477 research outputs found

    Quantifying the impact of the stream-aquifer interaction on the surface-subsurface exchange

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    The exchange of oxygen and nutrients between the well-aerated stream water and the subsurface water is crucial for the biochemical conditions of the hyporheic zone, i.e., the interface region between the stream and the deep aquifer. The hyporheic zone is extremely important for the ecology of the fluvial environment because of the rich microbial community that lives on the hyporheic sediments. The metabolic activity of these microrganisms controls the fate of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pore water, and influences the fate of these nutrients at the catchment scale. Unfortunately, the uncomplete knowledge of the complex hydrodynamics of the coupled surface-subsurface flow field often hinders the understanding of the ecological relevance of the hyporheic processes. A reasonable amount of information on these hydrodynamic conditions is required by biologists and ecologists in order to gain a deeper insight on these processes. This contribution analyses how the interaction between the groundwater table and the free-surface stream influences the hyporheic exchange induced by the bedforms through the streambed. The most representative characteristics of the hyporheic exchange - e.g., the depth of the hyporheic zone - have been parametrized in terms of a small number of easily measurable quantities. These information on the hyporheic flow field provide the fundamental basis for the study of the ecological functioning of the hyporeic zon

    Transport–diffusion models with nonlinear boundary conditions and solution by generalized collocation methods

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    AbstractThis paper deals with the derivation of a class of nonlinear transport and diffusion models implemented with nonlinear boundary conditions. Mathematical tools to treat the initial-boundary value problems are developed, based on generalized collocation methods, focused on the treatment of nonlinear boundary conditions in one space dimension. Applications refer to a problem of interest in applied sciences

    Modelling investigation of HF CW response to sudden and sustained organic and hydraulic overloads

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    INTRODUCTION Constructed wetlands (CWs) are typically designed assuming idealized steady-state influent loads. However, CWs might face sporadic periods of overloading during their lifespan, due to an increase either in the volume of wastewater to treat or in the pollutant concentrations in wastewater (or both). Although this technology is well known for its buffering capacity, the mechanisms behind it are not well understood. In this study we aim to improve the understanding of the internal processes that make horizontal flow constructed wetlands (HF CWs) able to cope with sudden contaminant and/or hydraulic overloads, and also to investigate if and how sustained overloading affects the long-term performance of these systems. METHODS In this study, we employ the BIO_PORE model (Samsó and García, 2013a), which simulates the hydraulics (Darcian flow), biochemistry (CWM1 biokinetic model, Langergraber et al., 2009), plant effects (nutrient uptake and oxygen release) and the interactions between bacteria and accumulated solids in HF CWs. The effect of organic overloads is studied using the same HF CW configuration and influent pollutant loads as those considered by Samsó and García (2013b) (10.3 m long and 5.3 m wide CW – COD and TN effluent concentrations validated by Samsó and García (2013a)). The final state of the simulation carried out by Samsó and García (2013b), which corresponds to the end of the 3rd year of operation of the wetland, is used as initial condition of the simulations developed in this work, which are one year long and reproduce the functioning of the HF CW subject to overloads. These overloads are simulated by increasing inflow COD concentrations, hydraulic loads, or both at the same time. For the increases in organic loads, three overloading scenarios are tested: +10%, +30% and +50% of influent COD concentration while keeping influent N-NH4 concentrations constant. Additionally, the effect of the HRT is tested by comparing simulations with +30% increase in the organic load, +30% increase in the hydraulic load, and combined +15% increase in both hydraulic and organic loads. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Both the increase in influent COD concentration and different HRT promote a change in bacterial community distribution, which exhibits the same zonation shown by Samsó and García (2013b), but with differences in the relative amount of biomass of each bacterial group with respect to the total biomass. Comparison of simulations with similar total biomass reveals how variations in COD removal efficiency for different hydraulic and organic loads are controlled by changes in HRTs and influent concentrations, respectively.Increasing influent COD concentrations stimulates bacterial growth, with total biomass (TB) that tends be more abundant and to occupy more CW space towards the CW outlet (Figure 1, top). Moreover, the portion of TB near the inlet shifts towards the outlet as well due to the higher inert material that is accumulated near the inlet (Figure 1, bottom). HF CW shows a good buffer capacity for organic overloads, with COD removal efficiencies even higher at the end of the simulated year compared to the beginning of the simulation (not shown). However, the response time is long due to the low growth rate of anaerobic bacteria. This results in a long transition phase (almost six months) in which COD removal efficiency is lower (from 91.3% at normal loadings to 80% for +50% organic overloading) (not shown). Additionally, feeding HF CW with higher organic loads reduces their lifespan due to higher accumulation of inert material (Figure 1). COD removal efficiencies are also influenced by HRT. COD removal efficiency is higher in the first four months when only hydraulic loads are increased, while higher concentrations promote a higher removal efficiency in the last 8 months of the simulation. Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of total microbial biomass (upper panels) and accumulated solids (lower panels) at the 360th day of simulation (end of the fourth year of HF-CW functioning) for different organic overloads. Values are expressed in kg m−3. CONCLUSIONS HF CWs guarantee a good but slow buffering capacity of COD removal in response to organic overloads. This buffering capacity is achieved through changes on the total biomass and on the relative concentration of the different bacterial groups within the granular media. Moreover, we demonstrate that organic and/or hydraulic overloads reduce HF CW’s lifespan

