6 research outputs found

    HR Management Practices and HR Performance: The Role of Procedural Justice. An Empirical Investigation of Automotive Industry Companies in Morocco

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    Given the centrality of human capital within organizations, many scientific works have focused on this issue. These studies focus in particular on analyzing the link between HRM practices and corporate performance. In large part, the results of previous studies confirm this relationship, while the modalities of influence remain to bediscovered. In Morocco, very few publications have addressed this issue. Thus, our research aims to understand the interaction between HRM practices, procedural justice, and HR performance, using the automotive industry as aground for empirical investigation. To achieve this, we administered a questionnaire to the HR managers of these companies. Based on 65 responsesobtained, the results indicate that incentives and work organization practices indirectly influence HR performance level, while procedural justice plays the intermediary role between the two variables

    L’ impact de la pratique sportive en entreprise sur le renforcement de la politique RSE

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    Cette étude a pour intérêt de placer l’activité physique et sportive comme levier de la RSE, en déterminant la relation entre le fait de pratiquer le sport en entreprise et les relations au travail et plus précisément les conditions de travail. Il s’agit de parcourir les relations possibles entre l’activité physique et les quatre variables suivantes : la satisfaction au travail, la santé et le bien-être, le climat social et l’intention de quitter. Les données ont été collectées par questionnaire soumis par e-mail à notre population d’étude qui se compose des salariés de l’université Mohammed 6 polytechnique de Ben guérir (UM6P). Nous nous sommes limités aux salariés qui pratiquent de l’activité physique et sportive au sein de l’établissement. 220 personnes sont le nombre de notre population d’étude. Le test du modèle est basé sur la méthode de modélisation en équations structurelles, sous l’approche Linear Structural Relationship. Les résultats affichent les liens positifs entre la variable à expliquer et trois de nos quatre variables explicatives. &nbsp

    L’impact De La Formation, Selon Les Normes Qualite, Sur L’implication Du Personnel Sous Contrats Flexibles : Resultats D’une Etude Empirique

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    This paper introduces the raising interests of certified automotive companies of Tangier-Tétouan region on quantitative flexibilization strategies, via atypical contracts. Therefore, the involvement paradox remains significant through contracts’ flexibility. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the training practices impact according to quality standards on stuff involvement under integration contract. On the methodological standpoint, we have combined between an exploratory qualitative approach and a confirmatory quantitative approach, on the basis of a sample of 170 operators under integration contracts in Moroccan automotive industry. The results show that employees ‘training influences positively on their level of emotional involvement

    L’impact Des Pratiques Qualite Sur L’implication Du Personnel Sous Contrat Flexible. Essai D’une Etude Qualitative Exploratoire Aupres Des Entreprises Du Secteur Automobile Sur La Region Du Nord Du Maroc

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    The commitment is considered a very wide concept, which allows to clarify the links which the individual maintains with his work. It is the third principle of quality management systems. The increase of the atypical contracts, in certified companies of the automotive sector in the North of Morocco, puts the paradox: commitment - flexibility. The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the quality practices on the commitment of the staff under the flexible contracts. On the methodological plan, we mobilized an exploratory qualitative hybrid approach, on the basis of a sample of seven companies of the automotive sector based in the North of Morocco

    Key determinants of women's entrepreneurial intention and behavior: The role of business opportunity recognition and need for achievement

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    The focus of this study is to investigate the major factors influencing entrepreneurial intent and behavior, by addressing the role of entrepreneurial education, business opportunity recognition, and the need for achievement. The research data were collected online using a self-administered questionnaire among 148 Moroccan women having completed an entrepreneurship training program. The data analysis using a PLS-SEM provided evidence of the positive impact of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and PBC. Likewise, the findings supported the direct impact of subjective norms and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial attitude. Furthermore, entrepreneurial attitude, business opportunity recognition, and the need for achievement were identified as predictors of entrepreneurial intent, leading to enhanced entrepreneurial behavior. These results highlight a number of useful practical recommendations for public policy-makers on how to stimulate and encourage entrepreneurship initiatives among women