503 research outputs found

    Establishing comprehensive oral assessments for children with safeguarding concerns.

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    The dental profession is well placed to contribute important information in child protection cases but no previous research has been reported that assesses the volume or impact of this information. Comprehensive oral assessment clinics were introduced and established as an integral part of comprehensive medical assessments for children with welfare concerns in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. An assessment protocol and standardised paperwork for comprehensive oral assessments were developed to enhance information sharing and patient access to appropriate care. Two cases are presented and discussed to demonstrate the value of dental input

    Independent external validation of the QRISK3 cardiovascular disease risk prediction model using UK Biobank

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    Objective To externally evaluate the performance of QRISK3 for predicting 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the UK Biobank cohort. Methods We used data from the UK Biobank, a large-scale prospective cohort study of 403 370 participants aged 40–69 years recruited between 2006 and 2010 in the UK. We included participants with no previous history of CVD or statin treatment and defined the outcome to be the first occurrence of coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack, derived from linked hospital inpatient records and death registrations. Results Our study population included 233 233 women and 170 137 men, with 9295 and 13 028 incident CVD events, respectively. Overall, QRISK3 had moderate discrimination for UK Biobank participants (Harrell’s C-statistic 0.722 in women and 0.697 in men) and discrimination declined by age (<0.62 in all participants aged 65 years or older). QRISK3 systematically overpredicted CVD risk in UK Biobank, particularly in older participants, by as much as 20%. Conclusions QRISK3 had moderate overall discrimination in UK Biobank, which was best in younger participants. The observed CVD risk for UK Biobank participants was lower than that predicted by QRISK3, particularly for older participants. It may be necessary to recalibrate QRISK3 or use an alternate model in studies that require accurate CVD risk prediction in UK Biobank

    Identification and validation of DOCK4 as a potential biomarker for risk of bone metastasis development in patients with early breast cancer.

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    Skeletal metastasis occurs in around 75% of advanced breast cancers, with the disease incurable once cancer cells disseminate to bone, but there remains an unmet need for biomarkers to identify patients at high risk of bone recurrence. This study aimed to identify such a biomarker and to assess its utility in predicting response to adjuvant zoledronic acid. We used quantitative proteomics (SILAC-MS), to compare protein expression in a bone-homed variant (BM1) of the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 with parental non-bone-homing cells to identify novel biomarkers for risk of subsequent bone metastasis in early breast cancer. SILAC-MS showed that Dedicator of cytokinesis protein 4 (DOCK4) was upregulated in bone-homing BM1 cells, confirmed by Western blotting. BM1 cells also had enhanced invasive ability compared with parental cells which could be reduced by DOCK4-shRNA. In a training Tissue Microarray (TMA) comprising 345 patients with early breast cancer, immunohistochemistry followed by Cox regression revealed that high DOCK4 expression correlated with histological grade (p=0.004) but not oestrogen receptor status (p=0.19) or lymph node involvement (p=0.15). A clinical validation TMA used tissue samples and the clinical database from the large AZURE adjuvant study (n=689). Adjusted Cox regression analyses showed that high DOCK4 expression in the control arm (no zoledronic acid) was significantly prognostic for first recurrence in bone (HR 2.13, 95%CI 1.06-4.30, p=0.034). No corresponding association was found in patients who received zoledronic acid (HR 0.812, 95%CI 0.176-3.76, p=0.790), suggesting that treatment with zoledronic acid may counteract the higher risk for bone relapse from high DOCK4-expressing tumours. High DOCK4 expression was not associated with metastasis to non-skeletal sites when these were assessed collectively. In conclusion, high DOCK4 in early breast cancer is significantly associated with aggressive disease and with future bone metastasis and is a potentially useful biomarker for subsequent bone metastasis risk

    CAPG and GIPC1: Breast Cancer Biomarkers for Bone Metastasis Development and Treatment.

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    Bone is the predominant site of metastasis from breast cancer, and recent trials have demonstrated that adjuvant bisphosphonate therapy can reduce bone metastasis development and improve survival. There is an unmet need for prognostic and predictive biomarkers so that therapy can be appropriately targeted.Potential biomarkers for bone metastasis were identified using proteomic comparison of bone-metastatic, lung-metastatic, and nonmetastatic variants of human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. Clinical validation was performed using immunohistochemical staining of tumor tissue microarrays from patients in a large randomized trial of adjuvant zoledronic acid (zoledronate) (AZURE-ISRCTN79831382). We used Cox proportional hazards regression, the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function, and the log-rank test to investigate associations between protein expression, clinical variables, and time to distant recurrence events. All statistical tests were two-sided.Two novel biomarker candidates, macrophage-capping protein (CAPG) and PDZ domain-containing protein GIPC1 (GIPC1), were identified for clinical validation. Cox regression analysis of AZURE training and validation sets showed that control patients (no zoledronate) were more likely to develop first distant recurrence in bone (hazard ratio [HR] = 4.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.1 to 9.8, P < .001) and die (HR for overall survival = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.01 to 3.24, P = .045) if both proteins were highly expressed in the primary tumor. In patients with high expression of both proteins, zoledronate had a substantial effect, leading to 10-fold hazard ratio reduction (compared with control) for first distant recurrence in bone (P = .008).The composite biomarker, CAPG and GIPC1 in primary breast tumors, predicted disease outcomes and benefit from zoledronate and may facilitate patient selection for adjuvant bisphosphonate treatment

    Modelling the Protective Efficacy of Alternative Delivery Schedules for Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Infants and Children

