270 research outputs found

    The legitimacy of Jesus : an Afrocentric reading of the birth of Jesus

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    Bibliography: leaves 77-82.The primary intention of this study is to contribute to scholarly interpretation of the New Testament Infancy Narratives. It owes much to Schaberg (1990) who, undoubtedly, has done an extensive study of the infancy narratives. In contrast, it is a challenge to her claim that, studied from a feminist theological approach, the texts dealing with the origin of Jesus, Matthew 1:1-25 and Luke 1:20-56 and 3:23-38 originally were about an illegitimate conception and not about a miraculous virginal conception. It challenges her claim that the intention of the evangelists was to transmit the tradition that Jesus, the Messiah, was illegitimately conceived during the time when Mary, his mother, was still betrothed to Joseph. My argument is that, looked at from a womanist Afrocentric perspective, these infancy narratives were about the legitimate conception of Jesus and nothing else. They were, rather, aimed at passing down the tradition that Jesus, charged with illegitimacy, was, in fact, conceived legitimately. The charge only served to defame Jesus. In other words, that charge had a social and not a biological value. An investigation of the understanding of Jesus's birth in the Mediterranean world in chapter 4 shows that that charge came solely from Jesus's opponents whether they were Jewish or non-Jewish. An examination of pre-marital sexual relations and marriage customs among African societies in chapter 4 shows that Joseph could be the biological father of Jesus. He probably made Mary pregnant before or during the betrothal period. Given that, Joseph could not only be the legal father of Jesus but his biological father too. Chapter 5 and 6 of this study look at Matthew's and Luke's reading of the virgin birth. There is really nothing suggesting that the evangelists intended to write about the illegitimacy of Jesus. They were clearly writing about the legitimate conception of Jesus


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    Atherosclerosis is an insidious disease with serious morbidity and mortality including ischemic heart disease, stroke, and myocardial infarction. This condition is progressive and can start early in life eventually leading to large plaques and arterial occlusion. Two key components of this process are the immune system and lipids; in particular, LDL which accumulates within the arterial walls and macrophages which recognize and engulf oxidized-LDL (oxLDL) to form foam cells. Knowing that certain antibodies directed against bacterial antigens such as phosphorylcholine (PC) and cardiolipin (CL) show opsonizing cross-reactivity with oxLDL it can be proposed that there is a link between immune responses to periodontal bacteria and atherosclerosis. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether periodontal bacteria are capable of inducing serum antibodies potentially involved in cardiovascular diseases; specifically, IgG anti-PC, IgG anti-CL, and IgM anti-CL. To test this, 17 subjects with chronic periodontitis received scaling and root planing in conjunction with blood sample analysis to determine if periodontal instrumentation resulted in changes in these serum antibodies. If plaque bacteria are responsible for an immune response then serum levels of these antibodies should decrease following periodontal therapy. We found that serum levels of IgG anti-PC, IgG anti-CL, and IgM anti-CL decreased following periodontal scaling and root planing but the change was significant only for IgG anti-PC (P 0.045). Serum levels of IgM anti-CL approached significance (P 0.054). The results support the hypothesis that the immune response to periodontal bacterial microflora contributes to serum concentrations of antiphospholipid antibodies

    The role of clusters in addressing societal challenges in European regions

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    Clusters can play an important role in helping regions to address transformative innovation policies in Europe focusing mainly on (i) sustainability (ii) smart specialization, promoting diversified specialization and (ii) reshoring/regionalization of value chains to secure economic sustainability and resilience. Clusters can be considered key change agents in aligning cluster policies with transformative policies and repositioning their role in the innovation policy landscape.publishedVersio

    Mõjutamispsühholoogia reklaamis ja selle juriidiline regulatsioon Eestis

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    En kvalitativ studie av ansattes erfaring med forsvarlig oppfølging av sårbare brukere under pandemien

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om å forske på forsvarlighet oppfølging av en sårbar brukergruppe ved et middel stort NAV-kontor i Stavanger. Den sårbare brukergruppa er de som mottar ytelser og oppfølging etter Lov om sosiale tjenester. Behovene for å nå NAV-kontoret hos denne brukergruppa kan oppstå fort fordi de akutt kan stå uten mat eller bolig. Forskningsperioden er satt fra 12.03.20 til 12.03.21. Tidspunktet er valgt ut fra at 12.03.2020 ble de fleste ansatte i NAV sendt hjem på hjemmekontor på grunn av en pågående pandemi. Gjennom kvalitative intervju av fem ansatte, har jeg forsøkt å tilnærme meg problemstillingen rundt ansattes erfaring og opplevelse av forsvarlig oppfølging mot den aktuelle brukergruppa. Formålet med oppgaven er både å få vurdert deres syn på forsvarligheten i forskningsperioden, og å se på om erfaringene de har gjort, har gitt nye måter å organisere oppfølgingsarbeidet på som kan ha samme eller bedre kvalitet. Det teoretiske grunnlaget har jeg hentet fra lederteorier hvor jeg har sett på ulik ledelse og hva dette kan bety for den ansatte. Jeg har beskrevet den norske modellen med stor grad av medbestemmelse og dens betydning for de ansatte. Og siden organisasjonen NAV er bygd opp etter byråkratiske prinsipper, har jeg redegjort for organisasjonsteorier, spesielt den som er knyttet til den byråkratiske modellen. Til slutt har jeg beskrevet NAV og betydningen det kan ha at lederskapet til NAV-kontorene er delt mellom stat og kommune. Forskningen har gitt et inntrykk av at de ansatte opplever at forsvarligheten er ivaretatt i forskningsperioden. I analysen og drøftingen reflekteres funnene opp mot det teoretiske grunnlaget. Funnene i forskningen viser også at informantene har fått prøvd ut nye måter å organisere arbeidet på som kan gi bedre kvalitet i møtet med brukerne.This research project examines the experiences related to investigating the prudence of a vulnerable user group at a NAV office in Stavanger. The vulnerable user group are those who receive benefits and follow-up under the Law og Social Services. The need to reach the NAV office of this user group can arise quickly because they can be acutely left without food or housing. The research period is set from 12.03.20 to 12.03.21. The time has been selected on the basis that on 12.03.2020 most NAV employees were sent home to home-office due to an ongoing pandemic. Through qualitative interviews og five employees, I have tried to approach the issue of employees' experience of proper follow-up towards the relevant user group. The purpose of the thesis is both to assess their views on the prudence during the research period, and to look at whether the experiences they have made have given new ways of organizing follow-up work that may have the same or better quality. The theoretical basis I have drawn from management theories where I have looked at different management and what this can mean for the employee. I have described the Norwegian model with a high degree of co-determination and its importance to the employees. And since the organization NAV is based on bureaucratic principles, I have accounted for organizational theories, especially the one related to the bureaucratic model. Finally, I have described NAV and the importance it may have that the leadership of the NAV offices is divided between state and municipality. The research has given the impression that employees feel that prudence has been safeguarded during the research period. In the analysis and discussion, the findings are reflected against the theoretical basis. The findings of the research also show that the informants have been able to try out new ways of organizing the work that can provide better quality in the encounter with the users


