39 research outputs found

    Aspectos simbólicos da cultura jurídica na antiga Mesopotâmia

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    In ancient Mesopotamia, legal practices and representations were not an autonomous domain and kept close relation with the religious and magic universe. Far from being irrational, the symbolic elements are deciding factors so that legal formulations may be expressed according to principles which organize the society’s mentality.In ancient Mesopotamia, legal practices and representations were not an autonomous domain and kept close relation with the religious and magic universe. Far from being irrational, the symbolic elements are deciding factors so that legal formulations may be expressed according to principles which organize the society’s mentality.Na antiga Mesopotâmia, as práticas e representações jurídicas não constituíram uma esfera autônoma e mantiveram estreitas relações com o universo religioso e mágico. Longe de serem elementos irracionais, os elementos simbólicos são decisivos para que as formulações jurídicas se expressem em conformidade com os princípios que organizam mentalmente a sociedade. &nbsp

    History from things: recent trends in the study of material culture

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    Le palais bédouin à Mari : royauté urbaine et chefferie tribale

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    International audienceDepuis les premiers temps de l'historiographie de l'ancienne Mésopotamie, à partir du milieu du XIXe siècle, les palais et les groupes tribaux ont été reconnus comme étant des éléments importants de la structure sociale et de la dynamique du pouvoir. Pourtant, le poids attribué à chacun d'eux et, par conséquent, l'effort analytique investi pour expliquer l'un et l'autre ne peuvent nullement être comparés. Cette asymétrie a fait de la royauté urbaine le synonyme d'un pouvoir plus stable et continu, et aussi plus central pour l'organisation sociale, reléguant la chefferie tribale à un plan secondaire et surtout à un rôle de dysfonction, de dérangement de l'ordre politique

    Decreto do rei: por uma nova interpretação da ingerência do palácio na economia babilônica antiga

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    Os decretos reais do período Babilônico Antigo foram objeto de uma literatura diversificada, na qual aparecem, predominantemente, como resultado de uma crise econômica e como tentativa do soberano de restabelecer a justiça social. Nem sempre houve, porém, uma adequada distinção das várias medidas que compunham os decretos. Neste artigo, procura-se reavaliar, sob nova luz, a natureza e a dimensão da ingerência do rei na vida econômica doméstica, em particular na circulação dos bens imobiliários.The royal edicts from the Ancient Babylonian period have been subject of a diversified literature, in which they are treated, predominantly, as the result of an economic crisis and the sovereign's trial to re-establish social justice. An adequate distinction of the different measures that summed up the edicts was not always pursued. The present article tries to revaluate, under a new perspective, the nature and dimension of the king's interference into the household economy, particularly regarding the circulation of real estate possessions


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