4 research outputs found


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    Hoy en día es imprescindible abordar el problema de los derechos desde una perspectiva holística que integre la posición que el individuo ocupa en la sociedad y el impacto de los hechos sociales sobre su persona. Esta perspectiva va por lo tanto más allá del enfoque clásico de las violaciones a los derechos civiles y políticos de los ciudadanos sino, también incluye sus derechos económicos, sociales y culturales. Cualquier enfoque de tipo holístico debe entender al ser humano en su ambiente, social, cultural, natural y en función a todas las estructuras existentes, por más sutiles que sean o invisibles que parezcan. Precisamente este libro permite apreciar la dimensión amplia y compleja del ser en sociedad y las interacciones que de ambas partes se generan y las ramificaciones que producen. No es un ejercicio fácil y los editores de este volumen han logrado un salto cuántico al poder congregar en un solo espacio miradas que en otras circunstancias podrían haber sido opuestas y hasta contrarias a nuestra comprensión de problemas que, en efecto, tienen raíces comunes. El libro está dividido en 5 secciones, El espíritu de los tiempos actuales y los Derechos Humanos, Construcción ciudadana y ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos, Violaciones a Derechos Humanos, victimizaciones y su atención, Ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos y situaciones disruptivas y Defensa y defensores de Derechos Humanos.Manuel Gutiérrez Romero Jessica Ruiz Magañ

    Fault Detection and Localization in Transmission Lines with a Static Synchronous Series Compensator

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    This paper proposes a fault detection and localization method for power transmission lines with a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC). The algorithm is based on applying a modal transformation to the current and voltage signals sampled at high frequencies. Then, the wavelet transform is used for calculating the current and voltage traveling waves, avoiding low frequency interference generated by the system and the SSSC. Finally, by using reflectometry principles, straightforward expressions for fault detection and localization in the transmission line are derived. The algorithm performance was tested considering several study cases, where some relevant parameters such as voltage compensation level, fault resistance and fault inception angle are varied. The results indicate that the algorithm can be successfully be used for fault detection and localization in transmission lines compensated with a SSSC. The estimated error in calculating the distance to the fault is smaller than 1% of the transmission line length. The test system is simulated in PSCAD platform and the algorithm is implemented in MATLAB software

    Evaluation of Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to Adjust Soil Moisture Estimates Derived From Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Measurements Using Soil Temperature and Gravimetric Data

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    Soil temperature is one of the soil characteristics that greatly influences the accuracy of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) measurements for estimating soil moisture content. The authors examine the performance of two feedforward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) configurations, commonly used for data regression analysis, to adjust TDR soil moisture estimates using soil temperature and gravimetric data. The data used for this study was obtained during a period of six weeks (October-November 2017) in three adjacent test sites in the Purepecha Plateau (Michoacaacuten, Meacutexico) managed under different tillage practices: at rest, reduced tillage and intensive tillage respectively. 10 TDR measurements per week were obtained from each test site. 60 Soil samples from each measurement site were also collected simultaneously, to determine the soil moisture content by the gravimetric method, and the soil temperature at 20 cm depth. 24 different configurations of ANNs were tested. The best result was obtained using a feedforward ANN with 11 tanh-sigmoid neurons in the input (hidden) layer. In addition, the authors also analyze the effect of different tillage practices on the soil moisture data. The results corroborate that tillage practices influence the soil moisture measurements and thus the best ANN results are obtained when the data used for training the ANNs is derived from sites managed under the same tillage practice