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of taxpayer compliance Individuals in reporting the Annual Income Tax Returns and to find out the efforts in optimizing the receipt of letter reporting Annual Income Tax Notice at the Primary Tax Office Maumere. This research is quantitative descriptive. This research implemented at the Maumere Primary Tax Service Office. Data collection using the method of documentation, interviews and literature study. Technique data analysis used descriptive quantitative using ratios, yang including: Income Tax received and Letter Reporting Compliance ratio Timely Income Tax Annual Notice. The results of this study indicate that the level of compliance of individual taxpayers Personal in reporting the Annual Income Tax Return is seen from (1) the ratio Compliance with the reporting of the Annual Income Tax Return can be categorized less compliant with an average of 48.98%, (2) Letter Report Compliance ratio. The on-time Annual Income Tax Period shows the average below 60% namely 4.681%

    Heats of K/Ca And K/Pb Exchange in Two Tropical Soils as Measured By Flow Calorimetry

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    Flow calorimetry can provide useful information about surface chemical reactions in soils that cannot be obtained readily by other methods. When flow calorimetry is conducted over a range of surface coverages, different sorption heats can be calculated to yield information about how binding energies vary with coverage, i.e., surface heterogeneity. The purpose of this study was to determine heats of exchange for K/Ca and K/Pb systems using flow calorimetry and to evaluate the degree of surface heterogeneity with respect to cation exchange. Surface horizon samples from a Typic Acrorthox and Typic Tropohumult from Puerto Rico were used. Lead was adsorbed specifically in both soils, but no adsorption heat was detected for this reaction in either soil. However, heats associated with reversible cation exchange between K and Pb were observed. Heats for K/Ca exchange were greater than those generated for K/Pb exchange in both soils. Heats of exchange were greater in the Ultisol than in the Oxisol. The differential heats of exchange were independent of exchange composition for both K/Pb and K/Ca exchange in the Oxisol, indicating that all cation exchange sites were similar energetically. In the Ultisol, the differential heats of exchange increased as exchangeable K decreased, indicating that the exchange sites were not similar energetically. These differences were attributed to the presence of smectite in the Ultisol, which was able, in part, to collapse when saturated with K

    Estilos de vida inadequados em pacientes com diabetes descontrolada

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    A Equipe de Saúde da Família São Judas Tadeu está localizada no município de Juiz de Fora/MG, sendo referência para 342 famílias, totalizando 3152 pessoas. A diabetes mellitus é um problema de grande magnitude em nossa área de abrangência, por isso foi objeto do presente estudo visando a elaboração de um plano de ação voltado para a mudança de estilo de vida e de hábitos alimentares. A metodologia utilizada foi a realização de um diagnóstico situacional e elaboração de um plano de ação com as seguintes etapas: priorização do problema identificado, propósito de mudança dos problemas prioritários, planejamento de tarefas ou atividades concretas com participação intersetorial e da população, desenho de um plano de ação com data de cumprimento e determinação de pessoa participante e do responsável da execução de tarefas. Elaborar este plano foi uma oportunidade de planejamento estratégico, vivenciada por toda a equipe da UAPS São Judas Tadeu. Foram momentos de reflexão; de olhar com foco nas soluções para os problemas enfrentados pela população em nossa área de abrangência; momento de analisar a nossa atuação enquanto equipe de saúde; momento de cresciment

    DUI it yourself: innovation and activities to promote learning by doing, using, and interacting within the firm

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    Implicitly or explicitly, much innovation policy treats investments in research and development (R&D) as the main input to innovation. A large body of literature in innovation studies has challenged this, highlighting the role of external sources of innovation and of innovation based on learning by doing, using and interacting (DUI). Nonetheless, there has been limited empirical research on how firm-internal activities to promote DUI affect innovation, and on how important such activities are relative to internal R&D and to external sources of knowledge. We also know little about how internal DUI activities interact with internal R&D and with external knowledge sourcing. We address these gaps using Norwegian Community Innovation Survey data from 2010. We find that internal DUI is an important driver of new-to-market product innovation. Further, the results show partial substitution effects between internal DUI and internal R&D, as well as between internal DUI and external DUI