2,797 research outputs found


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    Companies carrying out their business activities are looking for the key to long term success under constantly changing circumstances and economic conditions. In order to achieve company goals and in order to satisfy the needs of customers, companies are striving for establishing tight and long term relationship with their business partners and further interested parties nowadays. Companies exploring the sources of sustainable competitive advantage recognize that the effectiveness of the traditional marketing approach is decreasing, so there is a need to develop and apply a new and a more efficient marketing concept under these changed circumstances. The results of the survey conducted among Hungarian companies show that relationships play a more and more important role in the Hungarian business environment. In accordance with the suggestions and results of the international literature retaining existing customers is the most important aim of the marketing activity among the participating companies, but unfortunately the answerers most frequently said that the organization’s marketing planning is still focused on issues relating to the product offered by the company. Our results show that Hungarian companies are facing changes in the focus of the marketing activities. According to the literature only a small portion of the companies are using CRM systems successfully. The successful implementation of a CRM system requires several changes in the organization. One of the most important tasks is to change the orientation of the companies’ marketing activities. Instead of focusing on the product or a single transaction, companies should master the customer focused operation. The implementation of the technology can only be successful after these cultural changes are made. Changes in the practice of marketing are mainly based on the examination and adaptation the theoretical aspects of relationship marketing and relationship management. These provide an opportunity for the academic sphere and for practitioners to get to know and further develop new theoretical accomplishments and the latest best practice solutions. However, it still remains a question, that the technology development is driving the changes in the business orientation or inversely, the changes in business orientation are forcing the industry to provide new technology.customer relationship management, relationship marketing, relationship orientation, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Efficient MaxCount and threshold operators of moving objects

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    Calculating operators of continuously moving objects presents some unique challenges, especially when the operators involve aggregation or the concept of congestion, which happens when the number of moving objects in a changing or dynamic query space exceeds some threshold value. This paper presents the following six d-dimensional moving object operators: (1) MaxCount (or MinCount), which finds the Maximum (or Minimum) number of moving objects simultaneously present in the dynamic query space at any time during the query time interval. (2) CountRange, which finds a count of point objects whose trajectories intersect the dynamic query space during the query time interval. (3) ThresholdRange, which finds the set of time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (4) ThresholdSum, which finds the total length of all the time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. (5) ThresholdCount, which finds the number of disjoint time intervals during which the dynamic query space is congested. And (6) ThresholdAverage, which finds the average length of time of all the time intervals when the dynamic query space is congested. For these operators separate algorithms are given to find only estimate or only precise values. Experimental results from more than 7,500 queries indicate that the estimation algorithms produce fast, efficient results with error under 5%

    Estimating the maximum rise in temperature according to climate models using abstract interpretation

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    Current climate models are complex computer programs that are typically iterated time-step by time-step to predict the next set of values of the climate-related variables. Since these iterative methods are necessarily computed only for a fixed number of iterations, they are unable to answer the natural question whether there is a limit to the rise of global temperature. In order to answer that question we propose to combine climate models with software verification techniques that can find invariant conditions for the set of program variables. In particular, we apply the constraint database approach to software verification to find that the rise in global temperature is bounded according to the common Java Climate Model that implements the Wigely/Raper Upwelling-Diffusion Energy Balance Model climate model
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