299 research outputs found

    Application of a mathematical model for ergonomics in lean manufacturing

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article \u201cIntegrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line\u201d (Botti et al., 2017) [1]. The results refer to the application of the mathematical model for the design of lean processes in hybrid assembly lines, meeting both the lean principles and the ergonomic requirements for safe assembly work. Data show that the success of a lean strategy is possible when ergonomics of workers is a parameter of the assembly process design

    Assembly line balancing and activity scheduling for customised products manufacturing

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    Nowadays, end customers require personalized products to match their specific needs. Thus, production systems must be extremely flexible. Companies typically exploit assembly lines to manufacture produces in great volumes. The development of assembly lines distinguished by mixed or multi models increases their flexibility concerning the number of product variants able to be manufactured. However, few scientific contributions deal with customizable products, i.e., produces which can be designed and ordered requiring or not a large set of available accessories. This manuscript proposes an original two-step procedure to deal with the multi-manned assembly lines for customized product manufacturing. The first step of the procedure groups the accessories together in clusters according to a specific similarity index. The accessories belonging to a cluster are typically requested together by customers and necessitate a significant mounting time. Thus, this procedure aims to split accessories belonging to the same cluster to different assembly operators avoiding their overloads. The second procedure step consists of an innovative optimization model which defines tasks and accessory assignment to operators. Furthermore, the developed model defines the activity time schedule in compliance with the task precedencies maximizing the operator workload balance. An industrial case study is adopted to test and validate the proposed procedure. The obtained results suggest superior balancing of such assembly lines, with an average worker utilization rate greater than 90%. Furthermore, in the worst case scenario in terms of customer accessories requirement, just 4 line operators out of 16 are distinguished by a maximum workload greater than the cycle time

    A two-step methodology for product platform design and assessment in high-variety manufacturing

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    The delayed product differentiation (DPD) recently rose as a hybrid production strategy able to overcome the main limits of make to stock (MTS) and make to order (MTO), guaranteeing the management of high variety and keeping low storage cost and quick response time by using the so-called product platforms. These platforms are a set of sub-systems forming a common structure from which a set of derivative variants can be efficiently produced. Platforms are manufactured and stocked following an MTS strategy. Then, they are customized into different variants, following an MTO strategy. Current literature proposes methods for platform design mainly using optimization techniques, which usually have a high computational complexity for efficiently managing real-size industrial instances in the modern mass customization era. Hence, efficient algorithms need to be developed to manage the product platforms design for such instances. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a two-step methodology for product platforms design and assessment in high-variety manufacturing. The design step involves the use of a novel modified algorithm for solving the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem and of the k-medoids clustering for the identification of the platform structure and the assignment of the variants to the platforms. The platforms are then assessed against a set of industrial and market metrics, i.e. the MTS cost, the variety, the customer responsiveness, and the variants production cost. The evaluation of the platform set against such a combined set of drivers enhancing both company and market perspectives is missing in the literature. A real case study dealing with the manufacturing of a family of valves exemplifies the efficiency of the methodology in supporting companies in managing high-variety to best balance the proposed metrics

    Machine learning for multi-criteria inventory classification applied to intermittent demand

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    Multi-criteria inventory classification groups inventory items into classes, each of which is managed by a specific re-order policy according to its priority. However, the tasks of inventory classification and control are not carried out jointly if the classification criteria and the classification approach are not robustly established from an inventory-cost perspective. Exhaustive simulations at the single item level of the inventory system would directly solve this issue by searching for the best re-order policy per item, thus achieving the subsequent optimal classification without resorting to any multi-criteria classification method. However, this would be very time-consuming in real settings, where a large number of items need to be managed simultaneously. In this article, a reduction in simulation effort is achieved by extracting from the population of items a sample on which to perform an exhaustive search of best re-order policies per item; the lowest cost classification of in-sample items is, therefore, achieved. Then, in line with the increasing need for ICT tools in the production management of Industry 4.0 systems, supervised classifiers from the machine learning research field (i.e. support vector machines with a Gaussian kernel and deep neural networks) are trained on these in-sample items to learn to classify the out-of-sample items solely based on the values they show on the features (i.e. classification criteria). The inventory system adopted here is suitable for intermittent demands, but it may also suit non-intermittent demands, thus providing great flexibility. The experimental analysis of two large datasets showed an excellent accuracy, which suggests that machine learning classifiers could be implemented in advanced inventory classification systems

    Predictive maintenance: a novel framework for a data-driven, semi-supervised, and partially online prognostic health management application in industries

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    Prognostic Health Management (PHM) is a predictive maintenance strategy, which is based on Condition Monitoring (CM) data and aims to predict the future states of machinery. The existing literature reports the PHM at two levels: methodological and applicative. From the methodological point of view, there are many publications and standards of a PHM system design. From the applicative point of view, many papers address the improvement of techniques adopted for realizing PHM tasks without covering the whole process. In these cases, most applications rely on a large amount of historical data to train models for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Industries, very often, are not able to obtain these data. Thus, the most adopted approaches, based on batch and off-line analysis, cannot be adopted. In this paper, we present a novel framework and architecture that support the initial application of PHM from the machinery producers’ perspective. The proposed framework is based on an edge-cloud infrastructure that allows performing streaming analysis at the edge to reduce the quantity of the data to store in permanent memory, to know the health status of the machinery at any point in time, and to discover novel and anomalous behaviors. The collection of the data from multiple machines into a cloud server allows training more accurate diagnostic and prognostic models using a higher amount of data, whose results will serve to predict the health status in real-time at the edge. The so-built PHM system would allow industries to monitor and supervise a machinery network placed in different locations and can thus bring several benefits to both machinery producers and users. After a brief literature review of signal processing, feature extraction, diagnostics, and prognostics, including incremental and semi-supervised approaches for anomaly and novelty detection applied to data streams, a case study is presented. It was conducted on data collected from a test rig and shows the potential of the proposed framework in terms of the ability to detect changes in the operating conditions and abrupt faults and storage memory saving. The outcomes of our work, as well as its major novel aspect, is the design of a framework for a PHM system based on specific requirements that directly originate from the industrial field, together with indications on which techniques can be adopted to achieve such goals

