44 research outputs found

    Estrogen and progesterone receptors have distinct roles in the establishment of the hyperplastic phenotype in PR-A transgenic mice

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    Introduction: Expression of the A and B forms of progesterone receptor (PR) in an appropriate ratio is critical for mammary development. Mammary glands of PR-A transgenic mice, carrying an additional A form of PR as a transgene, exhibit morphological features associated with the development of mammary tumors. Our objective was to determine the roles of estrogen (E) and progesterone (P) in the genesis of mammary hyperplasias/preneoplasias in PR-A transgenics.Methods: We subjected PR-A mice to hormonal treatments and analyzed mammary glands for the presence of hyperplasias and used BrdU incorporation to measure proliferation. Quantitative image analysis was carried out to compare levels of latency-associated peptide and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFÎČ1) between PR-A and PR-B transgenics. Basement membrane disruption was examined by immunofluorescence and proteolytic activity by zymography.Results: The hyperplastic phenotype of PR-A transgenics is inhibited by ovariectomy, and is reversed by treatment with E + P. Studies using the antiestrogen ICI 182,780 or antiprogestins RU486 or ZK 98,299 show that the increase in proliferation requires signaling through E/estrogen receptor alpha but is not sufficient to give rise to hyperplasias, whereas signaling through P/PR has little impact on proliferation but is essential for the manifestation of hyperplasias. Increased proliferation is correlated with decreased TGFÎČ1 activation in the PR-A transgenics. Analysis of basement membrane integrity showed loss of laminin-5, collagen III and collagen IV in mammary glands of PR-A mice, which is restored by ovariectomy. Examination of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) showed that total levels of MMP-2 correlate with the steady-state levels of PR, and that areas of laminin-5 loss coincide with those of activation of MMP-2 in PR-A transgenics. Activation of MMP-2 is dependent on treatment with E and P in ovariectomized wild-type mice, but is achieved only by treatment with P in PR-A mice.Conclusions: These data establish a link between hormonal response, proliferation, modulation of MMP activity and maintenance of basement membrane integrity that depend on a balance in the expression levels of PR-A and PR-B isoforms. Notably, concomitant increased proliferation, due to inhibition of TGFÎČ1 activation, and loss of basement membrane integrity, via increased MMP-2 activity, appear to be prerequisites for the PR-A hyperplastic phenotype.Fil: Simian, Marina. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Estados Unidos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de OncologĂ­a "Ángel H. Roffo"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Bissell, Mina J.. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Barcellos Hoff, Mary H.. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Estados Unidos. NYU Langone Medical Center; Estados UnidosFil: Shyamala, Gopalan. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Estados Unido

    A Phenotypic Mouse Model of Basaloid Breast Tumors

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    Chemotherapeutic strategies that target basal-like breast tumors are difficult to design without understanding their cellular and molecular basis. Here, we induce tumors in mice by carcinogen administration, creating a phenocopy of tumors with the diagnostic and functional aspects of human triple negative disease (including EGFR expression/lack of erbB, estrogen-independent growth and co-clustering of the transcriptome with other basaloid models). These tumor strains are a complement to established mouse models that are based on mutations in Brca1 and/or p53. Tumors comprise two distinct cell subpopulations, basal and luminal epithelial cells. These cell fractions were purified by flow cytometry, and only basal cell fractions found to have tumor initiating activity (cancer stem cells). The phenotype of serially regenerated tumors was stable, and irrespective of tumor precursor cell. Tumors were passaged entirely in vivo and serial generations tested for their phenotypic stability. The relative chemo-sensitivity of basal and luminal cells were evaluated. Upon treatment with anthracycline, tumors were effectively de-bulked, but recurred; this correlated with maintenance of a high rate of basal cell division throughout the treatment period. Thus, these tumors grow as robust cell mixtures of basal bipotential tumor initiating cells alongside a luminal majority, and the cellular response to drug administration is dominated by the distinct biology of the two cell types. Given the ability to separate basal and luminal cells, and the discovery potential of this approach, we propose that this mouse model could be a convenient one for preclinical studies

