-based design, it is thus important to calculate the probability of fatigue failure and assess the relative importance of the involved parameters. Although various studies have analyzed the fatigue failure, the stage of fracture failure has been less focused. In particular, the risk analysis of fracture failure needs to be conducted considering its importance in actual structures. This article proposes a new probabilistic framework for the risk and sensitivity analysis of structural fatigue failure employing cohesive zone elements. The proposed framework comprises three steps, namely finite element analysis using cohesive zone elements, response surface construction, and risk and sensitivity analysis of fatigue failure, which require several mathematical techniques and algorithms. The proposed framework is tested by applying it to an illustrative example, and the corresponding analysis results of fracture failure probability with different threshold values of a limit-state function are presented. In addition, the sensitivities of failure risk with respect to the statistical parameters of random variables are presented and their relative importance is discussed

    Investigating in-service failures of water pipes from a multiaxial notch fatigue point of view: A conceptual study

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    Many mechanisms and processes can cause deterioration and ultimately failure of water distribution pipes during in-service operation, amongst these is damage caused by metal fatigue. This paper summarises an attempt at formalising a novel methodology suitable for estimating the number of years taken for a through thickness fatigue crack to form in this complex scenario. The devised method is based on the so-called modified Wo¨hler curve method and can be applied to estimate fatigue damage of water pipes independently from the degree of multiaxiality and non-proportionality of the load history. The computational approach of the proposed fatigue life estimation technique makes full use of an incremental procedure: fatigue damage is evaluated year by year by assuming that all variable involved in the process can change over time. The detrimental effect of corrosion pits is directly accounted for by treating them as conventional notches whose size increases with time. Finally, by taking as reference information the number of years for a blowout hole to form, the proposed approach is used to show how the lifetime of grey cast iron pipes can be remarkably shortened by fatigue

    Proportional/non-proportional constant/variable amplitude multiaxial notch fatigue: cyclic plasticity, non-zero mean stresses, and critical distance/plane

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    This paper deals with the formulation and experimental validation of a novel fatigue lifetime estimation technique suitable for assessing the extent of damage in notched metallic materials subjected to in‐service proportional/nonproportional constant/variable amplitude multiaxial load histories. The methodology being formulated makes use of the Modified Manson‐Coffin Curve Method, the Shear Strain–Maximum Variance Method, and the elasto‐plastic Theory of Critical Distances, with the latter theory being applied in the form of the Point Method. The accuracy and reliability of our novel fatigue lifetime estimation technique were checked against a large number of experimental results we generated by testing, under proportional/nonproportional constant/variable amplitude axial‐torsional loading, V‐notched cylindrical specimens made of unalloyed medium‐carbon steel En8 (080M40). Specific experimental trials were run to investigate also the effect of non‐zero mean stresses as well as of different frequencies between the axial and torsional stress/strain components. This systematic validation exercise allowed us to demonstrate that our novel multiaxial fatigue assessment methodology is remarkably accurate, with the estimates falling within an error factor of 2. By modelling the cyclic elasto‐plastic behaviour of metals explicitly, the design methodology being formulated and validated in the present paper offers a complete solution to the problem of estimating multiaxial fatigue lifetime of notched metallic materials, with this holding true independently of sharpness of the stress/strain raiser and complexity of the load history

    "My Children and I Will no Longer Suffer from Malaria": A Qualitative Study of the Acceptance and Rejection of Indoor Residual Spraying to Prevent Malaria in Tanzania.

