1,674 research outputs found

    Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater Through Irrigation for Ohio Communities

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    Sand Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment for Ohio Communities

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    Paul Johnson’s Brief Life of Churchill

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    Vitamin D and responses to inhaled fluticasone in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Ken M Kunisaki1,3, Thomas S Rector2,41Pulmonary Section, 2Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research and Center for Epidemiologic and Clinical Research, Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, 4Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USABackground: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) demonstrate variable responses to inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). The factors contributing to this variability are not well understood. Data from patients with asthma have suggested that low 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels contribute to a lack of ICS response in asthma. The objective of this study was to determine whether serum levels of 25(OH)D were related to ICS responses in patients with COPD.Methods: A total of 60 exsmokers with severe COPD (mean forced expiratory volume in one second [FEV1] 1.07 L, 36% of predicted) spent 4 weeks free of any ICS, followed by 4 weeks of ICS use (fluticasone propionate 500 µg twice daily). Spirometry was performed prior to and after 4 weeks of ICS use. Blood 25(OH)D levels were measured prior to ICS use and examined for relationships to changes in FEV1 following the 4 weeks of ICS use.Results: The mean 25(OH)D level was 23.3 ± 9.3 ng/mL. There was a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (35%) and deficiency (40%). There was no relationship between baseline 25(OH)D and changes in FEV1 following 4 weeks of ICS.Conclusion: Baseline 25(OH)D does not contribute to the variation in short-term FEV1 responses to ICS in patients with severe COPD.Keywords: COPD, androstadienes, anti-inflammatory agents, spirometr

    "Dark Matter" in Accretion Disks

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    Using Spitzer Space Telescope photometric observations of the eclipsing, interacting binary WZ Sge, we have discovered that the accretion disk is far more complex than previously believed. Our 4.5 and 8 micron time series observations reveal that the well known gaseous accretion disk is surrounded by an asymmetric disk of dusty material with a radius approximately 15 times larger than the gaseous disk. This dust ring contains only a small amount of mass and is completely invisible at optical and near-IR wavelengths, hence consisting of "dark matter". We have produced a model dust ring using 1 micron spherical particles with a density of 3 g/cm3^3 and with a temperature profile ranging from 700-1500K. Our discovery about the accretion disk structure and the presence of a larger, outer dust ring have great relevance for accretion disks in general, including those in other interacting binary systems, pre-main sequence stars, and active galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures (3 in color). Accepted to Ap

    Image-Processing Techniques for the Creation of Presentation-Quality Astronomical Images

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    The quality of modern astronomical data, the power of modern computers and the agility of current image-processing software enable the creation of high-quality images in a purely digital form. The combination of these technological advancements has created a new ability to make color astronomical images. And in many ways it has led to a new philosophy towards how to create them. A practical guide is presented on how to generate astronomical images from research data with powerful image-processing programs. These programs use a layering metaphor that allows for an unlimited number of astronomical datasets to be combined in any desired color scheme, creating an immense parameter space to be explored using an iterative approach. Several examples of image creation are presented. A philosophy is also presented on how to use color and composition to create images that simultaneously highlight scientific detail and are aesthetically appealing. This philosophy is necessary because most datasets do not correspond to the wavelength range of sensitivity of the human eye. The use of visual grammar, defined as the elements which affect the interpretation of an image, can maximize the richness and detail in an image while maintaining scientific accuracy. By properly using visual grammar, one can imply qualities that a two-dimensional image intrinsically cannot show, such as depth, motion and energy. In addition, composition can be used to engage viewers and keep them interested for a longer period of time. The use of these techniques can result in a striking image that will effectively convey the science within the image, to scientists and to the public.Comment: 104 pages, 38 figures, submitted to A

    Using Insights from Psychology and Language to Improve How People Reason with Description Logics

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    Inspired by insights from theories of human reasoning and language, we propose additions to the Manchester OWL Syntax to improve comprehensibility. These additions cover: functional and inverse functional properties, negated conjunction, the definition of exceptions, and existential and universal restrictions. By means of an empirical study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a number of these additions, in particular: the use of solely to clarify the uniqueness of the object in a functional property; the replacement of and with intersection in conjunction, which was particularly beneficial in negated conjunction; the use of except as a substitute for and not; and the replacement of some with including and only with noneOrOnly, which helped in certain situations to clarify the nature of these restrictions

    De oppervlakte paradox, een filosofische verkenning. Mede-zijn, processen van identificatie en performativiteit binnen een rizomatische werkelijkheid, met aandacht voor de mens, verschil en burgerschapspraktijken

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    Dit verkennende onderzoek is ontstaan uit een persoonlijke en professionele interesse in de vraag hoe en of mensen beter om kunnen (leren) gaan met (onderlinge) verschillen? Deze vraag heeft zich sinds eind jaren negentig ontwikkeld tot een wetenschappelijk-filosofische zoektocht naar processen die bij identificatie een actieve rol spelen en de wijze waarop mensen omgaan met door hen ‘gekende’ identiteiten. In de aandacht voor burgerschap in Nederland kunnen we bijvoorbeeld zien dat ruimte voor andere ideeën door deze processen en gewenning aan het zicht worden ontrokken. Dit heeft consequenties voor de wijze waarop naar burgerschap en (onderlinge) verschillen wordt gekeken en daardoor wat we hiertoe weten te organiseren en te leren. Om zicht te krijgen op de processen die hierbij een actieve rol spelen, en de relevantie toe te lichten van de filosoof Jean-Luc Nancy zijn denken over mede-zijn en gemeenschappelijkheid, hebben we eerst gekeken naar enkele wetenschappelijke en filosofische stromingen die zich bezig (hebben ge)houden met identiteit, verschil en gemeenschappelijkheid. Constructies die hierbij in de analyse in meer of mindere mate aan bod komen zijn de ‘ik’ van de auteur, de humanistiek, de mens, het zelf, Nederland, burgerschap en de casussen burgerschapsvorming en inburgering. We zullen argumenteren dat we door ruimtelijk en meerdimensionaal te gaan denken enkele lessen kunnen trekken over ons begrensde (binaire) denken dat processen van zingeving en humanisering ten goede kan komen. Hierbij hebben we ons conceptueel en methodologisch laten inspireren door de filosoof Gilles Deleuze. Deze scriptie probeert daarbij in de oefening tegelijkertijd enkele aanknopingspunten te geven voor een ruimtelijke wijze van denken en analyse
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