697 research outputs found

    Briefer Contributions--Identification in the Argentine Republic

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    Las víctimas en el derecho penal latinoamericano: presente y perspectivas a futuro

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    [ES] La problemática de la víctima no tiene fronteras ni límites espaciales, configurándose como una cuestión propia del Derecho penal comparado. En este artículo se proporciona una visión coherente y sistemática de la cuestión de la víctima en la dogmática del Derecho penal y del Derecho procesal penal –con especial referencia al ámbito latinoamericano–, y se formulan algunas reflexiones sobre el estado actual de esta cuestión. Asimismo, se examinan posibles rumbos de la Victimología en el futuro, valorando su repercusión en la conformación del sistema penal.[EU] Biktimen problematikak ez dauka ez mugarik ez limite espazialik, zuzenbide penal konparatuaren berezko auziekin itxuratzen delarik. Artikulu honetan biktimaren gaineko ikuspegi sistematiko eta koherente bat agertzen da zuzenbide penal eta zuzenbide procesal penalaren dogmatikaren eremuan -arreta bereiziarekin latinoamerikako alorrean– eta zenbait hausnarketa azaltzen dira gai honen aktualitatean. Biktimologiaren etorkizuneko bide aldaketak aztertzen dira baita ere, sistema penalaren osaketan duen oihartzuna balioesten.[FR] La problématique de la victime ne présent pas de frontières ni de limites spatiales, en se considérant comme une question propre du Droit pénal comparé. Dans cet article, on apport une vision cohérente et systématique de la question de la victime dans la dogmatique du Droit pénal et du Droit de la procédure pénal –avec une référence spéciale au domaine latinoaméricain–, et on formule quelques réflexions sur l’état actuel de cette question. De même, on examine les possibles options de la Victimología dans l’avenir, en évaluant sa répercussion dans le système pénal.[EN] The victim problematic has no frontiers or special limits and is a proper issue of the compared criminal law. In this article we show a coherent and systematic view on victims in the criminal law dogmatic and the criminal procedural law –with special reference to Latin America– and some reflections are formulated on the actual state of question. Some future courses of victimology are examined also, assessing the repercussion on the formation of the criminal system

    Parasitismo de incubación en el Críalo (Clamator glandarius)

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    A Systematic Approach to Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Learner-Generated Digital Media Assignments (LGDM) in Undergraduate Science Students and its Effect on Self-Regulation

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Science.This study aimed to address the need for a systematic approach to LGDM assignments identified in the literature. The author proposed a set of four theoretical frameworks to design, implement, and evaluate LGDM tasks in science education. The Digital Media Literacies framework informed the development of training materials and marking rubrics. The Taxonomy of Digital Media Types guided the assessment weight and communicated to students and academics of the different media types available according to skills required for their production. The Digital Media Principles framework identified the standards the students and educators need to achieve to communicate effectively in the digital space. The LGDM Implementation framework guided the design, development, implementation and evaluation of digital media assignments in the classroom. A pilot study trialled these frameworks and validated an evaluation survey for LGDM assignments (Spring 2016). The students reported a positive attitude toward digital media for learning, highlighted creativity, teamwork, digital media support, and learning of subject content as the main features of the intervention. The second part of the dissertation focused on the development of an additional framework to research student learning experience with LGDM assignments. It followed a mixed-methods approach, and the quantitative data section validated a self-regulation questionnaire, suggested to capture LMS logs, marks, and group contribution data. The qualitative part included open-ended questions and student interviews. The last part of the dissertation included a large trial (n=1,687) across seven science subjects (Autumn, 2017). The aim was to gauge the utility of the theoretical frameworks proposed by answering research questions such as: - ? and; ? The students received LGDM training online and in a blended mode, and both groups showed a high score of self-regulation beliefs, being higher for online learners and female participants. Triangulating the rest of the data sets found that students had a positive learning experience and answered the research questions proposed. The contribution of this research has many implications. For practitioners, it offers a set of practical frameworks to guide the design, development and implementation of LGDM assignments. For researchers, the development of the theoretical framework to research the learning experience with LGDM assignments is the starting point to understand further a field considered under-theorised, under-researched and in early stages
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