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    The objective of this study was to identify attitudes and misconceptions related to acceptance or refusal of indoor residual spraying (IRS) in Tanzania for both the general population and among certain groups (e.g., farmers, fishermen, community leaders, and women). This study was a series of qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions conducted from October 2010 to March 2011 on Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. Three groups of participants were targeted: acceptors of IRS (those who have already had their homes sprayed), refusers (those whose communities have been sprayed, but refused to have their individual home sprayed), and those whose houses were about to be sprayed as part of IRS scale-up. Interviews were also conducted with farmers, fishermen, women, community leaders and members of non-government organizations responsible for community mobilization around IRS. Results showed refusers are a very small percentage of the population. They tend to be more knowledgeable people such as teachers, drivers, extension workers, and other civil servants who do not simply follow the orders of the local government or the sprayers, but are skeptical about the process until they see true results. Refusal took three forms: 1) refusing partially until thorough explanation is provided; 2) accepting spray to be done in a few rooms only; and 3) refusing outright. In most of the refusal interviews, refusers justified why their houses were not sprayed, often without admitting that they had refused. Reasons for refusal included initial ignorance about the reasons for IRS, uncertainty about its effectiveness, increased prevalence of other insects, potential physical side effects, odour, rumours about the chemical affecting fertility, embarrassment about moving poor quality possessions out of the house, and belief that the spray was politically motivated. To increase IRS acceptance, participants recommended more emphasis on providing thorough public education, ensuring the sprayers themselves are more knowledgeable about IRS, and asking that community leaders encourage participation by their constituents rather than threatening punishment for noncompliance. While there are several rumours and misconceptions concerning IRS in Tanzania, acceptance is very high and continues to increase as positive results become apparent

    Laparoscopic splenectomy for sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation of the spleen

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    Primary splenic tumors are rare and mainly found incidentally on radiologic studies. Among them, sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) of the spleen is a new entity defined as a benign pathologic lesion. Most SANTs have no clinical symptoms and are occasionally accompanied by other splenic diseases such as malignancies. So, the exact diagnosis of the nature of the splenic tumor is mandatory for further treatment. But, preoperative diagnosis is not easy since it is difficult to obtain the tissue from the spleen for pathological study. Recently, laparoscopic splenectomy has become the more standard procedure for the spleen for diagnosis and treatment. Here, we report a rare case of SANT diagnosed following laparoscopic splenectomy

    The influence of microstructure on the fatigue crack growth rate in marine steels in the Paris Region

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    This paper presents a study on the effect of microstructure on the fatigue crack growth (FCG) rate in advanced S355 marine steels in the Paris Region of the da/dN versus ΔK log–log plot. The environments of study were air and seawater (SW), under constant amplitude sinewave fatigue loading. Fundamentally, three phenomena (crack tip diversion, crack front bifurcation and metal crumb formation) were observed to influence the rate of FCG. These phenomena appear to be a function of the material microstructure, environment and crack tip loading conditions. The three factors retarded the crack growth by reducing or redistributing the effective driving force at the main active crack tip. A crack path containing extensively the three phenomena was observed to offer strong resistance to FCG. In SW, the degree of the electrochemical dissolution of the microplastic zone appears to be an additional primary factor influencing FCG in the steel

    Allellic variants in regulatory regions of cyclooxygenase-2: association with advanced colorectal adenoma

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    Cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox-2) is upregulated in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Polymorphisms in the Cox-2 gene may influence its function and/or its expression and may modify the protective effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), thereby impacting individuals' risk of developing colorectal cancer and response to prevention/intervention strategies. In a nested case–control study, four polymorphisms in the Cox-2 gene (two in the promoter, −663 insertion/deletion, GT/(GT) and −798 A/G; one in intron 5-5229, T/G; one in 3′untranslated region (UTR)-8494, T/C) were genotyped in 726 cases of colorectal adenomas and 729 age- and gender-matched controls in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian (PLCO) cancer screening trial. There was no significant association between the Cox-2 polymorphisms and adenoma development in the overall population. However, in males, the relatively rare heterozygous genotype GT/(GT) at −663 in the promoter and the variant homozygous genotype G/G at intron 5-5229 appeared to have inverse associations (odds ratio (OR)=0.59, confidence interval (CI): 0.34–1.02 and OR=0.48, CI: 0.24–0.99, respectively), whereas the heterozygous genotype T/C at 3′UTR-8494 had a positive association (OR=1.31, CI: 1.01–1.71) with adenoma development. Furthermore, the haplotype carrying the risk-conferring 3′UTR-8494 variant was associated with a 35% increase in the odds for adenoma incidence in males (OR=1.35, CI: 1.07–1.70), but the one with a risk allele at 3′UTR-8494 and a protective allele at intron 5-5229 had no effect on adenoma development (OR=0.85, CI: 0.66–1.09). Gender-related differences in adenoma risk were also noted with tobacco usage and protective effects of NSAIDs. Our analysis underscores the significance of the overall allelic architecture of Cox-2 as an important determinant for risk assessment