    Bridging conventional and molecular genetics of sorghum insect resistance

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    Sustainable production of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, depends on effective control of insect pests as they continue to compete with humans for the sorghum crop. Insect pests are a major constraint in sorghum production, and nearly 150 insect species are serious pests of this crop worldwide and cause more than 9% loss annually. Annual losses due to insect pests in sorghum have been estimated to be 1,089millioninthesemiaridtropics(ICRISATAnnualreport1991.InternationalCropResearchInstituteforSemi−aridTropics.Patancheru,AndhraPradesh,India,1992),butdifferinginmagnitudeonaregionalbasis.KeyinsectpestsintheUSAincludethegreenbug,Schizaphisgraminum(Rondani);sorghummidge,Stenodiplosissorghicola(Coquillett);andvariouscaterpillarsintheSouthernareas.Forexample,damagebygreenbugtosorghumisestimatedtocostUSproducers1,089 million in the semiarid tropics (ICRISAT Annual report 1991. International Crop Research Institute for Semi-arid Tropics. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1992), but differing in magnitude on a regional basis. Key insect pests in the USA include the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani); sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett); and various caterpillars in the Southern areas. For example, damage by greenbug to sorghum is estimated to cost US producers 248 million annually. The major insect pests of sorghum on a global basis are the greenbug, sorghum midge, sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rond.), stem borers (Chilo partellus Swin. and Busseola fusca Fuller), and armyworms (Mythimna separata Walk and Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith). Recent advances in sorghum genetics, genomics, and breeding have led to development of some cutting-edge molecular technologies that are complementary to genetic improvement of this crop for insect pest management. Genome sequencing and genome mapping have accelerated the pace of gene discovery in sorghum..

    Scintillation light detection in the 6-m drift-length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid argon TPC

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    DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. ProtoDUNE Dual Phase (DP) is a 6  ×  6  ×  6 m 3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) that recorded cosmic-muon data at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2019-2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. Charged particles propagating through the LArTPC produce ionization and scintillation light. The scintillation light signal in these detectors can provide the trigger for non-beam events. In addition, it adds precise timing capabilities and improves the calorimetry measurements. In ProtoDUNE-DP, scintillation and electroluminescence light produced by cosmic muons in the LArTPC is collected by photomultiplier tubes placed up to 7 m away from the ionizing track. In this paper, the ProtoDUNE-DP photon detection system performance is evaluated with a particular focus on the different wavelength shifters, such as PEN and TPB, and the use of Xe-doped LAr, considering its future use in giant LArTPCs. The scintillation light production and propagation processes are analyzed and a comparison of simulation to data is performed, improving understanding of the liquid argon properties

Where are the Progenitors? Hormone Receptors and Mammary Cell Heterogeneity

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    The mammary epithelium is a highly heterogenous and dynamic tissue that includes a range of cell types with varying levels of proliferative capacity and differentiation potential, from stem to committed progenitor and mature cells. Generation of mature cells through expansion and specification of immature precursors is driven by hormonal and local stimuli. Intriguingly, although circulating hormones can be directly sensed only by a subset of mammary cells, they also regulate the behaviour of cells lacking their cognate receptors through paracrine mechanisms. Thus, mapping the hormonal signalling network on to the emerging mammary cell hierarchy appears to be a difficult task. Nevertheless, a first step towards a better understanding is the characterization of the hormone receptor expression pattern across individual cell types in the mammary epithelium. Here we review the most relevant findings on the cellular distribution of hormone receptors in the mammary gland, taking into account differences between mice and humans, the methods employed to assess receptor expression as well as the variety of approaches used to resolve the mammary cell heterogeneity

    Linking Climate Change and Groundwater

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    Separation of track- and shower-like energy deposits in ProtoDUNE-SP using a convolutional neural network

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    Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric resolutions on the charged particles traversing liquid argon. As a result, the technology has been used in a number of recent neutrino experiments, and is the technology of choice for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). In order to perform high precision measurements of neutrinos in the detector, final state particles need to be effectively identified, and their energy accurately reconstructed. This article proposes an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network to perform the classification of energy deposits and reconstructed particles as track-like or arising from electromagnetic cascades. Results from testing the algorithm on experimental data from ProtoDUNE-SP, a prototype of the DUNE far detector, are presented. The network identifies track- and shower-like particles, as well as Michel electrons, with high efficiency. The performance of the algorithm is consistent between experimental data and simulation