    Discretization-related issues in the KPZ equation: Consistency, Galilean-invariance violation, and fluctuation--dissipation relation

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    In order to perform numerical simulations of the KPZ equation, in any dimensionality, a spatial discretization scheme must be prescribed. The known fact that the KPZ equation can be obtained as a result of a Hopf--Cole transformation applied to a diffusion equation (with \emph{multiplicative} noise) is shown here to strongly restrict the arbitrariness in the choice of spatial discretization schemes. On one hand, the discretization prescriptions for the Laplacian and the nonlinear (KPZ) term cannot be independently chosen. On the other hand, since the discretization is an operation performed on \emph{space} and the Hopf--Cole transformation is \emph{local} both in space and time, the former should be the same regardless of the field to which it is applied. It is shown that whereas some discretization schemes pass both consistency tests, known examples in the literature do not. The requirement of consistency for the discretization of Lyapunov functionals is argued to be a natural and safe starting point in choosing spatial discretization schemes. We also analyze the relation between real-space and pseudo-spectral discrete representations. In addition we discuss the relevance of the Galilean invariance violation in these consistent discretization schemes, and the alleged conflict of standard discretization with the fluctuation--dissipation theorem, peculiar of 1D.Comment: RevTex, 23pgs, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The impacts of increasing current velocity on the drift of Simulium monticola (Diptera: Simuliidae): a laboratory approach

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    Current velocity and associated physical forces are among the most important factors shaping lotic benthic communities. The recent increase in the frequency and intensity of flow alterations, especially related to hydroelectric use or irrigation, represents a key element of riverine environment deterioration. Numerous studies have investigated the effect of current velocity increases on macrobenthic fauna, underlining that, in most cases, these increases enhance the drift, i.e. the abandonment of the substrate by macroinvertebrates. The purpose of this study is to examine the drift propensity of Simulium monticola (Diptera: Simuliidae) under different water velocities. Simuliidae are one of the most characteristic components of fast-flowing environments in rivers. Experiments were conducted in an artificial stream in the laboratories of Politecnico di Torino, analysing the drift of organisms at different current velocities. The observed variability of drift appears to be related to velocity increases: interestingly, we evidenced an inverse relationship between velocity and drift propensity, with low amounts of drifting organisms at higher velocities. This tendency was not related to the size of Simuliidae larvae: when comparing the size of drifting organisms with velocity, no significant correlations were detected. We hypothesized that the tendency to drift was mainly behavioural rather than catastrophic, and related to the preference for high water velocities. Our findings support the hypothesis that increases in water velocity can cause complex changes in the drift of the macrobenthic community, increasing the propensity for some species to leave the substrate and decreasing it for other

    Yardstick Competition in German Municipalities

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    Does increasing transparency improve fiscal policy behavior of local governments? One way this could take place is via Yardstick Competition between incumbents of neighboring municipalities. This paper contributes to the literature by introducing a simple model which employs probabilistic voting to show the effect of Yardstick Competition on the amount of political rents diverted from the tax revenue. Since additional rents lower the probability of being reelected, the incumbent will reduce equilibrium rents if voters use information on fiscal performance in similar municipalities to evaluate the incumbent's quality. I test this hypothesis on a panel dataset of municipal budget and electoral data in the german state of Northrine-Westphalia. I show evidence for Yardstick Competition in the local business and property tax rates.Kann zunehmende Transparenz im kommunalen Budgetprozess die fiskalpolitische Disziplin der politischen Entscheidungsträger verbessern? In dieser Arbeit wird ein positiver Modellrahmen entwickelt, anhand dessen die Wirkungsweise von steigen - der Transparenz auf das Entscheidungsverhalten von Kommunalpolitikern durch den Yardstick Competition Effekt dargestellt werden kann. Politiker reduzieren die Veruntreuung finanzieller Mittel, wenn ihr Verhalten von den Wählern relativ zur Leistung von Politikern in benachbarten Kommunen bewertet wird. Unter Anwendung von Methoden der räumlichen Ökonometrie auf kommunale Haushalts- und Wahldaten der Jahre 1989 bis 2004 wird gezeigt, dass die räumliche Korrelation in den Gewerbe- und Grundsteuerhebesätzen in Nordrhein-Westfalen auf die Existenz von Yardstick Competition zurückzuführen ist
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