    Win-Win for Wind and Wildlife: A Vision to Facilitate Sustainable Development

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    Wind energy offers the potential to reduce carbon emissions while increasing energy independence and bolstering economic development. However, wind energy has a larger land footprint per Gigawatt (GW) than most other forms of energy production, making appropriate siting and mitigation particularly important. Species that require large unfragmented habitats and those known to avoid vertical structures are particularly at risk from wind development. Developing energy on disturbed lands rather than placing new developments within large and intact habitats would reduce cumulative impacts to wildlife. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that it will take 241 GW of terrestrial based wind development on approximately 5 million hectares to reach 20% electricity production for the U.S. by 2030. We estimate there are ∼7,700 GW of potential wind energy available across the U.S., with ∼3,500 GW on disturbed lands. In addition, a disturbance-focused development strategy would avert the development of ∼2.3 million hectares of undisturbed lands while generating the same amount of energy as development based solely on maximizing wind potential. Wind subsidies targeted at favoring low-impact developments and creating avoidance and mitigation requirements that raise the costs for projects impacting sensitive lands could improve public value for both wind energy and biodiversity conservation

    Malaria vector control practices in an irrigated rice agro-ecosystem in central Kenya and implications for malaria control

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria transmission in most agricultural ecosystems is complex and hence the need for developing a holistic malaria control strategy with adequate consideration of socio-economic factors driving transmission at community level. A cross-sectional household survey was conducted in an irrigated ecosystem with the aim of investigating vector control practices applied and factors affecting their application both at household and community level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four villages representing the socio-economic, demographic and geographical diversity within the study area were purposefully selected. A total of 400 households were randomly sampled from the four study villages. Both semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that malaria was perceived to be a major public health problem in the area and the role of the vector <it>Anopheles </it>mosquitoes in malaria transmission was generally recognized. More than 80% of respondents were aware of the major breeding sites of the vector. Reported personal protection methods applied to prevent mosquito bites included; use of treated bed nets (57%), untreated bed nets (35%), insecticide coils (21%), traditional methods such as burning of cow dung (8%), insecticide sprays (6%), and use of skin repellents (2%). However, 39% of respondents could not apply some of the known vector control methods due to unaffordability (50.5%), side effects (19.9%), perceived lack of effectiveness (16%), and lack of time to apply (2.6%). Lack of time was the main reason (56.3%) reported for non-application of environmental management practices, such as draining of stagnant water (77%) and clearing of vegetations along water canals (67%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study provides relevant information necessary for the management, prevention and control of malaria in irrigated agro-ecosystems, where vectors of malaria are abundant and disease transmission is stable.</p

    Active sampling and decision making in Drosophila chemotaxis

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    The ability to respond to chemical stimuli is fundamental to the survival of motile organisms, but the strategies underlying odour tracking remain poorly understood. Here we show that chemotaxis in Drosophila melanogaster larvae is an active sampling process analogous to sniffing in vertebrates. Combining computer-vision algorithms with reconstructed olfactory environments, we establish that larvae orient in odour gradients through a sequential organization of stereotypical behaviours, including runs, stops, lateral head casts and directed turns. Negative gradients, integrated during runs, control the timing of turns. Positive gradients detected through high-amplitude head casts determine the direction of individual turns. By genetically manipulating the peripheral olfactory circuit, we examine how orientation adapts to losses and gains of function in olfactory input. Our findings suggest that larval chemotaxis represents an intermediate navigation strategy between the biased random walks of Escherichia Coli and the stereo-olfaction observed in rats and humans