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    BACKGROUND: Intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is recommended by WHO where malaria incidence in infancy is high and SP resistance is low. The current delivery strategy is via routine Expanded Program on Immunisation contacts during infancy (EPI-IPTi). However, improvements to this approach may be possible where malaria transmission is seasonal, or where the malaria burden lies mainly outside infancy. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A mathematical model was developed to estimate the protective efficacy (PE) of IPT against clinical malaria in children aged 2-24 months, using entomological and epidemiological data from an EPI-IPTi trial in Navrongo, Ghana to parameterise the model. The protection achieved by seasonally-targeted IPT in infants (sIPTi), seasonal IPT in children (sIPTc), and by case-management with long-acting artemisinin combination therapies (LA-ACTs) was predicted for Navrongo and for sites with different transmission intensity and seasonality. In Navrongo, the predicted PE of sIPTi was 26% by 24 months of age, compared to 16% with EPI-IPTi. sIPTc given to all children under 2 years would provide PE of 52% by 24 months of age. Seasonally-targeted IPT retained its advantages in a range of transmission patterns. Under certain circumstances, LA-ACTs for case-management may provide similar protection to EPI-IPTi. However, EPI-IPTi or sIPT combined with LA-ACTs would be substantially more protective than either strategy used alone. CONCLUSION: Delivery of IPT to infants via the EPI is sub-optimal because individuals are not protected by IPT at the time of highest malaria risk, and because older children are not protected. Alternative delivery strategies to the EPI are needed where transmission varies seasonally or the malaria burden extends beyond infancy. Long-acting ACTs may also make important reductions in malaria incidence. However, delivery systems must be developed to ensure that both forms of chemoprevention reach the individuals who are most exposed to malaria

    Development of aggression subtypes from childhood to adolescence:a group-based multi-trajectory modelling perspective

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    The persistence of elevated subtypes of aggression beginning in childhood have been associated with long-term maladaptive outcomes. Yet it remains unclear to what extent there are clusters of individuals following similar developmental trajectories across forms (i.e., physical and indirect) and functions (i.e., proactive and reactive) of aggression. We aimed to identify groups of children with distinct profiles of the joint development of forms and functions of aggression and to identify risk factors for group membership. A sample of 787 children was followed from birth to adolescence. Parent and teacher reports, and standardised assessments were used to measure two forms and two functions of aggressive behaviour, between six and 13 years of age along with preceding child, maternal, and family-level risk-factors. Analyses were conducted using a group-based multi-trajectory modelling approach. Five trajectory groups emerged: non-aggressors, low-stable, moderate-engagers, high-desisting, and high-chronic. Coercive parenting increased membership risk in the moderate-engagers and high-chronic groups. Lower maternal IQ increased membership risk in both high-desisting and high-chronic groups, whereas maternal depression increased membership risk in the high-desisting group only. Never being breastfed increased membership risk in the moderate-engagers group. Boys were at greater risk for belonging to groups displaying elevated aggression. Individuals with chronic aggression problems use all subtypes of aggression. Risk factors suggest that prevention programs should start early in life and target mothers with lower IQ. Strategies to deal with maternal depression and enhance positive parenting while replacing coercive parenting tactics should be highlighted in programming efforts

    Serum aminoacylase-1 is a novel biomarker with potential prognostic utility for long-term outcome in patients with delayed graft function following renal transplantation.

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    Early identification and prognostic stratification of delayed graft function following renal transplantation has significant potential to improve outcome. Mass spectrometry analysis of serum samples, before and on day 2 post transplant from five patients with delayed graft function and five with an uncomplicated transplant, identified aminoacylase-1 (ACY-1) as a potential outcome biomarker. Following assay development, analysis of longitudinal samples from an initial validation cohort of 55 patients confirmed that the ACY-1 level on day 1 or 2 was a moderate predictor of delayed graft function, similar to serum creatinine, complementing the strongest predictor cystatin C. A further validation cohort of 194 patients confirmed this association with area under ROC curves (95% CI) for day 1 serum (138 patients) of 0.74 (0.67–0.85) for ACY-1, 0.9 (0.84–0.95) for cystatin C, and 0.93 (0.88–0.97) for both combined. Significant differences in serum ACY-1 levels were apparent between delayed, slow, and immediate graft function. Analysis of long-term follow-up for 54 patients with delayed graft function showed a highly significant association between day 1 or 3 serum ACY-1 and dialysis-free survival, mainly associated with the donor–brain–dead transplant type. Thus, proteomic analysis provides novel insights into the potential clinical utility of serum ACY-1 levels immediately post transplantation, enabling subdivision of patients with delayed graft function in terms of long-term outcome. Our study requires independent confirmation

    Magnetism, FeS colloids, and Origins of Life

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    A number of features of living systems: reversible interactions and weak bonds underlying motor-dynamics; gel-sol transitions; cellular connected fractal organization; asymmetry in interactions and organization; quantum coherent phenomena; to name some, can have a natural accounting via physicalphysical interactions, which we therefore seek to incorporate by expanding the horizons of `chemistry-only' approaches to the origins of life. It is suggested that the magnetic 'face' of the minerals from the inorganic world, recognized to have played a pivotal role in initiating Life, may throw light on some of these issues. A magnetic environment in the form of rocks in the Hadean Ocean could have enabled the accretion and therefore an ordered confinement of super-paramagnetic colloids within a structured phase. A moderate H-field can help magnetic nano-particles to not only overcome thermal fluctuations but also harness them. Such controlled dynamics brings in the possibility of accessing quantum effects, which together with frustrations in magnetic ordering and hysteresis (a natural mechanism for a primitive memory) could throw light on the birth of biological information which, as Abel argues, requires a combination of order and complexity. This scenario gains strength from observations of scale-free framboidal forms of the greigite mineral, with a magnetic basis of assembly. And greigite's metabolic potential plays a key role in the mound scenario of Russell and coworkers-an expansion of which is suggested for including magnetism.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures, to be published in A.R. Memorial volume, Ed Krishnaswami Alladi, Springer 201