114 research outputs found

    Stem Cell-Derived Respiratory Epithelial Cell Cultures as Human Disease Models

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    Advances in stem cell biology and the understanding of factors that determine lung stem cell self-renewal have enabled long-term in vitro culture of human lung cells derived from airway basal and alveolar type II cells. Improved capability to expand and study primary cells long-term, including in clonal cultures that are recently derived from a single cell, will allow experiments that address fundamental questions about lung homeostasis and repair, as well as translational questions in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer research. Here, we provide a brief history of post-natal lung epithelial cell culture and describe recent methodological advances, including some culture systems that now permit clonal cell culture. We further discuss the applications of primary cultures in defining ‘normal’ epithelium, modelling lung disease and in future cell therapies

    Regenerating human epithelia with cultured stem cells: feeder cells, organoids and beyond

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    More than 40 years ago, Howard Green's laboratory developed a method for long-term expansion of primary human epidermal keratinocytes by co-culture with 3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This was a breakthrough for in vitro cultivation of cells from human skin and later for other epithelia: it led to the first stem cell therapy using cultured cells and has vastly increased our understanding of epithelial stem cell biology. In recent years, new methods to expand epithelial cells as three-dimensional organoids have provided novel means to investigate the functions of these cells in health and disease. Here, we outline the history of stratified epithelial stem cell culture and the application of cultured epithelial cells in clinical therapies. We further discuss the derivation of organoids from other types of epithelia and the challenges that remain for the translation of novel stem cell therapies toward clinical use

    Characterisation of cultured airway basal cells to understand their role in human lung disease

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    Many studies in murine models have demonstrated the stem/progenitor cell potential of basal epithelial cells in the tracheal epithelium. However, significant differences exist between the respiratory epithelium in rodents and in man. As such, novel methodologies to study respiratory epithelial cells in vitro are in demand. Here, methods to expand primary human airway epithelial cells from living patients were explored. The field’s ‘gold standard’ medium for the expansion of these cells was poorly suited to initiating cultures from small endobronchial biopsy samples as proliferation of these cells was time-limited and after a short period of time in culture the cells became senescent and were unable to regenerate a mucociliary epithelium in organotypic models. As such, an alternative epithelial culture strategy involving the co-culture of human airway epithelial cells with 3T3-J2 fibroblast feeder cells in medium containing a small molecule Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor was assessed. This method greatly improved both the yield and the longevity of human basal cell cultures and allowed multipotent airway differentiation in organotypic assays after longer culture periods than conventional techniques. Finally, the epithelial-stromal cell crosstalk between epithelial cells and feeder cells in co-culture was investigated, revealing a novel signalling pathway involving phosphorylation of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signalling

    Concise review: the relevance of human stem cell-derived organoid models for epithelial translational medicine

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    Epithelial organ remodeling is a major contributing factor to worldwide death and disease, costing healthcare systems billions of dollars every year. Despite this, most fundamental epithelial organ research fails to produce new therapies and mortality rates for epithelial organ diseases remain unacceptably high. In large part, this failure in translating basic epithelial research into clinical therapy is due to a lack of relevance in existing preclinical models. To correct this, new models are required that improve preclinical target identification, pharmacological lead validation, and compound optimization. In this review, we discuss the relevance of human stem cell-derived, three-dimensional organoid models for addressing each of these challenges. We highlight the advantages of stem cell-derived organoid models over existing culture systems, discuss recent advances in epithelial tissue-specific organoids, and present a paradigm for using organoid models in human translational medicine

    Airway Basal Cell Heterogeneity and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Basal cells are stem/progenitor cells that maintain airway homeostasis, enact repair following epithelial injury, and are a candidate cell-of-origin for lung squamous cell carcinoma. Heterogeneity of basal cells is recognized in terms of gene expression and differentiation capacity. In this Issue, Pagano and colleagues isolate a subset of immortalized basal cells that are characterized by high motility, suggesting that they might also be heterogeneous in their biophysical properties. Motility-selected cells displayed an increased ability to colonize the lung in vivo The possible implications of these findings are discussed in terms of basal cell heterogeneity, epithelial cell migration, and modeling of metastasis that occurs early in cancer evolution. Cancer Prev Res; 10(9); 1-3. ©2017 AACR.See related article by Pagano et al., p. 514

    Optimized isolation and expansion of human airway epithelial basal cells from endobronchial biopsy samples

