28 research outputs found
Mysid crustaceans as standard models for the screening and testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals
Author Posting. © Springer, 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecotoxicology 16 (2007): 205-219, doi:10.1007/s10646-006-0122-0.Investigative efforts into the potential endocrine-disrupting effects of chemicals have mainly
concentrated on vertebrates, with significantly less attention paid to understanding potential
endocrine disruption in the invertebrates. Given that invertebrates account for at least 95% of all
known animal species and are critical to ecosystem structure and function, it remains essential to
close this gap in knowledge and research. The lack of progress regarding endocrine disruption in
invertebrates is still largely due to: (1) our ignorance of mode-of-action, physiological control, and
hormone structure and function in invertebrates; (2) lack of a standardized invertebrate assay; (3)
the irrelevance to most invertebrates of the proposed activity-based biological indicators for
endocrine disruptor exposure (androgen, estrogen and thyroid); (4) limited field studies. Past and
ongoing research efforts using the standard invertebrate toxicity test model, the mysid shrimp, have
aimed at addressing some of these issues. The present review serves as an update to a previous
publication on the use of mysid shrimp for the evaluation of endocrine disruptors (Verslycke et al.,
2004a). It summarizes recent investigative efforts that have significantly advanced our
understanding of invertebrate-specific endocrine toxicity, population modeling, field studies, and
transgeneration standard test development using the mysid model.Supported by a Fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation
The Transcriptome of Trichuris suis – First Molecular Insights into a Parasite with Curative Properties for Key Immune Diseases of Humans
Iatrogenic infection of humans with Trichuris suis (a parasitic nematode of swine) is being evaluated or promoted as a biological, curative treatment of immune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis, in humans. Although it is understood that short-term T. suis infection in people with such diseases usually induces a modified Th2-immune response, nothing is known about the molecules in the parasite that induce this response.As a first step toward filling the gaps in our knowledge of the molecular biology of T. suis, we characterised the transcriptome of the adult stage of this nematode employing next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic techniques. A total of ∼65,000,000 reads were generated and assembled into ∼20,000 contiguous sequences ( = contigs); ∼17,000 peptides were predicted and classified based on homology searches, protein motifs and gene ontology and biological pathway mapping.These analyses provided interesting insights into a number of molecular groups, particularly predicted excreted/secreted molecules (n = 1,288), likely to be involved in the parasite-host interactions, and also various molecules (n = 120) linked to chemokine, T-cell receptor and TGF-β signalling as well as leukocyte transendothelial migration and natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity, which are likely to be immuno-regulatory or -modulatory in the infected host. This information provides a conceptual framework within which to test the immunobiological basis for the curative effect of T. suis infection in humans against some immune diseases. Importantly, the T. suis transcriptome characterised herein provides a curated resource for detailed studies of the immuno-molecular biology of this parasite, and will underpin future genomic and proteomic explorations
A Field Guide to Pandemic, Epidemic and Sporadic Clones of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
In recent years, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) have become a truly global challenge. In addition to the long-known
healthcare-associated clones, novel strains have also emerged outside of the
hospital settings, in the community as well as in livestock. The emergence and
spread of virulent clones expressing Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is an
additional cause for concern. In order to provide an overview of pandemic,
epidemic and sporadic strains, more than 3,000 clinical and veterinary isolates
of MRSA mainly from Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Malta, Abu
Dhabi, Hong Kong, Australia, Trinidad & Tobago as well as some reference
strains from the United States have been genotyped by DNA microarray analysis.
This technique allowed the assignment of the MRSA isolates to 34 distinct
lineages which can be clearly defined based on non-mobile genes. The results
were in accordance with data from multilocus sequence typing. More than 100
different strains were distinguished based on affiliation to these lineages,
SCCmec type and the presence or absence of PVL. These
strains are described here mainly with regard to clinically relevant
antimicrobial resistance- and virulence-associated markers, but also in relation
to epidemiology and geographic distribution. The findings of the study show a
high level of biodiversity among MRSA, especially among strains harbouring
SCCmec IV and V elements. The data also indicate a high
rate of genetic recombination in MRSA involving SCC elements, bacteriophages or
other mobile genetic elements and large-scale chromosomal replacements
A Field Guide to Pandemic, Epidemic and Sporadic Clones of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
In recent years, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) have become a truly global challenge. In addition to the long-known
healthcare-associated clones, novel strains have also emerged outside of the
hospital settings, in the community as well as in livestock. The emergence and
spread of virulent clones expressing Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is an
additional cause for concern. In order to provide an overview of pandemic,
epidemic and sporadic strains, more than 3,000 clinical and veterinary isolates
of MRSA mainly from Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Malta, Abu
Dhabi, Hong Kong, Australia, Trinidad & Tobago as well as some reference
strains from the United States have been genotyped by DNA microarray analysis.
This technique allowed the assignment of the MRSA isolates to 34 distinct
lineages which can be clearly defined based on non-mobile genes. The results
were in accordance with data from multilocus sequence typing. More than 100
different strains were distinguished based on affiliation to these lineages,
SCCmec type and the presence or absence of PVL. These
strains are described here mainly with regard to clinically relevant
antimicrobial resistance- and virulence-associated markers, but also in relation
to epidemiology and geographic distribution. The findings of the study show a
high level of biodiversity among MRSA, especially among strains harbouring
SCCmec IV and V elements. The data also indicate a high
rate of genetic recombination in MRSA involving SCC elements, bacteriophages or
other mobile genetic elements and large-scale chromosomal replacements