    Unsupervised fault detection and prediction of remaining useful life for online prognostic health management of mechanical systems

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    Predictive maintenance allows industries to keep their production systems available as much as possible. Reducing unforeseen shutdowns to a level that is close to zero has numerous advantages, including production cost savings, a high quality level of both products and processes, and a high safety level. Studies in this field have focused on a novel approach, prognostic health management (PHM), which relies on condition monitoring (CM) for predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of a system. However, several issues remain in its application to real industrial contexts, e.g., the difficulties in conducting tests simulating each fault condition, the dynamic nature of industrial environments, and the need to handle large amounts of data collected from machinery. In this paper, a data-driven methodology for PHM implementation is proposed, which has the following characteristics: it is unsupervised, i.e., it does not require any prior knowledge regarding fault behaviors and it does not rely on pre-trained classification models, i.e., it can be applied "from scratch"; it can be applied online due to its low computational effort, which makes it suitable for edge computing; and, it includes all of the steps that are involved in a prognostic program, i.e., feature extraction, health indicator (HI) construction, health stage (HS) division, degradation modelling, and RUL prediction. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied in this study to a rotating component. The study results, in terms of the ability of the proposed approach to make a timely prediction of component fault conditions, are promising

    Feature-based multi-class classification and novelty detection for fault diagnosis of industrial machinery

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    Given the strategic role that maintenance assumes in achieving profitability and competitiveness, many industries are dedicating many efforts and resources to improve their maintenance approaches. The concept of the Smart Factory and the possibility of highly connected plants enable the collection of massive data that allow equipment to be monitored continuously and real-time feedback on their health status. The main issue met by industries is the lack of data corresponding to faulty conditions, due to environmental and safety issues that failed machinery might cause, besides the production loss and product quality issues. In this paper, a complete and easy-to-implement procedure for streaming fault diagnosis and novelty detection, using different Machine Learning techniques, is applied to an industrial machinery sub-system. The paper aims to offer useful guidelines to practitioners to choose the best solution for their systems, including a model hyperparameter optimization technique that supports the choice of the best model. Results indicate that the methodology is easy, fast, and accurate. Few training data guarantee a high accuracy and a high generalization ability of the classification models, while the integration of a classifier and an anomaly detector reduces the number of false alarms and the computational time


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    Nowadays, efforts to reduce the resource depletion and environmental emissions from the anthropic activities, are mandatory for sustainable development pattern. Among the key resources to save, pure water is as important as critic due to its scarcity and its essential role for life and growth. Furthermore, during the last decades, rising attention from institutions and industries is toward solutions for the water intensity decrease and wastewater recovery. This paper proposes the environmental assessment of an innovative wastewater collection and purification plant tailored to a mid-size beverage industry aiming at locally closing the loop of the water chain, allowing its recirculation and local reuse. After the description of the functional module features, sizes and design, based on a prototype actually working in Italy, the paper follows the ISO 14040 standards to develop an environmental assessment of the industrial system, quantifying the impact rising from the manufacturing and the assembly phases

    The 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean: new data from a Corchia speleothem (Apuan Alps, central Italy)

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    Abstract. We present new data on the 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean from Corchia Cave (Tuscany, central Italy) stalagmite CC27. The stalagmite was analyzed for stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) and trace elements (Mg, U, P, Y), with all proxies showing a coherent phase of reduced cave recharge between ca. 4.5 and 4.1 ka BP. Based on the current climatological data on cyclogenesis, the reduction in cave recharge is considered to be associated with the weakening of the cyclone center located in the Gulf of Genoa in response to reduced advection of air masses from the Atlantic during winter. These conditions, which closely resemble a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) type of configuration, are associated with cooler and wetter summers with reduced sea warming, which reduced the western Mediterranean evaporation during autumn–early winter, further reducing precipitation

    Food Product Traceability by Using Automated Identification Technologies

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    Part 7: Perceptional SystemsInternational audienceFood product traceability from harvesting, through food processing to the final food product and through the retailer to the end consumer is a significant process that has to ensure food quality and safety. The traceability enables the end consumer to get information from all previous stages of the food product, leading back to the food origin. In this way, the consumer can get more information on the specific product, and thus make a decision on buying the product that suits his needs best. In each stage of the food product transformation, important data are generated for the subsequent chain participants. Every participant should have access to certain data of interest to them. This can be achieved by using automated identification technologies, like RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) and two-dimensional barcode, which allow faster data acquisition, recording and reading processes than the traditional means, and provide up-to-date information in each product stage. Furthermore, these technologies allow the possibility to record large amounts of data for each specific product, and interconnect all the data in a database. This paper discusses the process of providing traceability of food products, recording, transmitting and reading of significant data in specific stages of food product chain, with the application of automated identification technologies, including the possibility of obtaining additional data from a database, according to appropriate access level of each participant in the chain. Advantages and disadvantages of automated identification technologies are discussed, with the proposition for using specific technologies in certain food product stages
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