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    Autologous airway epithelial cells have been used in clinical tissue-engineered airway transplantation procedures with a view to assisting mucosal regeneration and restoring mucociliary escalator function. However, limited time is available for epithelial cell expansion due to the urgent nature of these interventions and slow epithelial regeneration has been observed in patients. Human airway epithelial cells can be expanded from small biopsies or brushings taken during bronchoscopy procedures but the optimal mode of tissue acquisition from patients has not been investigated. Here, we compare endobronchial brushing and endobronchial biopsy samples in terms of their cell number and their ability to initiate basal epithelial stem cell cultures. We found that direct co-culture of samples with 3T3-J2 feeder cells in culture medium containing a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, Y-27632, led to the selective expansion of greater numbers of basal epithelial stem cells during the critical early stages of culture than traditional techniques. Additionally, we established the benefit of initiating cell cultures from cell suspensions, either using brushing samples or through enzymatic digestion of biopsies, over explant culture. Primary epithelial cell cultures were initiated from endobronchial biopsy samples that had been cryopreserved prior to the initiation of cell cultures, suggesting that cryopreservation could eliminate the requirement for close proximity between the clinical facility in which biopsy samples are taken and the specialist laboratory in which epithelial cells are cultured. Overall, our results suggest ways to expedite epithelial cell preparation in future airway cell therapy or bioengineered airway transplantation procedures

    The secret lives of cancer cell lines

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    The extent of genetic and epigenetic diversity between and within patient tumors is being mapped in ever more detail. It is clear that cancer is an evolutionary process in which tumor cell intrinsic and extrinsic forces shape clonal selection. The pre-clinical oncology pipeline uses model systems of human cancer - including mouse models, cell lines, patient-derived organoids and patient-derived xenografts - to study tumor biology and assess the efficacy of putative therapeutic agents. Model systems cannot completely replicate the environment of human tumors and, even within the same cancer model, data are often irreproducible between laboratories. One hypothesis is that ongoing evolutionary processes remain relevant in laboratory models, leading to divergence over time. In a recent edition of Nature, Ben-David and colleagues showed that different stocks of widely used cancer cell lines - a staple of cancer research over many decades - are highly heterogeneous in terms of their genetics, transcriptomics and responses to therapies. The authors find compelling evidence of positive selection based on ongoing mutational processes and chromosomal instability. Thus, the origin, culture conditions and cumulative number of population doublings of cell lines likely influence experimental outcomes. Here, we summarize the key findings of this important study and discuss the practical implications of this work for researchers using cell lines in the laboratory

    Progress towards non-small-cell lung cancer models that represent clinical evolutionary trajectories

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    Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Although advances are being made towards earlier detection and the development of impactful targeted therapies and immunotherapies, the 5-year survival of patients with advanced disease is still below 20%. Effective cancer research relies on pre-clinical model systems that accurately reflect the evolutionary course of disease progression and mimic patient responses to therapy. Here, we review pre-clinical models, including genetically engineered mouse models and patient-derived materials, such as cell lines, primary cell cultures, explant cultures and xenografts, that are currently being used to interrogate NSCLC evolution from pre-invasive disease through locally invasive cancer to the metastatic colonization of distant organ sites

    Airway tissue engineering for congenital laryngotracheal disease

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    Regenerative medicine offers hope of a sustainable solution for severe airway disease by the creation of functional, immunocompatible organ replacements. When considering fetuses and newborns, there is a specific spectrum of airway pathologies that could benefit from cell therapy and tissue engineering applications. While hypoplastic lungs associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) could benefit from cellular based treatments aimed at ameliorating lung function, patients with upper airway obstruction could take advantage from a de novo tissue engineering approach. Moreover, the international acceptance of the EXIT procedure as a means of securing the precarious neonatal airway, together with the advent of fetal surgery as a method of heading off postnatal co-morbidities, offers the revolutionary possibility of extending the clinical indication for tissue-engineered airway transplantation to infants affected by diverse severe congenital laryngotracheal malformations. This article outlines the necessary basic components for regenerative medicine solutions in this potential clinical niche

    Autologous Cell Seeding in Tracheal Tissue Engineering

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    Purpose of Review: There is no consensus on the best technology to be employed for tracheal replacement. One particularly promising approach is based upon tissue engineering and involves applying autologous cells to transplantable scaffolds. Here, we present the reported pre-clinical and clinical data exploring the various options for achieving such seeding. Recent Findings: Various cell combinations, delivery strategies, and outcome measures are described. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the most widely employed cell type in tracheal bioengineering. Airway epithelial cell luminal seeding is also widely employed, alone or in combination with other cell types. Combinations have thus far shown the greatest promise. Chondrocytes may improve mechanical outcomes in pre-clinical models, but have not been clinically tested. Rapid or pre-vascularization of scaffolds is an important consideration. Overall, there are few published objective measures of post-seeding cell viability, survival, or overall efficacy. Summary: There is no clear consensus on the optimal cell-scaffold combination and mechanisms for seeding. Systematic in vivo work is required to assess differences between tracheal grafts seeded with combinations of clinically deliverable cell types using objective outcome measures, including those for functionality and host immune response
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